Webm thread. Post webms

Webm thread. Post webms.

Where do I learn those moves?


Slut subclass






What her main class?

why are her feet so big?

Fuck off shill.

Its the art style.



it's an awful art style

Because the the game makes the characters hands and feet large and emphasized since you attack with them.

so the hitboxes make more sense.

wtf i hate street fighter now

>"it's not bad design, it's my art-style!"

Shit tier tbqh

is this game gonna make it to PC?



No and we don't want your weebshit, falseflagger.

did it hit a fucking drone??? How could this have happened?



Dis nigga serious?

What a bunch of fucking idiots. Hope nobody below got hurt of had their property damaged.

Retards hit a 2nd plane. Amazingly not one person died.

So there's sauce for this, right?

More room for kisses.

Dead or Alive Xtreme 3.

I recognize Marie, but who did the animation

The new Sombra buff sure does look fun


2 single-engines collided. Dunno if true, but supposedly nobody died.

Team ninja you retard. It's the VR update.

dude I just want to feel the sensation of being a little girl once in my life!

ps4 owners are the saddest.

This is literally the only console exclusive I'm jealous of. Goddammit.


Tons of better games on PC already.

>samefagging this hard

only one samefag here and that's you

Who is that?

>I watch and pay camwhores

Kill yourself. Seriously, you are the lowest form of life.

>playing OW on console
>Doesn't immediately start moving when the game starts, to continue foot teasing
wew, women are holding themselves back more than men ever could.



semen demon

>impressive free fall style gameplay
>zero conflict from enemy engagement

Is this where games are heading now? Fighting = bad, so don't include it? Have the anti-bully police strangled the industry this much?

If all there is to this game is directional falling, I'm calling it hot garbage.

literally says it in the file name

What game is this?

titan fall 2

Yes user. The game doesn't have any combat. It's literally just a falling simulator.

Infinite Warfare

>trees out of nowhere

So sad for console fags.

Because she doesn't actually play. She just uses the medium to be able to stream on Twitch, and not on some shady cam whoring webcam site.

>no good pc exclusives to play

feel so sad for pcucks

can't wait until mary kish is showing her soles for $1 twitch donations



holy fuck this is worse than san andreas with a scratched disc


I thought Capcom said they were going to reduce jiggle physics?

No, they were reducing it on the versus menu because that actually was a legitimate glitch (you could see everything that had physics explode on the 2P side, not just boobs)

bonita is still jiggly

what is momentum?

how do you access the vr mode? I have the latest update. do you need a ps4 pro? wtf

>Expects weebshit to have any gameplay

She IS the gravity
Fuck your logic

But the game is an action game with fighting and bosses and shit what the fuck are you talking about


user, do you honestly believe that people here would actually take the time out of their life to watch gameplay on youtube instead of judging the game based on a 30 sec webm?

You have to download the VR support patch first. It's Japan PSN only.

the shitty shaders ruin it.

>someone had to program this
>a TEAM of guys in QA had to watch this hundreds of times
>someone out there is buying these games

what the fuck

Yes. That is an accurate webm as the game is, in fact, Dark souls.

>Japanese game

>he doesn't buy this game
You some kind of normalfag roastie?

/r/ing windjammers webms

I know, right? Those games just suck. Get with the times.

How the fuck are you surprised? The porn industry is huge for a reason.



the fuck are you talking about shaders? do you know what that word means? everything looks fine minus possibly adding some subsurface scattering to the skin shader

your mom

I didn't say it sucked.
Most jap games have a lot of fanservice

>once great game developers are stuck making shitty pole dancing games
>you don't even get to control the pole dance
>just literally sit there and watch someone pole dance
>cant tip
>cant manage the strip club
>jap game devs forced to make trash for weebs like neptunia and sangran carooga

gaming in the east is dead.

why dont you just watch 3d porn at this point

Because it's all fucking gross to me.

Fuck off you retard. It's a team ninja game. They're making currently nioh and their next game will be the FE musou. They are a company that makes money by selling video games and apparently the quality of games they make didn't drop seeing how everyone is pretty hyped about nioh.

you sound as dumb as the weebs who go "ree! everything in the west is a david cage movie game! the east has real games!"


It's just a .webm with no context, how does that trigger (you)?

>Uses the flagship set for each game
>Fucks it up with DS3 by using an awful looking cut set

They are doing this because that's what they love.

not mine, but i saw this the other day

team ico is the only good devs left in japan