Will playing video games in public ever be socially acceptable?
Will playing video games in public ever be socially acceptable?
Yes, but you never will be.
will this cringeworthy bait ever not be posted?
Agay styles
It already is if you're not socially and mentally disabled
Reminder that someone stole his Xbox360 and a bunch of games.
Feels bad, man.
Also, you will never be as salty as Neville about vidya. Ever.
Is that AJ styles?
No one gives a shit what you're doing on a plane unless you're being loud or annoying. I would much rather sit close to that guy than a drunk person that's feeling chatty. I fly a lot and that one is the fucking worst. If I've been drinking in the bar beforehand, I go straight to sleep on the plane, but some people act like they brought the bar on the plane.
It used to be throughout the 70s and 80s but somewhere with the NES and the 90's where there was a drop off with arcades and a rise in more time consuming PC/console games it became socially unacceptable. Likely because of women not getting enough attention or mothers for various dumb reasons.
Are xbox fans all this hot?
I would let him fuck my ass without a condom
No homo
Yes it is
got em
carrying all that around in public is just asking to get robbed
how come Sup Forums only seems to care about being socially acceptable when it's time for one of these threads?
No. Neither will garage fed manlets.
He's the face that runs the place he can do whatever he wants you fucking nerd
No one gives a fuck about handhelds on a train or a plane.
The only reason someone took a pic of this is because it's so fucking ridiculous.
Not in a million fucking years. Fuck any manchild redditor who says otherwise.
Like this closet-gay cocksucker:
The Gay Community would love to.
Oh snap!
This guy would be fine if he was using a handheld or something
A fucking 360 in a briefcase just makes him look like a manchild
This. I'd love to play the knockout game on any of you faggot fucking autists who would try to play with your little toys in public.
this would only be acceptable if he was a pro practicing for a tourney he was flying to
Reddit is back
That man is the current WWE champ and is basically never at home.
It should be illegal for anyone over the age of 13 to play games in public
>tfw /fit/, fashionable and aesthetic
I could fucking play Panty Quest VII on my Vita in public and still get mired
Consider self-improvement
Being WWE champion means you're basically the king of manchildren so it makes sense I guess
Good luck with that
Got one.
>that legroom
That's gotta be business class or some shit. That guy can do whatever the fuck he wants.
Poor deviants are creepy and weird. Rich deviants are eccentric and interesting.
Yeah, right.
This picture is way more autistic than playing a handheld in public chads gtfo.
The face that runs the place can do whatever the fuck he wants.
is this a subtle wrestling thread?
Cruiserweights and Britbongs were a mistake.
To be honest, if you carry yourself even half normally, the only looks you will get from people if you game in public are those who think what you're doing is neat, but don't know how to talk to you about it.
reading in public is autistic as fuck
No one gives a fuck if you're attractive and fit.
A fat, greasy neckbeard will be gross no matter if he's playing games or not.
If you look like that, you could get away with murder.
only if you're looking around making sure people know you're reading like that Quentin fellow
Figures AJannetty would be an Xcuck.
oh shit
It already is.
You must realize that pretty much everyone with a smart phone plays games on it, lots of people play games on it in public with nobody looking twice.
He did get it robbed.
>AJ will never go back to his NJPW look
He looked like a fucking Tekken character and it was awesome.
Now he's just a weeaboo with weird hair.
Oh suck a dick, it's way more autistic to stare into space or at others on a bus
those cruiser weights can cruiser wait, brother
Put me in the screencap.
I think what it takes to set all of that up would be cringe no matter what you're doing, gaming isn't the problem here.
>video game """"fanatic""""
>prized possessions include an eck bok 360
2017 ladies and gents
He'd better win on Sunday
WWE belt looking like trash compared to the IWGP title doesn't help
i hope not
>beating BMJ
Fat chance
Fuck off Carter.
The fuck is Carter?
ill knock you out faggot
with my fucking gun if you try that shit in public
Nicely done!
>dat legroom
Guy's a millionaire, he can do what he wants.
that's a Jap train, there's leg room for days even in economy son
Some autist who posts with multiple tripcodes on /asp/ and makes the board unusable.
I doubt Styles is gonna retain when he's gonna fight Shane at Wrestlemania. Say hello to 16 time WWE Champion BMJ and Styles getting eliminated last in the Elimination Chamberâ„¢
This nigga is correct. All you have to do is be attractive and strike a pose while playing. Cross your legs, have your body tilted to the side a bit and pull your face back away from the screen. And maintain poker face.
The Gay Community!?!
WTF HAPPENED TO THE TITLE BELTS??? I haven't watched in like years
Fuck off.
you're in the train playing bing bing wahoo on you're nintendo switch and chad sits next to you and starts playing x-bone and slaps ur gf's ass what do
>Posting b8 images from 2012
I have a long ass flight coming up in a couple months. I'm not gonna play Vidya, but I'm debating whether I should get a Kindle.
Yeah, it's a bit weird.
>Usual Sup Forums
>"playing games in public" threads
>"OK, we have to be cool guys now"
Those title belts look like fucking TRASH. Sickening. What the fuck happened to the Big Gold Belt (World Heavyweight Championship)?
Fucking W's everywhere.
Wow, I used to be a huge wrestling mark with forum activity and shit, but haven't watched consistently in about 1-2 years now.
I'd like to see you say that to OP pic related's face. :^)
This is the worst the roster has ever looked.
/r/equsting that kid at school in the middle of the hallway playing on his laptop
fpbp Sup Forumstard gtfo
Sup Forums hasn't been pic related for a long, long time. Video games have definitively gone mainstream, and Sup Forums is more popular than it has ever been. Of course most of these people are going to be normies.
If you want grognards, /tg/ is a better bet.
What did he mean by this?
>Wow, I used to be a huge wrestling mark with forum activity and shit, but haven't watched consistently in about 1-2 years now
you havent missed much of anything besides AJ Styles being amazing. dont bother coming back, the product has only gotten worse.
I started watching New Japan and it's way more exciting even though there's a language barrier.
I just wish that people on Sup Forums didn't feel the need to try and validate their social status and prove that they're super cool guys all the time.
Who do I meet at Axxess, Styles or Nakamura?