Should I get it? I thought the game and series was another GTA wannabe but it looks fun as fuck. I'm debating wether I should get this or RE7 but i'm certainly not good at survival horror...

>Who's bought it already?
>Is it good?
>Is it a modern Final Fight?

Other urls found in this thread:


Get Yakuza, RE will sell well anyways, Yakuza will last you a while and needs the support, it has a lot of content.

Might as well. The people that bought Resident Evil 7 on day one have already beaten it. If you pay $47.99+ for a game that can be beaten as a literal rental, you are throwing your money away.

Don't buy the game due to a guilt trip. You don't owe videogame companies anything, they owe you a good game for how much they are charging. Eat that, Hardin.

Yakuza looks like a game for me. I don't have much time to play so I can't invest 60+ hours on games like The Witcher or Bloodborne or wtv...

Survival Horror stresses me the fuck out and I usually end up quitting said games and not finish them..

But this one looks like a fun adult beat em up that doesn't require me using my whole free time on playing it and beating it.

Can anyone share experiences playing it? It's certainly not cheap and I wanna make a good invest on games for once. (I'm saying this cause i bought literal SHIT on day one such as NMS or Fallout 4...)

anoher gta, where do people get this from it's a fucking beat em up

>Who's bought it already?
I did. I'm at chapter 5 out of 15
>Is it good?
It has tons of content. countless sidestories and minigames. So exploring the city is fun in itself. I just get sucked into the atmosphere. story fun, game fun, music and voice acting enjoyable. Characters are great.

There could be objectively two reasons not to buy it:
-If you need the newest graphic and physic engines, this isn't for you.
-If you don't like subtitles, this isn't for you

>Is it a modern Final Fight?

It takes at least 1 hour until the game opens and you get access to the whole combat system and city but from then on, smooth sailing.
Also you can complete the main story in 20-25 hours but if you want to fuck around and be a completionist it's more like 100+.

>I thought the game and series was another GTA wannabe
This is everyone's first mistake

>Who's bought it already?
Bought it twice.
JP and ENG versions.
>Is it good?
Wouldn't have bought it twice if I didn't like it.
Love it.
>Is it a modern Final Fight?
It's more akin to River City Ransom.

>TFW Grinding with Golden Gun and doing Legend in the Making on every fight
So fucking satisfying

I'm going to read you the blurb on the back cover of yakuza 4 I have right here:
>In an authentic recreation of Tokyo's "Sin City" district four men cross paths over a beautiful woman and a dead man
>Step into the shoes of a yakuza and give yourself the chance to become somebody in a world of nobodies
In the west they market it as your typical crime game and make no attempt to tell anybody it's a 3D beat em up.

The fact that many review sites describe it as "open world" encourages it.

Thankfully it's a detailed hub without empty voids.

playing it right now and it's really fucking great i am a fan though

What is Bacchus's endgame?


>3D Beat Em Up

The ending to Chapter 1 in 0 was so beat em up it was ridiculous as you fight your way up the tower going through tons of goons and one mini boss that keeps coming back for more before you finally beat him by smashing his head against a toilet urinal in the men's restroom

I cant wait to see what the rest if the game has in store

Still on chapter 1, having tons of fun. Side quests are hilarious while main quests have some gravity to them. Minigames are pretty well done too.

>Who's bought it already?
I did
>Is it good?
>Is it a modern Final Fight?
It's modern River City Ransom

If you're familiar with Shenmue, it's somewhat similar. The game is pretty much Japan simulator, just set in 80s and focusing on yakuza.
Like others have said, it takes a while to open up, and if you're used to modern western games, Yakuza will feel amazingly "video-gamey" for lack of better description. The series started on PS2, but never really evolved into sensibilities of modern AAA titles. I don't mean this as a bad thing, if you liked PS2 era games, you'll feel right at home with Yakuza.

finished chp 1 and did a couple of substories and side activities and went back and forth against mr takedown and that took me 6 hours.

Newcomer playing Yakuza 1 reporting in. I'm in chapter 6 and for now I dig it. The atmosphere, fights and submissions are great. The only two bad things are the loading screens for battles being to damn long and the dub, I'm squealing like a bitch with the dub.

>Excuse you? No, fuck you!

I picked copy today.
What the hell, the performance is much worse than in the Region 3/4 (PS4) version. There is much more stuttering and framerate dips more often.

>It still has screen tearing
Its the PS3 version which doesn't have screen tearing at all (but it has massive input lag), the Japanese/Chinese/Korean PS4 have the same screen tearing.

Lol, RGG/Yakuza is Shenmue with more beat-em-up.

>Is it a modern Final Fight?
It's modern Takeshi's Challenge

It's SEGA's fucking fault, the marketing for 1 was "it's GTA but Japanese". The series has never been able to shake the association away completely, but it looks like more people are wising up with 0's western release

That's Yakuza 6

And the fourth Kuze fight - while it performed poorly in the JP version too - is almost unplayable. Motherfucker.

Be that as it may, I already finished with Hard, now starting with LEGEND and doing all submissions, money island and whatnot.

DUMB MOTHER...fucker

And I must say that the translation isn't all that great and those goddamn direct honorifics (and then again 'sir' and 'captain' in other places), what a hackjob!

So is it good? Is it comparable to Sleeping Dogs?

It's not like SD at all, but yeah it's good

Yakuza 0 >>>>>>>> SD > Yakuza 4

There was no such marketing during the release of the original Yakuza. In fact it was the same thing as with Zero and every previous entry: no marketing at all!
If such association was put on Yakuza, it's by the western game magazines and reviewrs.


Reminds me of Kenzan fan translation. Similar mess.

You wanna be my bitch?


>GTA wannabe

don't play Yakuza, it isn't for you. also, play in release order you fucktard.

Does anyone know the differences between normal and hard difficulty? Is it just the enemies getting tougher?

sleeping dogs has bland characters and a forgettable plot

>kazuma chan

it's kiryu-chan, fool.

seems you didn't play 1 in English

I enjoyed Sleeping Dogs well enough, but I don't understand everyone's love for it. I think it's incredibly overrated, especially compared to the Yakuza games.

you wanna bet on that.

It's so fucking engaging man, I keep trying to do shit around the house...but I keep saying I'll wait till this next part. Then I find myself A.Getting into the story and craving more, or B.sidetracked with the things to do in the world around me. It's amazing man buy it. It could use it.

>SD better than any Yakuza
It's a good game, but no.

I got it as a birthday gift
game came out the same day as my birthday and hell yeah it's great

it has better graphics

The worst thing is i know Yakuza 1 Remake and 6 are beyond garbage going by the opinions on this board so it makes it less tempting to go and buy this one, I really dont want to get into it then play the new ones and realize they are shit.

Are Kiwami and 6 THAT bad?

Happy B day user

There is no healing items during missions in hard diffculty and bosses have more moves (for example: Kuze has that backflip counter attack when getting downed.)

And really: start with hard, the normal is piss easy.
The boring sneaking parts are not any different with hard.

Thanks. Do fights also yield higher rewards?

Happy Birthday, Kyoudai!

Only at night in the rain, while character models are worse.
Animations are pretty bad, too.

>Are Kiwami and 6 THAT bad?
oh Fuck off
You always post same shits



No, just disappointing. Mostly.


Happy birthday man.

>I heard Kiwami and 6 are shit is it true?
>Yes those are garbage
>No you fag

what's next. "0 is censored!!!"?

Happy birthday, enjoy the game!

There is nothing inherently wrong with Kiwami: it just has annoying bugs and balance issues, because it has Zero's fighting styles + the LEGEND style from the very beginning, making the game very, very easy.
It feels like a Zero mission pack really, and Sega will sell the Western version with full price, when it was budget title in Japan.

OP here. I'm getting it, hope it's good. I'll wait until a price drop to get RE.

Why do a handful of posters in Yakuza threads have an agenda to make Kiwami and 6 seem like unredeemable garbage? Is it because they're now getting localized? What's your endgame?

>what's next. "0 is censored!!!"?
There was someone trying to force that meme yesterday.

For the 100th time, YES. They're fucking garbage.
They stain the Yakuza name.

I am legit asking, Because if not here then where. This board is decent for japanese games and Kiwami/6 arent released here for now so i will not go to fucking reddit or neogaf to discuss a non-localized game.

If they are good then its fucking great and buying 0 asap, but everyone said to me they were not in yakuza threads before the 0 hype-train

I've just finished chapter 1. Where are the sidequests and extra activities? The game was pretty straightforward to me

Sidestuff appears from CH2 onward.

yeah those are shit so forget about 0

It opens up in chapter 2.

Sleeping Dawgs also has a retarded plot. Yakuza plots are normally retarded but they still make some sense, as milkman conspiracies.

Sleeping Dogs makes the Triads look extremely competent. A lone American Chinaboy somehow infiltrates the Triads. I also dislike how Wei acts very American. Sure, he's an American but that just killed the appeal of an asian mobster game since their appeal is that they're not American nor do they act like it.

It's one of Yakuza's main selling points because Kiryu acts like a Japanese ideal of what they think a real man should be. The fact that he used to be a criminal is overshadowed by his valorous demeanor.

Get Yakuza.

>being this retarded
This is just sad.

Then what is this retard talking about?

>Can't stop playing the cabaret minigame
>Gotten like 2 billion yen
>Can't transfer it to Kiryu though, cause I'm still in Chapter 8
Also, >tfw almost everyone in 0 dies in Yakuza 1

He's a retard that didn't notice the chapter change

>Wei acts very American
>Kiryu acts like a Japanese ideal
That's why SD is popular in the west and Yakuza is niche

I shall guide you.

I went out and bought it today even though I've only played little bit of the first game. It's pretty cool so far, the karaoke was fun

Kiwami is just a better 1 so of course it's good. Don't listen to spergs crying that it's not "FRAME BY FRAME PERFECT RECREATION OF 1 SO DON'T PLAY IT IT'S SHIIIT"
6 doesn't live up to the expectations that 0 set but it's an engine test game so that was to be expected. It's still good. But at the end of the day, neither of those relate to how good 0 is or effect if you should buy 0. Fucking buy 0


where the fuck are the waifus? seriously thinking about returning

Boys, I really wanna buy a PS4 Pro and Yakuza 0... Should I pull the trigger?

Who /barelymadeanyprogressbecauseofminigamesandsidequests/ here?

>those Yakuza 6 reviews

Atleast i know Japan has shit taste as they rated XV low only because muh turn based combat

thats every Yakuza game, newfag.

Let's just hope Nagoshi and co learn their lesson.

Wait a year and it will be a PSN "Free" Game.


Jappo amazon reviews are their equivalent of metacritic shitreviewing, they're of no fucking value.

That's true, but i never felt like doing any of the minigames in Y1-4, i did do some sidequests here and there but i never fully explored the games. In 5 everything was marked so i did most sidequests there, here i'm just taking my sweet time since i've waited 2 years for this.

Well, they rightfully shat on FFXV and its 13 chapter and story.

>PS4 Pro
Just get a regular one or a Slim model

I liked that substories were marked on the map in 5, is it the same for 0?

I'm never getting to 5 million points at this rate.

They shit on everything.


It's pretty easy if you take it somewhat slow on turns.