What would've happened to gaming if TPP had passed?
What would've happened to gaming if TPP had passed?
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Probably nothing.
Maybe, they would've been much cheaper.
There was no reason to withdraw from the TPP. Literally every gain with no loss, financially. This is how you know Trump has no idea what he's doing.
Vidya would have become $40 standard and publishers weren't allowed to charge for DLC.
HL3 would have been released and everyone would get free PSP's.
Our waifus would have become real.
yes, good goy, lower those trade barriers
Who knows, probably not much.
If he follows through with his proposed import tariff prepare to pay more for nip games at least.
>weebs btfo
is he, I cannot even utter the words.... our guy?!
You clearly have no idea how macro-economics works, so let me clue you in.
Do you like cheap things?
Then you want to make global trade as painless as possible.
Simple as.
I don't know what AGENDA you think is being pushed.
Saying the word goy doesn't alter reality to make it fit your worldview. Numbers don't tell lies.
>Bernie Sanders AND Ron Paul both opposed it
the two most honest politicians in America agreed on something despite being political opposites.
That's when you know something is fucking terrifying
Well, the only good thing probably would be australia having to drop their radical rating system.
But all the smaller game companies you know and love would be dead in less than three years because EA would make all the countries ratify laws allowing em to swallow the smaller companies without their consent.
The copyright parts of the TPP was the only thing that got me worried.
>nip games
ALL games.
And all game stuff.
Everything video game related is built in China or thereabouts.
If it's manufactured overseas, be prepared to spend WAY WAY more on it.
They're just "Alternative Facts" user.
Trump's followers literally will defend anything he does, no matter what it is or how it affects the country. There is no point in engaging them. They will, NO MATTER WHAT HE DOES, agree with him and get excited.
On gaming? Probably little. On the internet as a whole? A lot, including the death of net neutrality.
Only a fraction of the TPP governs trade, the rest are restrictions to patents, medicine et al that hurt the consumers.
And no, I don't like cheap things, I like jobs and a not-ballooning debt
They both opposed it because their ideologies share economic protectionism in common, it has nothing to do with their honesty.
please tell me why a trade deal needs to be done in secret and why it needs to include dozens of copyright clauses that could cripple the internet as we know it
so no, I don't want cheap things if making those things cheap takes away my freedoms
The global trade is not the issue, it is a good thing.
It was the OTHER things on TPP that were fucking evil as fuck.
Like corporate tribunals where they can sue countries for "predicted loss of profit" due laws those countries enact, and imposing heavy restrictions and vigilance on the internet.
Also it would kill manga instantly due the insane copyright bullshit where you can get arrested for violating copyright unless the company explicitly declares that it's ok.
Good thing Trump is withdrawing from TPP so that he can end net neutrality himself anyway and have his brain dead followers argue that it's a good thing.
Outright banning of lewd games or political games
Importing banned games or playing them is a federal crime
No more game streaming
Copyright property will be easier to take down and sue your ass since TPP strengthens jurisdictions to extradite you at your own expense
No more doujins, mangas, comics
TPP is not good for anything its just corporate control with government backing
>I'm on expert on the matter.exe
lol get fucked you twerp
You people have no fucking concept of cause and effect and it drives me insane. You're as retarded as the libshits who think a $15 min wage is logical.
If every company in America suddenly has to pay WAY more to run their business because it costs more to get technology and raw material, guess what? They won't have the money to pay for all these miracle jobs Trump is promising everyone. Employees cost money, money that these companies will soon not have
>MFW Not even a week in office and Trump has proved that Politicians have no excuses for not delivering on campaign promises
>Also it would kill manga instantly
Sounds good
I don't understand this "end/death of net neutrality" meme. How can you end something that never began in the first place?
>No more doujins, mangas, comics
tpp has nothing to do with that but okay
Well despite the temporary 'victory' of pulling out of TPP you're in for a rude awakening if Trump follows through with his proposals to censor certain sectors of the internet and heel-turn on net neutrality so telecoms can sell you the internet piecemeal.
>TPP is good now
>TPP is good now
We're gonna pay more for Japanese games because of non-american made import tariffs anyways.
what's the point, we get dicked either way.
>Bernie Sanders
It would have significantly hardened the punishment for non-licensed releases, aka fansubs/translations.
What's with all the TPP hate? It was the best MGS.
It's not like you would be able to even complain about em on the new internet (tm).
I will get a legitimate enjoyment in seeing Trump sycophants defend butchering Net Neutrality. That's when I know they are no better than Shillbots and just dickride their "team" without any logic or reason applied.
Wow, he actually did something smart.
It's possible to be both wrong and honest, and i think most would agree he meant what he said more than most politicians.
t. 1st course economy student
if someone wanted to claim copyright over another person's product overseas, they still need to file an official complaint and pay a set fee to investigate.
with TPP in place, the only thing stopping a company from sending out copyright complaints would be how fast the fucking intern can stamp each letter. Doujins would cease immediately, manga sales would go down, nobody would be even close to be able to put in a recognizable symbol or shape into published works, etc.
Y'all realize that the only reason most of these people opposed TPP is because their deals are caught up in Atlantic trade right? It's the same reason they oppose green energy.
It's all about banking on their own investments and none of them have invested in Asia, South America, Oceania, or green energy.
They need to keep some things in reserve to keep people interested in them and feel they're working towards the ideals people voted them in for. Though we still have lifetime politicians just shitting up congress due to no balances put in place, such as how the president has the two term limit, and I'd love to see something done about that to have people actually fighting to get things done, instead of "eh, we'll consider passing it in a few years, if we feel like it"
>implying the japs give a shit
>tfw Trump will outlaw video games along with gambling with another decree next week
TPP would have allowed corporations to sue nations for lost profits due to new regulations. It would have been a gain for international plutocracy at the expense of national sovereignty.
kill yourself
free trade results in cheaper goods but it also results in lower wages
what do you retards not understand that if you make it easier for one billion chinks to do your job for 2 dollars an hour, you will get outsourced
There's a new tariff on video games and Sup Forums is making fun of us for it.
>Withdraw from TPP
>Trump followers rejoice
>Implement worst parts of TPP separately at later date
>Trump followers rejoice
Are you stupid? There have been very specific rulings on how ISPs must treat all traffic the same. Rolling that back would just fuck you and your daily browsing habits
oh boy i sure do love not having a job to pay for all the cheap shit i can now buy
i also love that my country gets flooded with inferiors who breed like rabbits
he's done more in 5 days than obama did in 8 years
>already killed TPP
>already building wall
>already doing the shit he said he would
if this keeps up, he'll be Reagan 2.0, buckle up for 8 years of him and then 4 years of pence
Guess what? Trump is doing that anyways. Except he's doing it for the people he's in bed with instead of the people he isn't in bed with.
>global treaties and organizations are jewish plots now
Sup Forumstards should be castrated.
Are you being serious?
they pretty much are tbqh the only thing they benefit are rich jew bankers and the elite
now fuck off back to plebbit
Look what happened with the NAPTA
Mitch McConnell has said in no uncertain terms that term limits for Congress aren't happening on his watch.
Anyways, how about those video games?
But the point is, being a pro-TPP retarded is incredibly retarded.
>White people don't know what it's like to be poor
>There have been very specific rulings on how ISPs must treat all traffic the same
Since when?
Too bad the Army Engineers aren't going to build the wall, and the states aren't going to fund it or provide workers for it. Now he has to outsource to Canada to get any of it done which, ironically, means he's outsourcing all the jobs.
Shit son, the only thing he's actually doing is signing executive orders to tell people to stop pointing out how he lost the popular vote and how people didn't show up to the inauguration.
Here, have a cute animation showing your """"global treaty"""".
>the TPP was good because Trump killed it
>no reason to withdraw from TPP
tpp was bad for gaming
like every eceleb came out and said so
What? How would the lack of a new bill being passed cause prices to skyrocket?
Maybe a censored internet is for the best. Without degenerate sites no more children will grow up to be failures like me, and maybe some who aren't too far gone will finally turn their lives around.
I just saw it. Why isn't this being discussed here?
Both versions of a game would be censored, not just the puritan American version.
Well Trump did promise to put in term limits if he became president, so he better push that turtle over and do his little faux alpha male shtick, because that is a legitimate good idea that he shouldn't give up on.
lol what are the arguments against term limits?
>he's done more in 5 days than obama did in 8 years
He didn't have Mitch McConnell declare "The most important thing is to make him a one-term president" then have Congress spend eight years scream and shit themselves trying to block and deny everything.
Also, he's still got a long way to go to match what Obama did accomplish.
>celebrating the wall being built
Pointless dick-shaking that wastes money and will accomplish nothing isn't something to be cheered for.
>throw the jew.webm
How do you know if a boulder is jewish?
you are an idiot if you think a wall isnt gonna get built lol
>Also, he's still got a long way to go to match what Obama did accomplish.
What's that? Create a worse bubble than Bush did and kill more american soldiers?
name one objectively good thing obama did besides cash for clunkers. other than raise our debt for 10T
go ahead ill wait
If you don't have a job you're one of the inferiors infesting this country.
Good luck finding any self respecting person willing to work for a dictator
I like how this post is entirely correct and also entirely ignored so people can argue instead.
Do you even know what the TPP is?
It was basically bringing foreign service industries in line with the US system which will eventually mean that more cheap service workers can be brought in from Cambodia and other shitty Asian countries.
they do
they literally have report fansubs campaigns and actively try to take them down for "piracy"
fucking retards dont realize fansubs actually increase sales and revenue for anime merch rather than take from it
>Trump will never run
>Trump will never breach 15%
>Trump will never win New Hampshire
>Trump will never release his financials
>Trump will never breach 25%
>Trump will never win SC
>Trump will never breach 35%
>Trump will never breach 50%
>Trump will never reach 1237
>Trump will never recover after Wisconsin
>Trump will never win unbound delegates
>Trump will never recover after Colorado
>Trump will never be the nominee
>Trump will never predict BREXIT
>Trump will never pivot to the GE
>Trump will never unify the majority of the GOP
>Trump will never beat Clinton in swing states
>Trump will never reach 270
>Trump will never bring back manufacturing jobs
>Trump will never be POTUS
>Trump will never repeal Obamacare
>Trump�s press secretary will never read this out during a press briefing
>Trump will never stop immigration from the Middle East
>Trump will never build the wall
>Trump will never take action against sanctuary cities
>Trump will never deport illegal aliens
You are here
>Trump will never stop inner city violence
>Trump will never prove he won the Popular Vote
>Trump will never abolish Common Core
>Trump will never renegotiate our trade deals
>Trump will never survive the 4 years
>Trump will never win a second term
>Trump will never win World War III
>Trump will never establish the Earth Federation
>Trump will never colonize Space
>Trump will never build Mobile Suits
>Trump will never defeat the Principality of Zeon
Yeah that'll be real smart to have such a thing in place for when the far left eventually takes office, even if it takes multiple terms. Don't implement weapons that your enemy can use against you.
>Also, he's still got a long way to go to match what Obama did accomplish.
What be Black? Literally the one fucking thing Obama can fucking say he did as President was ACA and that's getting fucking thrown in the trash with Trump
Literally every country was against it you american pig
He'll have to pay Canada to do it because Mexico won't pay, the Army Corps won't design it, and the border states aren't going to subsidize it and provide workers.
>free trade
This is either the most pathetic grasping at straws comment I've seen or the best bait
Either way, you need to go back.
Trump's ego is greater than a nobody like Mitch McConnell, just like Trump's got more sway than McCain and his anti-torture stance
In semi-related news, have they ever made like a congress simulator, seeing as we already have stuff like game dev tycoon / Chroma Squad's power ranger simulator / PewDiePie Youtuber Sim?
Yeah it's not like the Cubans did it or something lol
>"you never heard of"
Literally a red flag.
What a ride it has been.
>the Army Corps won't design it
did you get this piece of information from buzzfeed
>Phillippines wants to sue Activision for excessive violence
>with TPP they can
Wow I love trade deals
Wait, his press secretary read this list?
>Mexico won't pay
We literally would spend more money in one year of federal aid funds to Mexico than on the entire wall
Imagine how much we could save if we denied Mexico aid money for 8 years if they refuse to publicly pay for the wall
Cubans aren't Americans
But USA would have lost more jobs