All the shitters who abused Dva are now panicking because they are no longer able to 1v1 the entire cast + abuse Dvas...

All the shitters who abused Dva are now panicking because they are no longer able to 1v1 the entire cast + abuse Dvas armour and do whatever they want since they actually get punished for mindless aggression now.

Get fucked.

haven't played in a while (not since before she became OP if it's true she became OP), what's been changed about her?

Sorry I liked to have fun senpai :/

And? S76 could solo her easy anyways

Patch notes?

So she's back to being shit like she originally was.

>Nerf this
>They actually nerfed it

She's better than she originally was still

>finally balanced her
>nerfed her because all the noobs complained
Time to uninstall Overwatch again

They gave her more health and movement speed while firing in the november patch which made only killable to 76.
Even a fully charged Zarya / Symmetra beam would take an eternity to de-mech her. And Anas healing made it near impossible to do so, since she would always fly away once her armour dropped.
So she could practically do anything she wanted the entire game.

Now they swapped her armour and health around and reduced her dmg per pellet by 1. She can't 1v1 the entire cast easily anymore and actually has to think about consequences of being aggro now.

All they have to do is make her 300 health 300 shield and no one would have complained

what is the difference between health and armor and blue life?

>Never dies because fuckton of armor, ult-negation, and incredible mobility

Uh huh.


Because having only 1 hero in the game that is already near mandatory to have able to 1v1 her is great for balance / team composition.

I'm pretty sure Armor health takes like, half damage, regular health is just regular health, and the blue bar is shields that regen after a few seconds.

Health is just normal hp. It dissapears before the other 2.

Armour is yellow and reduces damage above 10 by 5 and halfs damage below 10. It also has a +50% heal rate attribute too. Armour stacks ontop of health but under shields.

Shields stack ontop of armour and recharge after 3 seconds of no damage taken.

Health is normal.
Shields regenerate.
Armor reduces damage each hit by 50% but only up to 5 damage. So basically it is stronger against many small hits, but not much different against strong single hits.

Armor reduces damage by 5 per hit and comes out before health.


From the beginning:
First they were like "SHE'S NOT STRONG ENOUGH" and gave her a few, well deserved buffs. Her defense matrix was improved, as was her ult. It made her a solid harasser tank, and so it was a good place for her to be.

But for some reason, they went "NO SHE'S STILL NOT STRONG ENOUGH!" So they upped her movement speed while firing and gave her an extra 100 armor. This made her far more powerful, even though she didn't need to be.

So after a lot of whining, they took away 200 of her armor and gave her 200 health instead, and decreased her individual shot damage but gave her more shots. On top of that, the only issue she ever really had (her BIG AS FUCK critical hitbox) is still there. Meaning that now she has to be right up in an enemy's face to hurt them, but she has all the durability of a paper towel.

Basically they buffed her in all the wrong ways, but instead of just reversing the buff, they nerfed her sideways and made her useless.

Blizzard has no idea how to balance. Film at 11.
At least they finally nerfed Ana and buffed Sombra.


>a fully charged zarya / symmetra would take an eternity to demech her.

Are you stupid or just really fucking bad at the game

>roadhog can 1v1 the entire cast
>zarya can 1v1 the entire cast
>winston can 2v1 squishies
>reinhardt can 1v1 most of the cast if they are stupid enough to get close

> can't 1v1 anyone because bronze babbies like you whined and whined

I don't think you can make her worse than original unless you make her DM a cooldown again. DM is the only reason to still consider playing her.

>mfw Reaper can finally three burst her ass into oblivion and hog can just one burst her now

The only one who needed a nerf now is that poo in loo customer support cunt.

She was never actually shit to begin wih. Scrubs just couldn't get with her, and niggas just ragged alot on her because people thought they were sticking it to the waifufags.

Sombra got buffed? Madre de Dio.

I know, man

Feels great

>one burst
>the equivalent of 800 health
What? was completely useless on release and up until her buff. Just because you managed to get a sick killstreak with her once doesn't mean she was viable.

You know Ana could heal at the same rate as a 100 Charge Zarya and a fully ramped up Symmetra M1 with the grenade right?
And even without the grenade effect it still cut the damage in half. And that isn't even taking Dvas armour further reducing damage into consideration or Lucios passive healing.

Still way better defense matrix, increased move speed while shooting, and your ult doesn't kill you.

>Her shield generators stack in No Limits
Such a simple fix. Fucking hell.

>mfw the hook works better now

Hog life is best life.

they literally just made it so she can hack things quicker and the CD is shorter for hacking in general. Still doesn't fix her shit damage, loud as fuck announcing voice out of invis, and disrupted hacking when a leaf brushes up against her.


>Cooldown has been reduced from 12 seconds to 8 seconds
>Time it takes to hack a target has been decreased from 1 second to 0.8 seconds

>he thought roadhog's hook was getting a nerf
>he now brings people closer and can now oneshot 275 health heroes and below


I know a friend who mained Dva since release and achieved rank 72 in Season 1 with her when Matrix was a fucking cooldown ability.

Everyone who cried about her being shit are just shit at playing her but will not not play her because waifu power.

>main Dva
>destroy everything in my path
>she gets buffed
>destroy everything in my path
>she gets nerfed
>still destroy everything in my path

Faggots need to git gud and realize each character has theyre own playstyle. If you main Mccree and switch to fucking Winston, SURPRISE, youre going to need to change up your play tactics.

>can one hit Anafags now with hook

feels fucking good man

I must admit that for someone who only just began to playing this was a major setback.

>still destroy everything in my path

do you thank your Ana pocket healer user?

My brother sometimes plays Ana so yeah.

Its mostly my bud maining mercy though.

>previously shit hero gets enabled by some other broken hero and finds a place in the metagame
>nerf said hero instead of the broken hero
>now when the meta changes again the shit hero will be even MORE shitty
loving every laugh

>Just because you managed to get a sick killstreak with her once

This was consistent, Even since day 1. so many others averaged like 3 or 4 gold medals per game. had a good amount of use, much more than people gave her credit for back then. The only buff she really needed was being immune to her own ult. and the dm having a shorter cooler down instead being on recharge.

That cooldown reduction is a huge buff tho

>tearing ass playing sombra
>they buff her

Blizzard is retarded. Seriously.


Why? She needed one real bad

I planned to abuse her once blizzard gave a shit.

I still don't know why shes the only hero with infinite clip.

she's trash now. anyone with lots of bullets takes her out of her meck instantly. even tracer can take her out of her meck in 1 reload.

She didn't need one BAD. Shitters just need to practice and get good. You do this by ignoring what the other shitters on your team say when you pick her.

I can't wait until they go full retard and buff her weapon somehow. Reddit cryboys still whine about it.

Sombra is trash tier post your rank so we all can have a good laugh

The problem is that hack has fundamentally limited utility. Making it usable is helpful, but it doesn't make her good.

The 12 to 8 cooldown reduction was a perfect buff, as was the slightly faster hacking speed. I'm sorry we all can't be as good with sombra as you.

Instead of a weapon damage buff, they should just reduce the spread amount.

Because she had the drawbacks of having to be in very close range, movement slowing down very significantly when firing, and very generous weakpoint for her opponents to take advantage of.

Can we bring up the real bullshit with D.VA today?


It speeds up how many health packs/opponents you can hack, and if they reduced her weapon spread a little I think she would be fine for the time being

autistic 4200 main here

this hero is the same as launch in the friends and family beta; she only deals damage at point blank, and loses every 2v1. she was never able to 1v1 anyone ever, because of her critbox. she only wins games with a competent team and cooperation

At least make it 100 bullets clip or something. I mean she has 3 panic buttons: flight, shield, self destruct

It doesn't mean much if both teams used Dva though, which happened often due to how OP she was

they could give her that now i guess since they pretty much took back the "walking speed when firing" drawback

Exactly in almost every situation its just better to start firing straight away rather than trying to hack. Sure hack the Hog and hack the Ana but why bother hacking a Widow?

> tfw I used to main D.Va when she was almost useless

Bunch of faggots

The question here is how is her damage now? Is it the same as she was originally or slightly stronger even with yesterday's nerf?

The thing with the hacking cooldown is that its yet another thing that makes playing Tracer and Genji worse, less fun and more of a headache.

Tracer in particular because so fucking much now decimates your health. The entire Season 3 seems to have had a long standing effect in the actual game itself, Blizzard did so fucking little that this new patch seems to have done fucking nothing to change the stale shitty Ana players and the no fun allowed tanks.

The less people use BritCancer and JapCancer the more fun the game gets.

>mfw this just means less people playing best girl and more of her for me

Nah not anymore, Tracer never was a problem Genji was hell because of him doing nothing then wiping teams with little effort with the sword.

76 has taken over from both of those things. I just want to play Tracer outside of Koth really.

>play on release
>garbage movement speed DM was on a set cd her ult fucking killed her if you got hit by it
> now still has movement speed buff, DM still has charge, she still has more health compared to release and her ult doesn't kill her

Still maximum dong for me friend, maybe you should learn to play her.

She's still way better than launch D.Va. People are just upset they can't face tank 1v1 the entire cast anymore.

>prenerf D.Va

Pre nerf D.Va was Reaper, Winston, and Reinhardt rolled into one character, and she did Reaper and Winston's jobs better than they did. I bet you complained when they took away McCree's 840 damage combo requiring shitters to actually learn how to aim with his M1.

You can still outgun 76. Genji is 100% gimmick cancer with Deflect being almost as broken as Defense Matrix. The fucking hitbox for Deflect is about 10x larger than Genji and you CANNOT play around it.

The less oriental characters are present in games the more fun the game is, period.

Yeah, Genji is a fucking Mary Sue in an FPS moba game. You can try to kill him but he'll escape anyway. One of the worst characters in the game in my opinion, just makes it extremely boring to play. Like, why create an ability that can't be countered in an FPS game? You should always be able to deal dmg by shooting them ie skill/headshotting characters.

As someone who has played her since release I'm kinda glad she got nerfed because now all of the bandwagon fags will stop playing her

It sucks though because if you don't have a support up your ass she gets melted instantly because she barely has any armor to mitigate the crit damage on the front

I loved how everyone (especially winstons) were in such denial of how broken she could get. Literally every buff she got, no matter how minor it was, caused a massive uproar.