What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
>"Use Weapon Arts"
Seriously. Quickstep or any other WA that involved movement lets you ignore the sludge.
This, equip dagger and quickstep through the whole thing
How are you even supposed to beat these guys, geez
>literally just ignore the enemies because they one shot you, who fucking cares about exploration lmao
Ah, so that's what they meant.
I do use the quickstep by the way, I took the screenshot.
>literally just ignore the enemies
Or you could obtain proficiency. fight them up close or smash 'em with fire arrows.
aggro them, run back to the nearest bonfire, and spam arrows as they're unable to run up that tiny pillar thing next to the spawn
Expecting people to fight difficult enemies in such a convoluted area is retarded.
Blighttown is convoluted area done right because nothing one shots you so you can just kill everything as you go and be able to explore the area at your own pace while connecting the dots.
In short DS1 was a fluke and Miyazaki is a hack.
try wearing armor
>nothing one shots you
>I'm a big fat fucking casual and my own inadequacies and shortcomings don't exist. >Anything I find difficult or unfair is because the developers are incompetent.
Lel, git gud retard. I fought all the enemies and won. Then explored mothafucking too. Oh wait... if you defeat your enemies they win...
Have you guys ever noticed how soft it feels? Must be wonderful to the touch haha, I wonder how it would feel if you touched it somewhere private haha, just for the randomness factor lol
They don't, even in light armor
DaS 3 is the worst in the series at pretty much everything but controls.
But why?
>at pretty much everything but controls.
Then how I have this shitty input lag whenever I try to roll? I'm playing the game with stable 60fps on high settings and so far this is an absolute fun killer for me.
>It's all the dev's fault! I'm not to blame for being an incompetent little casual.
Nobody is debating that DaS3 is the weakest of the three games you fucking goober. We're just rightly holding you over the coals for being such a gigantic pussy.
People had problems with these bad_dragons?
The fuck, you really need to git gud.
Their attacks are so easy to avoid if you use the trees for cover. The poison barely hurts as well/
>But why?
Because I like to play the game? You still stupid though. Nothing one shotted me, I think I had like 14 or 15 points of health not even emberred.
You on the other hand don't even know that not weaning a piece of armor gives you a penalty and you take more damage for each missing piece. What the fuck are doing only wearing pants, sunshine? Get dressed and get good, faggot. You should have a +3 at that point too.
I'm wearing pants only because stamina regeneration matters in a rollspam game.
That's not me btw.
Wearing less doesn't help with it you fucking retard.
I'm just kidding I like this game. No need to get triggered.
Well it did in DS2.
i loved that bossfoight
being able to invade in the bossfight when you equipped their armorset and weapon was the best thing about it by far
>being able to invade in the bossfight when you equipped their armorset and weapon was the best thing about it by far
Wait, you mean you can do that legit without exploiting a bug or something?
babies first DS3 is gonna derail any logic user you know this