A tariff is essentially a form of tax that is used to make goods and services that are imported in the country more...

>A tariff is essentially a form of tax that is used to make goods and services that are imported in the country more expensive to consumers than the same items made domestically.

>Those possible tariffs could have an impact on the cost of game consoles and other hardware, much of which is manufactured overseas.

>On Monday, Trump signed an executive order to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. He also met with business and union leaders.

>If an across-the-board trade tariff were imposed it would likely impact games and gaming consoles that are imported into the United States, like Nintendo's upcoming Switch console.


>That'll be $60 +tax +tariff +tip please

TPP had to go

Unless you live in Canada or Mexico this won't affect anyone

we just have to wait to see how Japan responds

Lotta ifs in these stupid articles

Just download them.

weebs btfo
God bless Trump!

>withdraw from the TPP
isn't that a good thing, though?

>Paying for video games

That's just an alternative fact user

butthurt democrats will shitpost about anything

People pay for games? You know you can down load every game you want for free on your pic.


>buying consoles

Get ready for your games to cost 100$

>"Progressives" during the election
>Bernie totally against free trade and TPP, Hilldog has to flip flop on it like every other issue to get his base
>Trump wins

>constant paid shilling that attempts to involve Trump's administration and show "how bad" they are

remember how literally everyone on the internet was against the TPP?

remember how bernie was against the TPP and everyone cheered him on?

remember how hillary flip-flopped and ended up saying TPP was bad after calling it the "gold standard"?

trump was always against TPP cuz it sucks. and now it's gone. forever.


>>Unless you live in Canada
i live in canada what the fuck, our games are already $80 for fucks sake, are they going up AGAIN?

>haven't bought a physical game in years
You can't tariff data from another state.

This applies to PC games as well. Enjoy your additional fees on top of the new taxes thanks to net neutrality being abolished.

I wonder how Sup Forums will react when Net Neutrality goes down and they have to convince their mom's to pay an extra 29.99 to shitpost and have to pay more for their video games.

isn't this good for american developers though?

It is a good thing that we're leaving.

All trade deals do is make it easier to export labor to developing nations so that pur corporate overlords can enjoy a higher profit margin.

I thought they went up to make sure they cost the same in the US after exchange rates?

That's what you leafs deserve

Okay and?

What kind of retailer asks for a fucking tip?
Better yet, why are you giving a clerk a tip or not buying digital?

If you're a redditor, yes. If you're someone who doesn't give a fuck about armchair politics and does something productive, no.

>hes still posting this
>hes this buttblasted
kill yourself op

>This applies to PC games as well
Does not apply to digital sales. Only physical.
Also even if it did I don't give a shit, I live in Europe.

>Suddenly all the trumpfags are in denial

Really makes you think

>American Devs literally need a tariff to get people to buy their games.

WTF? I hate Trump now. Thanks for helping Correct the Record.

Net neutrality has been dead for years

Of course

>Does not apply to digital sales.
Yes it does.

We got out of the TPP at least.
That would have destroyed the games industry

I instantly moved to America the moment Trump won. I'm not even joking. Pennsylvania isn't too shitty.

Get fucked, nintendo cunts.

Feels good to be Canadian, I only have to pay $70 per game. This is what you get for laughing at us.

Not if everyone else puts up tariffs against US goods.

*buys a game digitally on pc*

>all of these retarded attempts to derail the conversation into TPP and not the potential tariff

Digital markets won't have the tariff and companies have localization teams to sell in the countries. It will only effect those that import.


Bernie should've won the nomination.

They do, Canadians pay what we pay for games. Their excuse is that their money is worth less but they don't get higher wages. It's horse shit, just because your monopoly money is garbage doesn't mean you're getting scammed.

Actually, you can?
There is nothing stopping the gov from taxing things made, but not shipped, overseas to you.

It had both good and bad stuff in it.
It was mainly to be used as a way to stop china influence in most asian countries.

There is also a reason why china is pushing clean energy development. They will be number one in the future

they won't though, so it's ok.


>I repeat stuff I read on the internet

>isn't this good for american developers though?

Which ones? The nu-male/feminist infested devs or the lazy Bethesda tier devs?

The only state I'd move to would be Vermont

>tfw Trump forces Nintendo to go third party
I didn't expect it to end like this.

>doesn't apply to digital
They made Steam charge you sales tax, you'd better believe they can enforce tariffs on foreign-made digital games.

They might if Canada continues to plunge

I mentioned Canada because your PM destroyed your economic value by selling every gold bar to some third party buyers and bankers

>I shitpost in Sup Forums politics threads about sucking the cocks of international mega corporations

Why yes, i do believe the bills I have read.
Those were on the internet, yes.

Explain, I thought it was physical commodities only.



>the media now thinks TPP is a good thing now that Trump has pulled out of it
>articles speculating

Steam charges sales tax? I never remember my purchases being anything but the labelled amount

That was another choice and I might move there eventually I just had relatives here to sort of help with the moving process from Galway

These articles exist to convince people, with a headline and often a bunch of hypotheticals, that their overt contempt for Donald Trump isn't unjustified. Doesn't matter if they understand the issue or not, or if there even is one.

Americans should pay more for video games tbqh, stop being so poor faggots

Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, is a cuckold.

Give a link to Breath of the wild.

The same reason why you give the guy that refills your water a tip

There were people calling him an anti semite recently too, even though some of his top picks are from Goldman-Sachs and he supports Israel.

It's just popular to say he's whatever bad thing comes to mind.

how so?

OP, I hope you realize Sup Forums will never be deleted no matter how many times you spam Sup Forums with politics and make it pass as Sup Forums "leaking"


Only a dick wouldn't tip

One of those doesn't produce anything, so I guess the Bethesda devs?
it only happens if you live in a state that adds sales tax to digital, or Washington.
Washington doesn't but since Valve is in WA they have to by law.
VA for example does not care, so I just use my card tat says I live in VA, even though I live in WA.

Vat, you idiot.

>tfw $50 pizza plus tarriff plus tip
no tax tho because it's a vegetable

That's incorrect. The TPP specifically included a paragraph that prevented custom duties from being levied on "electronic transmissions."

The tariff is for all imported goods, not exclusively for physical products. Digital goods currently incur a sales tax applicable to the region they're sold in, you can bet that the new tariffs will be slapped on top of that too.

Plus the net neutrality fees as well. Looks like Steam is finally getting that subscription service in 2017, except the money goes into Trump's back pocket.

A tariff has always been good for our country. Plus it will discourage retarded 12 year olds from picking up Battle of Duty 77: Black Dykes in Space

oh wow, I didn't know the details my bad

You don't pay taxes on video games on steam
You do for movies and hardware

Trade war!

I wonder how the EU/Japan/China is going to retaliate. Shit is going down.

Short stsory: TPP included arcane Copyright, patent and trademark extensions that would have included the abilty to trademark and copyright a way of having something play.

Thank you to everyone who voted for Trump.

Good. Shitting on weebs is fun.

CNN would never lie only Faux News lies rite guys lol

>You don't pay taxes on video games on steam
Not him, he was wrong. You do pay taxes on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS digital purchases though.

you have to be 18 to post here

TPP would've allowed extranational corporate courts to decide whether or not US Laws and Decisions were legal, essentially allowing Corporations to sue the United States on any law or decision that effects their bottom line, without ever touching the US legal system, ISDS.

Left or Right, you should be glad the TPP is dead.

Does that mean i can copyright wireless buttplugs before ubisoft does?

Enjoy not being able to buy anything but tranny walking simulators from now on.

Japan will respond by not doing anything, china will respond by trading more with other gooks, the EU will respond by collapsing

Why? Aren't most good games (Bethesda, Valve, 343i, ect.) made is the USA anyways?

user, I...

nice fake news

Not even a hardcore Trump Supporter but this so hard.

>six extra dollars for a sixty dollar game
boo hoo

It just fucking sucks but apparently it's for the "service". All the employees at GameStop just fucking glare at me when I walk in cause I'm in there pretty often and I rarely ever tip. Best thing to do is ignore it, they can't force you to and it's not like they can just spit on your game or whatever

Yeah but their games are shit

>already $80

That's because our dollar is shit. They don't actually cost more here than they do in the States, 60 USD is like 78.50 CAD

That's actually pretty cool. I'd suggest the Northeast though if you're afraid of getting homesick.