For Honor Close Beta: Mordhau Edition
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If anyone has a spare key for PC I would really appreciate it.
Ubisoft: GyroZeppeli123
might be too late tho
There will obviously be animal engravings/heraldry for armor, but what about skeletal?
Lemme try do it, what's your email?
When's Mordhau fuck
Go through the actual ubisoft page, that page is not available in my country and I got invited to the beta.
Also, WTF almost 20 fucking Giga Bytes for a Beta? Don't tell ubisoft but I'm not buying the game, I don't have any money right now.
if anyone has a spare PC key: Kiwimonsoon
tried SCARS but there don't seem to be any more codes available.
What's the gameplay like? Is it any good? 'Cause I remember an earlier beta/alpha of this coming out a while ago and Sup Forums was absolutely shitting on it.
Mixed reviews. I personally enjoyed it greatly, but your experience might differ.
I got keys for niggas with top shelf sad panda links. Show me what you got
You asked for it
>Mordhau shilling thread
>Shiller is not even here
hes late for once
>WTF almost 20 fucking Giga Bytes for a Beta
It's basically the game as far as resources are concerned you goober
pls gib key.
i gave out 3 keys on Sup Forums in the last test but they didn't give me one this time even though I filled out all the feedback surveys and everything
here you go user-kun, enjoy
>It's basically the game as far as resources are concerned you goober
actually a lot of assets are missing, or at least were in the last tests
Love you friendo exhentai.org
>He doesn't know if this in an actual shilling thread or not so he's probably afraid to comment
_ ____ __ __ ___________
Is this loss?
got a key thanks so much
How do I invite anons?
go here: forhonor.ubisoft.com
change region accordingly
Shamless begging by a PC cuck here.
Fucking underage newfags think everything is loss
Who /conqueror/ here?
Some say mordhaufag was bit by radioactive vaporware and has the superpower of shilling in his blood.
You're always searching for a brother, aren't you? Sadly I must pledge myself to the Lawbringers.
I have a key to give out. Just post your uplay account and 5 reasons traps are the best and being a massive cock lusting homo is truly a joy.
fucking degenerate, male dog on girl or burst
relax desu
still need a key?
Wardens, user.
A flail can only get you so far.
>still need a key?
Yeah, hoping my patience is rewarded
so you managed to change your name from Guest to something else?
1.you're a fgt
2.op is a fgt
3,4,&6: weak
Thanks bro.
_ ____ __ __ ___________
fuck man I really hope one of you niggas is willing to part with a key for ps4/pc
I really want to get in and learn conqueror so I dont disgrace his name when the full game is released
fuck me for not adding my name
As long as you're a knight. You're alright.
I have 2 keys for PS4, post your Ubishit name.
Just to sweeten the deal. I'm also a fan of gunpla. Post your Pla and get a key. Snap fags not welcome.
What kind of retard holds the sword by the blade? Don't the devs know you'll cut your hand like that?
Proof to double sweeten the deal.
>promised key to a friend
>he took forever to make a fucking uplay account so I gave up and invited random anons from threads
>now he wants in
nobody here would happen to have a spare PC key
I'll suck your dick for it
uplay: CuteAnimeGirl
Does the scars website not give out anymore codes?
idk what fantasy land you live in but swords are normally blunted wedges that you wail on people with
If bait you totally got me
Enjoy it.
It's okay.
Seems like it would get really old quickly.
>Sup Forums
>shitting on something
so it's good?
Why is his hand past the parrying hooks. They're literally there to protect your hands when holding the weapon like that
I assume you can change factions easily right?
Post YFW you got into beta and have spare codes
Thank you user, do you have any requests that I might be able to do.
nothing retarded please
I got in the beta, but where can I see my spare codes for friends?
the faction you're contributing to can only be changed once a month after the war ends
doesn't inhibit which character you play if that's what you mean
for what platform?
1. Pussy is gross
2. Dicks are great
3. Cute boys are way better than girls
4. Cute boys
5. Dick
hand over the codes and no one gets hurt.
Yes, just enjoy it and pray for a good final game.
MFW I ignore the keybeggers when I've got 2 spare codes
>tfw saving one key as if I actually have friends who want to play with me
>you're esponsible for those you invite
>could get banned for breaking NDA in previous tests
>could get banned if friend makes symbol a dick/swastika
>92 MB/s
do you have a single fact to back that up
It's such a nice feeling, huge weight off my shoulder. Now I can just get comfy and wait for it to start.
So am I out of luck if I didn't get an email yet?
check business tabs if you're gmail
it's already finito
glad I made ya happy!
It says you're already invited, don't be greedy.
It would be even nice if I wasn't behind in uni
The threads from TT2 where dude got blocked for that guy who released the video.
>Still no key.
I think they don't not like me
>If bait you totally got me
When will For Honorâ„¢ get an Archer class??
Never, hopefully.
what platform?
try that sentence again friend
What is the archer, throwing spear perks for 4v4...
You should be, you just made my entire weekend desu
Willing to trade a ps4 key for a PC key.
>have a rewards system
>beta code isn't one of them
just saw this beta invite in my mail a couple hours ago, preloading now. is this game anything like chivalry?
I thought they were only giving out keys to Youtubers and streamers
>breaking NDA
fuck off and stop trying to ruin peoples fun
I liked chivalry for a while before getting tired of it
I also really like this game
they're not really alike