>at work
>overhear loud video game discussion coming from service desk management room
>middle age IT manager praising Final Fantasy XV graphics
>try to hold in laughter
>'great graphics'
TOP FUCKING KEK! There are there people who unironically think XV has good graphics.
At work
>xbone screenshot
That's why you don't get graphics.
>good graphics
top kek
PS4 quality isn't any better user. The entire game looks like shit.
Somehow you come across as the bigger prick in that story OP
too bad that west is more focused in making movies
Why should they when weeaboos defend the shit Japan gives them?
This. You sound fucking embarrassing, OP
This reminds me of that picture where the guy passes someone in the street and keeps his mouth shut like a pussy then goes home and rants on the internet.
Squeenix fanboys are really this hurt the game looks like shit?
No, you just literally sound like the loser in this story.
Nobody denies the graphics arent that good. You however sound like a shambles of a man.
Thats why he is the manager user.
He really doesnt care like you do and thus can move on and suceed with life
Only jaded assholes and ocd addled retards would agree with your opinion.
hey guys.... can i... talk about FF with you guys too?
oh... hey user... um our break is about up so....
oh yea... ok...
>making up stories for the sole purpose of shitposting about FFXV
Don't you have anything better to do, Anti XV-kun?
I know right? Last time when my normie friends who I hanged out with told me how they enjoyed Batman v Superman. I literally BTFO'ed the FUCK out of them by pointing out what a piece of shit it was. Suddenly my "friends" from the night shift kept forgetting to invite me to breakfast at this one place we usually go to after work.
Surprised I haven't seen a gaming edit for these yet
>too much of a pussy to speak up at work
>goes home and posts online thinking everyone will praise him
I'm pretty sure I saw a couple. But I didn't save them
Even posted the usual "fit in on Sup Forums starter kit" words like "top kek" and "unironically"
Jesus OP...
Nigger, you have to LISTEN to someone's conversation like a god damned outcasted cuck. And yet you have the gall to snicker & sneer at what a normie thinks what good graphics are for a video game you don't like? He might be stupid out just sheer ignorance, but you are unfathomably pathetic.
Graphics don't matter, Japanese animation and gameplay is almost always more rich than their competitors.
Fuckin graphics fags man.
I'll take Style that ages like wine versus graphic innovations that show their age months later.
>What did he mean by this?
>Explain yourselves
>Well Sup Forums?
>Who was in the wrong here?
>Mods are asleep post [actual degeneracy or false degeneracy to bait mods]
>Daily reminder that [baitpost]
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Was he/she right Sup Forums?
>Prove [him/her] wrong
>Name a [character with obvious discussion probing] better than X Protip: you can't.
>Sup Forums BTFO
>Would you? [some fag or waifu]
>Is he "our" guy?
>He/she did nothing wrong!
>Will you buy [waifu or husbando's] game?
>Convince me to NOT buy this game.
>Claim your [game series]-fu
>Find a flaw
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this [something we all are going to have different opinions of]
>How did we go from this...to THIS?
>Hold me, Sup Forumsros. How do we fix this?
>Redpill me on X
>What was his/her endgame?
>Was it kino?
>What games allow me to play as [faggot minority]?
>Just bought this. What am I in for?
>What are some games that let me do this?
>Name 1 (ONE) good game
>What went wrong?
>Why is this allowed?
>wtf i love/hate [thing] now.
>So this...is the power...of [platform] woah.
>I'm literally shaking right now.
>[Community] btfo, on suicide watch.
>Can we get one of these threads going?
>I want to ____ X!
>Can any video game character beat [character]?
>Really makes you think.
>X is cute cuuutee
your mom looks like shit
>shoot vietnam barrel
>pistol becomes silenced
>party member becomes villain in sequel
>it's a "villain can heal doors" episodic sequel
>NPC dog opens door
>"woof! get on mic, user"
>ice barrel music starts playing
>console language sets to french
>explose baril
Shoot FIVE (shoot) games that do this
>top kek
Facebook is that way.
Okay OP, what would you consider good graphics?
FF XV might not be some technical wonder but it has impresive character detail, lighting and particles. And art direction makes it a visually appealing game. What exactly is your grief with it?
>pic related was good graphics back in the day
Graphics are great and all. But you haven't seen bad graphics if you haven't played early 3D console games.
what the cuck?
Try playing the game
Hey! I'm not OP but I do the same thing. Fuck off. Hiding powerlevel and all that.
>PS2 trees and bad texture resolution
FFXV is a game that has pretty impressive graphics and absolutely dogshit image quality.
A PC release would show this game in a far better light.
Ffxv looks nice tho
Good graphics have nothing to do with horsepower
Good graphics have nothing to do with the polygon count or the texture size
Good graphics is creating what your game should look like to its full potential, given what you have.
PC games get around it by bulldozing the problem with high performance parts.
Okami has better graphics.
That game looks like shit. Will never play it.
Get back to work faggot, stop obsessing over bullshit.
PC games very rarely make full potential of the hardware. Whenever the visual enveloppe is pushed it's always a console game.
>Good graphics is creating what your game should look like to its full potential, given what you have.
I agree. Good devs will work within the hardware limitations to make a visually appealing games. It's always more impressive when technically outdated hardware pushes for better graphics than the latest cutting edge GPU on the market.
>graphics vs gameplay
not even a contest