>playing it
>4 people sitting on the flag
>but there are 4 people with me attacking
what cd do i reintall to fix the dogs again

>implying the issue is too much defense
The fucking issue is not enough. When 4 of 6 rush in, there's nothing to stop us from getting bumrushed.

I just got the achievements and im back to quick play, fuck this mode.

There's only 2 achievements for this mode right? I got both in the first game, felt weird.


Has this mode been enjoyable in any game ever?

>Year of the Cuck


>year of the cock

CTF is one of my most favorite modes in multiplayer games. It creates a reasonable team dynamic for defending and attack and adds strategy. Overwatch is half assed in it's attempt and not that fun.

The left got cucked so hard this entire year is dedicated to their tears.

2 flag CTF is shit.

1 flag CTF is god tier.

Too bad games always put the former and not the latter.

But it's a magnet for cancer characters like Scout and Tracer and Genji. Specially in overwatch with such an abundance of cancer.

Why do you dislike people because of their politics?

Lucky you, I managed to get both in 5 hours of playing this mode which were awful.

Well halo combat evolved had some kick ass ctf along with Tribes being one of the best. Early TF2 had a pretty good thing going with it's ctf maps

playing healer for this mode is an absolute nightmare. i can't believe how fucking hard it is to get people to stay in my line of sight. every time they dart around the corner and immediately get melted by symmetra turrets.

Lucio doesn't need LoS. If you use anyone else, that is your mistake.

Played this twice as Junkrat and won both games completely clean.
Easiest shit I've ever done.

I remember loving the fucking shit out of it in UT2k4 back in the day. I miss going to LAN parties. Pastor/youth group leader taught all of us how to pirate games off each other/the host. Good times.

In every, I think. Except Overwatch.

>Lucio doesn't need LoS.
What the fuck am I reading

Symmetra is, by far, the worst hero in the game and I think she needs to be removed and completely redesigned. First match I played with her after the update, I had to apologize to the opposing team for being a dick with her.

The entire Arcade mode is a steaming pile of cancer. God damn.

>No Limits
>3v3 which is always Roadhog + Soldier + Ana if you want to win.
It's like a playhouse for the disabled


Who wants to give me Winston tips?

Mystery heroes is the most fun mode in the entire game

No meta faggots getting mad at you for playing certain characters

No meta meme teams for no fun allowed

Can play characters you wouldn't normally pick

Lots of variety, feels like how they intended the game to be played originally with lots of switching

>deff flag as torb
>get kicked for inactivity

This. Too bad nobody playing it.

i only play OW for the mystery heroes mode now

CTF mode is good when there are multiple routes to run, defense actually means something and there is enough people to run a offensive and a defence. Basically Blizzard did everything to make CTF in Overwatch bad

It's complete bullshit, just random meaningless broken carnage but more so. It's everything wrong with Overwatch multiplied.

ake sure to use his jump to do damage. The damage it deals is important since he does not do a lot of damage in general. Jump onto people to initiate. OR simply jump in the air mid fight for extra damage and to get a bird's eye view to pick a low health target. Melee if you need to to finish off targets. If a target is running away and shooting me, I like to sit in my shield and wait for my jump to recharge if possible (and if they aren't going for a nearby health pack). When it's recharged, I jump towards the enemy again, dealing more jump damage

Don't challenge tanks unless you know you can kill them, because you can do nothing. But keep in mind that Winston's gun can go THROUGH Rein's shield. You mainly want to go after squishies while the tanks are distracted. And don't be afraid to bail immediately with his jump. I like to just sit by my team or at a vantage point and simply jump in at a good time when they are aggro'ed

Keep in mind that you don't need to be in the shield for it to protect you. Dancing in and out of the shield buys you an extra second or two, allowing you to jump away.

Ulting heals you to 1000hp, so there's no need to pop it if you are already at full health, unless you need to. I go for env kills, or pin a healer and kill them

Use the peanut butter emote obviously and make sure to use it several times per game. the more times you use it the better

And keep in mind that Winston is like Rein. He relies heavily on having a decent team, or you will do nothing, so how well you do with Winston has highs and lows, but just practice timing and positioning. He can definitely be good

"Symmetra was a mistake." -Blizzard


What I fine bullshit is how I have to wait long then I should to pick up the flag and the capture bar restarting everytime move even so much of an inch to dodge fire causd my finger slipped makes it even more bullshit. Why did they the offense ' s job a nightmare?

>playing overwatch
>not being a complete cuck and part of the problem

Pick one.

What I personally hate most about this CTF is that you can cap when your flag isn't home. That's some grade-a bullshit.

>tfw no way to go back to lucio ball

>not being a complete cuck and part of the problem
I'm okay with this, I only play games to have fun