What went right?
What went right?
Nothing unless you like weeb games.
Also the Vita Slim has such terrible build quality compared to the original.
Excellent niche device. Sadly, those niche games never flexed all of Vita's hardware muscle because their budgets were pitiful. Just look at what Vita can run with those Uncharted and Killzone games.
if you buy it for the right type of games it's great
Nothing really. Well, the first model had a nice display, but the shit tier resolution killed it. Later models had a shitty display coupled with the terrible resolution to make an truly awful experience.
nice screen, nice dpad. i got a good amount of enjoyment from my vita but i agree with the people who say that it's a failure.
it's probably the GOAT console if you like weeb dungeon crawlers though
Portable, single screen underpowered PC in Japan, although the 3DS and mobage do way better there anyway
dual analog sticks
Aesthetic. PSP had the right idea, but Vita just took it even forward. It's also great for people who don't have have baby hands because wide grip works either way. Only downside of no shell design was that you needed some kind of protection for the damn thing or you'd fuck up your screen or dislodge analog stick(s) if you really had piss poor luck.
Two fucking joysticks. Finally someone was smart enough to put two joysticks on a portable gaming device. Too long enough
Shame they didn't find a way to put games on it
So is it worth getting? PSP is fucking godly between the library it has and psx games you can emulate with 0 issue.
Please tell me Vita is the exact same but with stronger hardware.
>slim is about to come out
>decide to get the original anyway because of the Oled meme
The only problem is the propertary charger.
pic related, one of the best games that you can play on vita
some good weeb games
When it comes to the western market it's definitely a failure in terms of the library, and fuck, those fucking memory cards. There's also the problem of some of the better vita games like Gravity Rush getting ported to the much more popular ps4
That's a psp game though, if we're counting psp games and multiplat titles it's a great system but it's still a wii-u tier failure
shitting on the slim is basically autism
The battery management is great
OLED screen
Too bad they replaced it with LCD because we can't have nice things
i spilled fucking yogurt all over my psp so i had to get a vita to replace it to finish all of my psp games.. so i guess that's the only thing i used it for
crisis core and let us cling together are great though.. the FFT port was great as well
The d-pad is amazing. I wish Retoarch performed better so we could make the most of it.
Sorta but not really
I can't wait for this shit to be 50$ with a memory card like what I paid for my PSP
Still use it daily for emulating
The dungeon crawlers are all crap.
They're just excuses to sell garbage ecchi art. The actual gameplay is unpolished as fuck.
oh i see. i haven't touched one except persona 4 if that counts but i remember checking new vita releases and there was always a new dungeon crawler game with some cute young thing on the cover.
Top 3 games?
DT2 is pretty good and so is Coven from what I've heard.
Hyped for 2-2
If you know moon it's a decent enough DRPG box.
Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain was amazing. Dungeon Travelers 2-2 will probably be fun this year. Mary Skelter was breddy gud.
There is 0 reason for a non-weeb to own one, though.
What a waste of a good console.
It doesn't count.
Perfect japshit machine for losers
>Perfect japshit machine for losers
This is not the 3ds thread
You don't need to be a weeb to enjoy a good game.
Calling it a weeb machine as if it's a compliment is basically admitting that you have low standards and will play anything Japan shits out.
Is 2-2 a sequel or expanded remake?
Sequel that continues the plot from the party losing against the final boss.
B-b-but microsoft/pc/nintendo
OLED, dual sticks and Gravity Rush
You do need to be a weeb to understand Japanese, though. Coven doesn't seem to be coming west.
Guess I need to play through it then. Got burnt out around chapter 7 or 8.
I just got Risk of Rain on my Vita during that flash sale, and holy fuck this is comfy.
I loved it on my PC, but it's just so nice on Vita for some reason.
That's the ONLY problem.
Slim on the other hand
>L R buttons can be press for two sides, alost rolling them
>thumbs rest right on top of the speakers
>disgusting rough matte finish, not even a soft matte
>buttons feel like garbage
>sticks feel like they'll snap off
>dpad is terrible
>not the good screen of original
>not the good weight of original
>not that solid feeling build
At lest when Nintendo put out their "slim" they actally feel comfortable to the touch.
No, it's definitely coming. NISA just hasn't announced it yet but it got pretty good praise from Japan so I see them trying to bring it over to the west.
Most indie games on steam are more comfy on vita. I would love 100% OJ on Vita. Too bad it usually works in reverse with Vita exclusives getting ported to pc wothon a few months
>dpad is terrible
Confirmed for never actually holding a Slim
The time to buy was last year. Sony stopped replenishing western stock in April.
PSTV $20
PSTV bundle $30-40
Vita went down to $169 then piracy happened clearing all old stock able to play all Vita games through August 2016
Emulation is pretty good.
Not much better than the old PSP unfortunately
Hopefully those new 3D libraries improve things
Heard about that. Would be pretty neat playing some N64 on the thing if all goes well.
I will buy used my friend
Hopefully from someone who did the 3.60 henkaku hack
Greatest ports machine ever made
I would have never gotten into FF, MGS, or Persona/SMT otherwise
It's my vanillaware machine
It plays Muramasa.
And Dragon's Crown and Odin Sphere
I'd rather have 1080p and a stable framerate desu
More powerful than the Switch, let that go trough your neurons.
Odin sphere framerate is stable on the vita surprisingly enough. Only drops when you chuck potions like crazy and fill the screen with effects.
As for Dragon's Crown, having both the PS3 and vita versions, I prefer touch controls for rune and food clicking.
>source: my ass