Run in power armor

>Run in power armor
>Get tired
>Shoot with power armor
>Suffer recoil

Bravo bethesda

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I'm not trying to defend Bethesda, but you have no idea how Fallout power armor works do you?

It literally only provides enough power so the user isn't hindered more than normal. It's not an automated robot shell that you ride around in.

not interested in discussing how realistic things are in an alternate universe post-apoc game w/ talking mutants and ghouls

How did that Nuka factory or whatever DLC end up? Are the quests actually fun?

Fair enough. Explain the recoil tho

You get less recoil than normal.

Unless you had some sophisticated mechanisms to read your thoughts rather the canon method of responding to physical user input you couldn't stop recoil entirely as it would need to lock the hydraulics.

You could just have a manual mechanism to lock them - but without a mind-control method, how would you unlock the hydraulics again afterward...

Even in a suit of power armor, if your arms are in a relaxed state (which they should be when you fire a gun or risk hurting your self) you should still experience some recoil.

But depends on the weapon. I can't remember noticing a huge amount of recoil animation when using smaller guns in Power Armor. What weapon is giving you notable recoil animation?

>"Ur the new raider boss"
>"nah I don't want to be an evil slaver cunt"
>Kill them all
>"Omg thank you, we're finally free, now we can turn this place into a free trader town"
>They continue to do the same slave shit they were doing before
>They never even take their collars off
>Ghoul with fucking Skyrim raise dead magic

That's as far as I got

>>"Ur the new raider boss"
>"nah I don't want to be an evil slaver cunt"
>Kill them all
>"Omg thank you, we're finally free, now we can turn this place into a free trader town"
>They continue to do the same slave shit they were doing before
>They never even take their collars off
Legit criticism.

>Ghoul with fucking Skyrim raise dead magic
He was a glowing one, do you even lore?

It's shit

Like so shit that even the cool theme park aesthetics couldn't carry it. It's essentially a million fetch quests with no story and a even worse story if you play as a good character.

Extremely disappointing since Far Harbour showed that Bethesda can reach Obsidian quality when it comes to Fallout.

The radio station is legit amazing - for all ~25 minutes of recorded content.
The premise is pretty good.
The first world (doesn't matter which) is fine.
The second is meh
By 3 you're ready to quit for doing the same shit all over again and seeing exactly where the DLC is headed.

The radio is fucking awesome. to obad about the rest.

I don't remember necromancy being in 1 and 2, though it's been a while since i played them.

But really the whole quest and dlc was just annoying to me.

Wasn't Far Harbour a rip off of a New Vegas mod though?

It wasn't.
But it was in the design documents for Van Buren and Bethesda implemented it FO3 and beyond.
Obsidian also kept the use in FNV.

Argue that it wasn't it 1/2 all you want, but the fact it was to be in Van Buren AND the released FO3 cements it in canon.

IIRC part of it was but the rest wasn't

One of the quests, yeah. The one in the hotel with the robobrains. Fucking bullshit how they got away with that, but it's not like mods have copyright protection.

Really? What mod?

I'm not denying it isn't canon, Bethesda hold the license now. Doesn't mean it's not pants on head retarded.

>battery died
>have to get out to replace it

>power armor loses charge
>lore states power armor charges can last decades


Autumn Leaves

Since when? The core replaces itself.

It might be pants on head retarded (it is) but it's Black Isle's retardation, they made the concept.

True enough. Still doesn't beat the kid in the fridge on the retardation meter.

Did Bethesda actually pay attention to anything from Van Buren? They seem like the type to just ignore it and come up with their own stuff.

Just one quest. The rest was a ripoff of Point Lookout.

IIRC it wasn't supposed to be *all* Glowing Ones, just that Glowing Ones had the capability but most didn't know/couldn't use it.

Bethesda probably just read glowing ones revival and thought HOLY SHIT NECRO YES!

Bethesda definately read the VB design documents, but it's also pretty clear they didn't treat them with a whole lot of respect either.

those are 200years old batteries user

>It literally only provides enough power so the user isn't hindered more than normal.

It always applies a massive strength buff though.

>tfw crafting is a part of Fallout forever
>tfw Fallout has been flanderized to hell
>tfw Fallout is doomed to being a le wacky shoot n' loot



>trump gets elected emperor of mankind
>celebrate by joining librarian order
>get sent with my brothers to a space hulk
>ready to purge degeneracy from the galaxy
>start running down a corridor and get tired after 4 seconds
>everything is quiet, continue exploring
>get ambushed by genestealing liberal scum
>open fire with space machine pistol
>recoil all the fuck over the place
>charge into degenerates like a freight train
>watch their I'm With Her and Feel the Bern stickers go flying
>stop charging after a few feet because out of stamina again
>go back to machine pistol with spread pattern like a shotgun

Space Hulk: Deathwing is an awesome game to play with friends when you want to curb stomp neo-prog trash, but the power armor the space marines and librarians use does all the work, therefor you don't run out of stamina running. Also, they can lock the joints of the armor to make recoil non-existent.

Meanwhile, every inch of the Space Hulk is unique, there are no cookie cutter hallways, the weapons are authentic, the gear is authentic, the game is oozing with detail for lifelong fans, but they fucked up monumentally on the run and recoil.

>.gif related, me purging degeneracy

Yeah, that's some bullshit.

Fucking Fallout 3 children are retarded. Someone needs to bomb Bethesda buildings.

>relax arms
>recoil gives you free nose job

>He actually has no idea how power armor is suppose to work.

this must be you

I hope you kill yourself next time

>Bethesda will never get off their pride and just consult Tim Cain and the lads to make a good story that will be praised by both old time Fallout fans and new casuals entering the market
>They don't even have to credit them much just give "special thanks to" or "consulted by"
Life is unfair

I have never even held a gun, why is this man pointing a loaded one at his hand.

why is this game ugly. They don't own idtech 6?

>You could just have a manual mechanism to lock them - but without a mind-control method, how would you unlock the hydraulics again afterward...
A button inside the suits gauntlets/gloves

He's probably a murikan.

But seriously, did he really think his hand would stop a bullet? Which makes me wonder, can ANYONE just buy a gun in the US? Do they make psychological tests and a few hours training before allowing someone to use one?

How would you make sure the pilot didn't accidentally press that button?

Which are supposed to have 300 years worth of juice in them still.
Although to be fair, they said that about the fission batteries, while for some reason we are now using some sorta fusion cores or something in this one.

You get recoil with a laser rifle. Your charachter has nerve damage.

Depends on the state and depends on whether or not it's a pistol, rifle, shotgun, or something scary and tactical looking.

Bethesda has no fucking clue what they want the lore to be. In some situations Ghouls need to eat and act like regular people. In other situations they don't because 50's wacky nuclear comic relief shit. All within Fallout 4. They're fucking retarded and talking about "Lore" in Fallout 4 is just as retarded.

He's a fucking idiot who was checking the laser sight to see if it was working properly.

Well he is a vet, maybe he suffers a minor PTSD surge every time he pulls a trigger?
"I remember the Yangtze... I also remember that poor boy who got ambushed by robo-crabs... Poor boy got torn to bits while still screaming..."

This is what you get when you have a team of "writers" who don't give a fuck about each other.

He was showing how the safety works but didnt properly clear the pistol. Play dumb games win dumb prizes.

pretty easily

I started tensing up as soon as I saw him putting his hand infront of the gun.

Holy fucking shit. Why didn't the RSO fucking stop him?


You realize guns natural need to recoil or they jam right? Pls tell me Sup Forums isn't this retarded.

He probably was the rso. Assholes think they are invincible gods

>can't use persuasion to convince the raider gang to not rebel and use promises to get everyone to stay on the same team, citing earlier results

>can't kick everyone else out of the commonwealth

Limp wristing faggot detected. How are those stovepipes going for you?
Both big dlc have better quest than the main game, still shit for a rpg, around fallout 3 quality I'd say.

holy shit that fucking triggers me no pun intended


I mean I'm a Britfag but always go to a range when I'm in the US (at least twice a year). Never met a bad one desu, one of them made fun of me for being short though.

Btw, who doesn't anyone react to the fact that you are running around in power armor?
Shouldn't the first thing in a raiders mind as they see a power armored behemoth jogging towards them be "Awwww shiet"?
Shouldn't they try to resolve the situation peacefully/run away?
And in general, why is nobody ever intimidated when they are talking to a steel giant that is towering over them?

Is this specifically about the DLC and changes?

There are like 2-3 lines citizens say, all of them sound unimpressed, and Raiders run at you the same way shouting something about metal men.

Danse doesn't even blink if you show up at the police station in it.

I sincerely like Fallout 3 and 4 but Pete Hines needs to be fired and replaced asap.

This is the one thing that I've wanted in a game for ages. Imagine becoming so feared that you become recognised and people cower in your presence. Bandits run or hide or desperately plead as you walk towards them.

Pete Hines doesn't really have anything to do with the video games, though.

No? The way he talks I was under the impression he had a hand in the writing or directed it.

Why was he doing that?

He has no hand in how the games are made, not in any direct sense.

Someone post the super mutant photoshop pls

Bethesda is a huge company, and the bigger the company, the more removed the management is from the actual workings of it.

The video is about the hole game itself, including the dlc.
Part Three: Synthetic Choices - 54:25, is about Far harbor
Part Four: Commonwealth's Wonderland - 1:39:03, is about Nuka Cola

He's the marketing and PR guy

Which means he failed in his role. Any real PR guy would have just said
>Oh, I'll have the writing team look into it, thanks for your concern though!
And then done nothing

This is the marketing and PR guy?
How can they do everything so wrong so constantly?

But Power armor isn't really that good, it doesn't even increase your strength past stroung human limitations.
Hell, does it even carry it's own weight in the older fallouts?

yeah because power armor isn't op enough as is right?

It's called sacrificing realism for game balance dipshit

honestly, didn't even notice that. too much other shit that caught my attention.
fo4 is literally the only fallout game that i played and didn't play through

If you engage an autist and give him an ounce of validation thy will haunt you in perpetuity.
You either ignore them or shut them down.

This one got shut down.

Power bump.

>yeah because power armor isn't op enough as is right?

Not an excuse, simply make power armor rare, expensive to repair and fusion core rare.

The first time I played the game I literally never took the PA off because of how common fusion cores are and how easy it is to repair

>game balance
It's a single player game. Late-game shit shouldn't be balanced.

You know you can do cool shit without trampling over lore you idiot

By the end of the game you should be lord death of the wasteland.

Have you look at iron man suit ? Literally the same.
Its all about redirect power to buff certain parts for certain situations and power efficiency. Cant provide all things at once. The rest just enough for you to use power armor comfortably

The only good thing about Fallout 4 was that power armor actually looks like power armor and not just some dinky looking be all end all all out of the other armors you can find

>Which makes me wonder, can ANYONE just buy a gun in the US? Do they make psychological tests and a few hours training before allowing someone to use one?

No but most people that end up buying guns already have experience with guns. Unless you're a nigger because for some reason no matter how hard you try to teach a nigger how to use a gun they always do stupid shit like loading the gun with the wrong calibers+mismatched ammo brands and that's if they can even figure out how to load the gun.