>want to replay Dark Souls II
>remember how long it takes to make a decent looking character
>alt + f4
Want to replay Dark Souls II
>want to replay Dark Souls 2
>remember all builds are boring as fuck and nothing does damage
>want to replay Dark Souls III
>remember it's a tunnel where every run is the same bosses in the same order for 75% of the game
>remember I can't use properly use weapons in my left hand
>remember that all magic is garbage
>remember I can just mash 20 panic rolls and estus out of any bad situation because rolling barely costs tamina
>remermber the PvP is 90% rolling, 9% estusing, 1% people actually getting hit
>implying your pic related is "decent looking"
fashionfags are the worst
Only souls game I'd ever consider replaying at this point is bloodborne.
I think you're confusing it with DaS 3.
>go to replay Dark Souls II
>realise Bloodborne has ruined the series for me because nothing else can possibly compare to it
>cry myself to sleep
I miss when nobody knew about Dark Souls. The fanbase is all faggots now.
III is 3, faggot.
>want to play scholar of the first sin because I never played it past the last giant
>remember the floaty controls and combat
I still boot up DaS from time to time and listen to podcasts while I play
It's real comfy
That's NPC though not a player model
>fashionfags are the worst
fuck you don't you dare imply all of us are disgusting waifufags
Dark Souls 2 wasn't that great anyway. I used to think it was a piece of irredeemable shit but it's not that bad.
Would you prefer that no one knew the Souls series, servers to be dead, and Souls games discontinued due to lack of interest? Invade the faggots as revenge. The community is full of them, right?
>look good by No Man's Wharf
>started playing Demons' Souls recently
>literally 0 summon signs anywhere
Feels bad man
I instead used an Old Whip on fire,or dual jeweled scimitars.
post some good looking female player characters from DS2
you have no idea how much I want to fuck that
The mirror was in some new screens for 3 at least. Hopefully the outfit is in too.
pls from
bring back desert sorceress slutwear for the last dlc
have fun not getting invaded
servers still active??
Post more desert sorceress lewds or suggestives pls
They've said theyre going to turn them off once and for all about 8 times now.
They had a big reopening event a while ago, I don't think they've talked about shutting the servers down since then