What Marvel superhero are they putting in KH3, Sup Forums?
What Marvel superhero are they putting in KH3, Sup Forums?
Not Captain America
Is this why Activision btfo all their Spider-Man games?
probably hellcat, or Kamala
Who fucking cares? "Kairi the darkness inside you, heartless" it's basically just a fucking popup book of anime, Disney characters and absolute fucking gibberish at this point. KH should have been taken out back and shot after 2.
>>YFW Bendis writes the Marvel stuff.
This is worse. From Bendis Powers.
He also gave us TIT Missile.
>Marvel and Star Wars in KH3
Pick one and only one you raging homo
If they are actually related, probably the Avengers with either Ultron or Thanos. The Marvel announcement is probably something to do with the next event coming up though.
God, I would kill for the four elementals.
I remember back when I was certain that the Pirates Sequels were gonna be in KH3...
Batman in Kingdom Hearts 3? Cool
nigga it should have happened after 1
reminder that She Hulk somehow died from this
She Hulk.
It seriously depends what part of Marvel we're getting.
ORIGINALLY was supposed to die from this. They last minute changed it cause leaks made fans mad.
>UK time
Tell us the REAL time, you stupid faggot.
Hopefully not the edgy bullshit Marvel fans call "deep writing".
Well it wont be Xmen, or Fantastic Four thats for sure
If any marvel shit is in the game I will fucking boycott
I fucking hate those cunts
Which one of your 3/4 times is the real time?
I liked Big Hero 6
>>Asks for real time
>>Marvel time stamp: 7 AM PST/10 AM EST
>t. underage
Oh, I wouldn't want the edgy stuff either. But we do have the current stupid stuff.
>you're gay because i said so
The female Captain Marvel is such a retarded dyke it's not even funny.
Iceman has dated females in the past but to my memory anyway, he bumps his head and suddenly that somehow unlocks his "repressed gayness"
Get hit hard enough and you like dicks all of a sudden.
>Most powerful telepath
>Telling other people what's in their mind
Now this is rape.
This was how she used to look. RIP.
A theory is that Bendis made Iceman gay because he dated Kitty Pryde, and Bendis waifus Kitty hard. REALLY hard.
>using reddit memes on Sup Forums
Kill yourself nigger
No that's Ms.Marvel.
Captain Marvel is different though the names are confusing.
FemCapMarvel thinks with her vagina and is a barely functioning retard who gets her friends killed like it's going out of style.
>More capeshit
Why are they still trying when all comic games are shit
tfw no Great Mouse Detective in KH
Why is capeshit so fucking gay?
It's all so fucking lame.
The irony is that Carol Danvers isn't even the first female Captain Marvel, and those other two Captain Marvels ended up more interesting than here, and even ironically more progressive (lesbian and black), but Marvel is in absolute denial about them cause Carol Carol Carol.
Here's Phyla Vell, the Space Lesbian Captain Marvel, and she was awesome.
well carol danvers was shoehorned in everything even before she got super powers
Normie bucks or were you being rhetorical?
Carol Danver fans are the absolute worst.
>Mar-vell will never ever be back
>>This mad over a 15 minute part of a video game.
I mean, when have the other worlds ever mattered in KH?
>Missing panel with "I'm not interested in lame stuff"
In KH1
It felt like that issue came out yesterday.
Nu Marvel makes me sick.
Go back to your edgy comics grandpa
How the fuck can Sora fuck with Marvel villains? These guys can literally reality warp and destroy the multiverse.
Sora beat Sepheroth and the God of the underworld.
Im not really about injecting a bunch of marvel stuff into kh but a simple spiderman-themed manhattan world would be pretty great.
And here I was hoping for MvCi news.
>wanting gay Wolverine and his Hercules gf in his game
Does this mean that Marvel's multiverse contains all the Disney worlds? That means all the Disney worlds had incursions when the Multiverse was destroyed.
Would line up with the Xbox One version of KH3 being cancelled...
Sepheroth and Hades are literally ants compare to someone the Hulk.
I heard a lot of bad shit from the newer Mahvel comics
Is it really true or a meme?
Kim Possible? What?
Cap and Iron man for an Avengers world in KHIII
See, this is why I don't want Marvel in KH.
Really? The Hulk is strong, but I think Sepherioth can handle him.
Some is posted in the thread. Basically, a lot of the best Marvel writers and artists went to Image cause they get more money even if those comics sell lower.
But it was an Anti-Thanos missile.... That they just so happen to have lying around.
They're either completely unrelated announcements or:
Marvel Fantasy: A Final Fantasy style rpg set in the Marvel verse.
I actually think that the best way to implement Marvel characters would be to use them as guests like the Final Fantasy guys rather than having a big Marvel world. Something like Thor and Hulk being in the Colosseum and Spiderman/Iron Man in SanFransokyo.
I think the best way would be to not implement them at all and keep the focus on Core Disney classics, you know, as was the original intent.
If fucking Iron Man gets in over Darkwing Duck, you don't even know...
That could be fun.
Probably included since Nomura did some Miku art (for a figure, I think. Don't remember). At that point you may as well add Smash.
It's something Kingdom Hearts related, guys. S-E was asking certain fans to drop off their offices some weeks ago and they were given Spiderman and Thor collectible pins lol
Trust me, Hulk can create multiverse shockwaves and imagine someone being caught up in that shit.
To think it'll be any franchise other than iron man is delusional thinking.
They're gonna want the least amount of license issues possible.
Um, Hulk can go worldbreaker, but multiversal shockwaves? I'm going to have to need a source on that.
I would rather have edge than the bullshit SJW stuff that is current Marvel.
I love Disney.
I love Final Fantasy.
I can't stand Kingdom Hearts.
I really wish I'd like it more. It feels like I should love it.
Marvel vs Square enix?
Marvel universe on KH3?
A new RPG with the characters of marvel?
MARVEL VS FinalFantasy confirmed.
Nier Automata x Marvel
Hulk Hands will appear as a collectable fist weapon complete with Hulk audio
It's okay man. It's cheesy as fuck. I only play it because I grew up with the first two games and the bosses can still kick my ass. Worlds are cool too. Other than that, the story and the characters just make me cringe. Even when I was an 8-year old, I wanted to punch Sora.
spider-man because of the new movie
>yfw Disney meddling puts in all the "hot new modern franchises" and KH becomes a diversity SJWfest
Oh my god is this offical artwork?
That book was fucking atrocious before, but now it looks as bad as its written.
this literally looks like something that I'd see for free online and think "man that's a shitty webcomic"
people pay for this?
That's an actual Marvel comic book page?
It's going to be Big Hero 6. And that's a good thing because the Marvel Superhero Universe is not a Disney creation therefore does not belong in the game.
Hell Disney didn't even buy Marvel until after they started making MCU movies. Marvel was a Disney acquisition so the only Marvel thing that should be in Kingdom Hearts is the one that Marvel and Disney made together.
Saitama > Superman
But San Fransokyo has been confirmed for like, ever.
Neither of those are reality warpers.
RPGs live or die by their writing, and Marvel has zero (0) good writers right now.
I disagree :^)
it's not that i expect miku in kingdom hearts, it's that nomura did a miku drawing that has this deadpan look all his modern stuff tend to do that just look wrong