What is objectively THE BEST controller and why is it the dreamcast controller?
What is objectively THE BEST controller and why is it the dreamcast controller?
>try to place it on the gorund
>the cord gets in the way
>the wheel begins to spin
>can't hold it becuase of mosnter
The edges on the D-pad are too sharp. I'd always get blisters whenever I played Marvel vs. Capcom 2 too aggressively.
Oh god no.
It's absolute shit for 3D games.
The various Xboxen controllen are all pretty decent. Of all the shit Microsoft makes, peripherals seem to be the one thing they get right most of the time.
>cord at the bottom
>that loose analog
>that sharp d-pad
>flat face buttons with almost no feedback
Fuck no.
dude i love sega but you're a fucking retard numale cuck liberal sjw FAGGOT
is this bait?
the stick is way too loose, and the D-pad is ltieral garbage. Just try fucking using it for anything, its way too small
>cord at the bottom
literal blunder of the decade
what's an example of a good d-pad, anyway?
My xbone elite is way better than anything I have ever touched. dual shock a shit, og directx-cube freak hand controller a shit, 360 controller a shit.
You dumb fucks. There's a clip for the cord at the top of the controller. You tuck the cord underneath.
and in the process of playing, the cord comes unwedged. At least the VMUs add weight to the thing, even if the buttons and stick suck dirty butthole.
I have a Dreamcast, faggot. The fact that it has a clip at the top to hold a slight section just makes the fact that the cord is at the bottom even more retarded.
The thing doesn't even hold it right.
Fuck is with all these millenitards hating on the DC controller.
>no, it has a bunch of flaws
if you weren't born before the 80s, fuck off with your buzzword
It's objectively the best flail
What? I never said it was "objectively" the best controller ever, I just never had any complains while playing with it for 15 years. But if le maymay arrowing makes you feel any better about it, sure go ahead.
>not the NES brick
>I never said it was "objectively" the best controller ever
then what the fuck are you having a stroke over
nobody's shitting on it for no reason
and just because you didn't find something wrong with it doesn't mean the entire planet shared your opinion
>caring of my chao with the memory card
Only good feature it had.
Did the screen controller thing way before nintendo
Having a stroke? Look yourself in the mirror first. Seems like the one who got triggered over the world "millenial" was the millenial himself, get over it, kid.
The stick is shit, the buttons are shit, there is no second stick, the triggers are too stiff, the cord is on the wrong side, and memory units should go on the console.
Bruh, I grew up with the thing, but the xbox duke and xbox controller S were pretty much a straight upgrade from the dreamcast controller.
>cord doesn't need to be manually wrapped around the other way and tucked into a little groove
>two sticks
>same nice triggers
>three more face buttons to ignore
I'm not sure if there was any direct relation there, but the xbox controllers even had the two memory card slots in the back of each controller, and I can't really understand why, exactly.
There was no second stick on the n64 either, and Ps1 rarely had games which used it, considering those are 3D consoles and should be mandatory, nobody complained about it in that era however.
the only thing that "triggered" me was the closed-minded ape chimping out because his favorite controller got insulted
>still using (and misspelling) millennial when you're in your late 20s at most
>cord comes out the bottom
Yes, there's a hook at the top. It's still annoying as all living fuck.
Good to know you got triggered, we can move on now.
Just because they made a mistake the first time doesn't mean you are encouraged to straight up repeat the fuck up a second time. Your parents didn't raise you very well.
I always liked the SNES bone and the one on the Sega Saturn controller.
>nobody complained about it in that era
Nice revisionism.
That piece of shit was trash. Dreamcast was the only gen where I preferred my bro to pass me the Mad Catz controller.
How is it a mistake when I already mentioned ps1 games rarely used it, more than a mistake it was for saving costs but of course you would know more about marketing than the folks with years of experience.
Besides, if it was really necessary there would have been a third party adapter with a second stick (like 3DS) but again, that was not even useful in that era since barely any games would make use of it.
> the analog
The joystick is ass user
I'm sorry to hear you had no friends, I did though and none complained about it in our 64/DC/Ps1 sessions.
>nobody complained about it in that era
The N64, PS1, and Dreamcast controllers repeatedly had reviews pointing out their problems. For the Dreamcast, it was that it felt like a step back after the Saturn, which is hilarious when you realize how hard it flopped.
>There was no second stick on the n64 either
And pray tell how many sticks did Nintendo see fit to bequeath to their new controller come the following generation?
admittedly they did go back to 1 for the wii, and then then two again for the wiiu, except for when you use the wiimotes, and the switch has two, or one when you split it, fuck I dunno
It just makes the thing even shorter.
What are the media playback controls for?
I love the Dreamcast and many things it stands for, but the stick on that controller isn't one of them.
Also, I feel like the cable is too short.
To play music CDs.
it played CDs
I've always wanted to hold a dreamcast controller.
I love me some Gamecube controller, mang. I love the feel of it, the weight, the way the triggers click. Love it. But holy fuck does the D pad suck dick.
I love me some 360 controller. For some reason I like the location of the sticks better for fightan and the shape just feels right in my hands too. Very comfy. But holy fuck does its D pad suck dick.
Is it really so hard to make a nice D pad!?
I actually really liked the WiiChuck setup since it let me have weird arm positions but still play the game.
Get a Xbox One controller. Elite if you're really that obsessed about a nice dpad
You're a fucking idiot
Dual analogs will become useful when every developer supports it, which WILL happen if developers know there is a dual analog controller guaranteed in every home, which means the console needs to be sold with it from day one.
No shit dual analog support wasn't consistent across the board, because it required an additional purchase. This is exactly why it needs to be in the next console. Holy fuck drown yourself for using a completely backwards logic.
Just order one online. People are practically giving them away. I got two more a while back to play Power Stone 2 with some friends. Sticks don't feel right and the things are barely used.
>mfw Xbox Hueg and 360 d-pads
now i love the dreamcast and its controller
but nothing right now or ever will beat pic related
The Wii simply replaced the right stick with a pointer and gyro
Way too light compared to the DS2 but at least it isn't the DS4
>You're a fucking idiot
Nice way to start your argument, no need to even read past that if you're letting your feelings do the talk.
>starts off with the worse controller.
The sixaxis is fucking shit
The damn things fall apart.
It doesn't even have rumble.
Nigga you don't understand, controller is so advanced to even have rumbleā¢ sony is the future
If you have a fresh battery in your VMU while you turn on your Dreamcast you're the dumbest retard on earth.
I loved that beep
I also loved draining the battery playing that fucking Chao tamogachi game
>that fat power button you can feel clicking
>lil dot making the spiral
>fwoon doot doot doot doot bumbumbum
>then the disc being run through a fucking blender
And that is the authentic Dreamcast experience. I love it.
Wait, what? I'm pretty sure it has rumble. And a shitty d-pad with flappy triggers.
The beep and clicking are satisfying as fuck. The controller isn't.
Sixaxis doesn't have rumble, Dualshock 3 does.
The Sixaxis and the Dualshock 3 are two different controllers.
The controller is you're just too retard to realize it
Ah, I see.
I'm not going to pretend one of my favorite consoles isn't flawed.
the Vita has the better attatched dpad if that's your thing
There's no argument, there's me telling you how the world works and then there's you have the IQ of a monkey
It IS flawed but not for the point you made
Best fucking system ever.
Fuck Nintendofags.
This controller is much better.
>Best fucking system ever
but that's not the Saturn
or the TurboGrafx
or the Neo-Geo
PS4 controller with Xbos triggers and thumvstick placement
So hipster is the new cool now?
Not at all, man. Dreamcast fag since '99 here and the basic controller was pretty bad save for certain games. If you wanted a good pad for fighting you used an ASCII pad or the green goblin sticks.
>People are practically giving them away
Really? I don't see that many locally anymore but I guess online is a different beast. Back at my vidya store job many years ago I discovered one of our vendors decided to clear a bunch of old stock they discovered. Got a bunch of brand new dreamcasts dirt cheap.
VMUs were nice for the mini-games but if you wanted to actually have the space for saves you went with the normal memory units. Still, the Dreamcast boot up along with the 'dying duck' GD-ROM sounds bring back memories.
It doesn't come undone unless you jerk it around like an autist.
The VMU slot also allowed for rumblepaks, microphones, and the exec's even joked about making a smell-o-vision in the official magazine.
ew grose
hey, you're the one saying the dreamcast is the best
Better than being a contrarian retard for the sake of it.
Online you can find the regular controller colors for around $10 or less. GameStop is back to banking on peoples' nostalgia and if a store has them or you get 'em online, they're like $5. Games are a whole different story.
>calling someone a contrarian retard while shitting on the Neo-Geo
>nobody complained about it in that era however.
That is also because all of that stuff was very new at the time. So people didn't know how say for example an FPS would feel playing it with two thumbsticks and shooting with triggers instead of what we got.
Most games back then don't even have bad control either. It is that they all implemented different ways of control that anybody with a normal IQ should be able to grasp in just a few minutes tops.
What I like about early 3D games is that they have a much more unique gameplay feel that no other gen can give.
The DC controller is one of the worst around. The D-Pad is awkward, the face buttons feel like shit and the grooved letters are annoying, the stick is made of just hard plastic with hard nubs sticking out so it digs into your thumb, and the triggers aren't very smooth.
What's hilarious is that Sega had a prototype that was 20 times better. The 3D pad for the Saturn had a really neat stick design and proper face buttons, literally all they had to do was re-use all the moulds and maybe improve the stick's performance slightly.
Sounds like your thread wont work the you THINK it will, OP.
>nobody complained
Two of the main complaints were that it was too big and the buttons were too small.
Dreamcast flopped for a reason.
(that controller)
Well look to be fair I was a kid when those consoles came out and there wasn't any Sup Forums around. So it would have been hard for me to really grasp if a lot of people complained about gaming controls back then.
What I do know is that few if any people I knew ever complained much about controls in these early 3D games.
Sure some had to have complained but was it widespread complaint? Somehow I doubt it. Especially since nobody knew anything else at the time. Younger people now are accustomed to almost a standardized control scheme for most games. Most games control pretty damn similar to one another within the same genre these days.
>There was no second stick on the n64 either, and Ps1 rarely had games which used it, considering those are 3D consoles and should be mandatory, nobody complained about it in that era however.
In Europe the N64 and Dreamcast controllers were always seen as abominations. Many people including me and my friends got a PSX, because it had the only sensible controller design.
>there wasn't any Sup Forums around
>nobody knew anything else
Video game magazines were still a popular method of obtaining console/game information and the internet had been around for a while.
>was it widespread complaint?
a fat kid addicted to the internet could see tons of reports about how the n64 d-pad had been mostly useless or how the xbox made it into the book of world records for having the bulkiest controller
don't know what secluded underground dome you lived in
So? I've had a few magazines like gamepro but I never really noticed any huge uproar of people bitching about controls in games. If so it was mostly a minor thing from few people. There wasn't this massive amount of complaints as you seem to be implying here.
That is a different argument. I was assuming you guys were talking more in regards to how these video games control. Not the actual controllers themselves.
Yeah N64 dpad was mostly useless ulness you liked Smash or Wrestling. Which I loved both. As for the Duke controller, I never found it to be much of a problem at all. I thought it was a cool design. Although yeah the controller S is much better improvement.
Also the only real issue with the 64 controller actually was its absolutely abysmal control stick. They really fucked up with that one. Besides that I loved the N64 controller.
It was actually pretty fascinating seeing people react to the different controllers. I remember the Dualshock getting a mixed reception. People were like "what the fuck, that's going to be too complicated for FPS"
You want a good laugh? Go check out the controller for the Pip Pin or whatever
>I remember the Dualshock getting a mixed reception. People were like "what the fuck, that's going to be too complicated for FPS"
Also for a good laugh people should check out the review to that old Alien PS1 game. Can't remember the name of the game exactly or which site it was that reviewed it but lets just say that the game pretty much innovated modern FPS movement as we know it today yet the reviewer found movement very difficult.
Best. Not debatable.
imagine being the guy who created this
The cord can get in the way. The vmu without batteries will annoy anyone(BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-EEP). The dpad after that Saturn one is a huge step down. Yeah, it looks awkward but is not bad.
Best controller I would say that Saturn model2 for 2d and Xbox S/360 for 3d. But always enjoyed the snes, genesis and nes too. DS never like much due to the 2nd set of triggers, but still DS2 felt good, DS3 is just bad.
GC controller only had issues with the Z button, but was a terrible plastic piece on a bad spot
What? Why?
Soul Calibur 1 was perfect with that controller.