Is it better than skyrim if it modable ?

is it better than skyrim if it modable ?

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the combat was rock solid and a lot of fun. but everything else was the epitome of mediocrity. you'd have to overhaul quite a lot to make this game worth playing.

The main problem with the combat was that it was ridiculously easy and the AI was too shit to fight back. But it was still much better than Skyrim's combat.

Ironically, combat is the one thing the myriad of skyrim mods haven't been able to fix.

This is the most creatively senile game I've ever played, and I don't think the combat saves it. Other 3rd person hack and slashes do fluid combo based combat better and the entire game is just so shit uninspired.

The only way to improve KoA is to scrap it and start again.

It's a good timesink, but not on the level of any TES.
And it being a timesink is the only good thing about it.

There should exist a multiplayer mod.

>Best female bodies in any WRPG to date
>Even the most revealing armor covers more skin than a niqab
Dissappointing game desu

and what are some good combat mods?

don't name 7 different AI enhancements or level scaling bullshit

The lore and worldbuilding was good though, despite being generic. It's the actual story of the game that lets it down immensely, along with the awful dialogues and bland MMO-like level design.

If it didnt have such a ridiculous budget and a huge fiasco after it flopped, I would say it would be a perfectly serviceable middle market game.

I hated how they did the level scaling though. It was bound to the level that you were when you walked into an area. So essentially, you could explore almost everything at level 5 and they would NEVER get stronger from that time you walked in at level 5.

wew it really looks like mmo game

Thoroughly disagreed, there is no worldbuildingof after the into cinematic. I didn't beat this game but I sunk 23 hours in and I think the worldbuilding you're talking about is just scenery and distressed peasant side quests. Honestly, how much do you remember without looking it up?

kinda like oblivion where the game is the easiest when you don't level up at all and just raise skills.

combat of all TES games are broken at the core and can barely be improved. Kingdoms of Amalur with TES quests would have been goat.

Same question with OP but with Dragons Dogma

I want to try this game but I also don't want to put 120 hours into a single player MMO set in a dead IP that's never going to get a sequel

>scrap it and start again
They did. It's called Dragon Age:I.

you need either to change perks or get fun spells/shouts to make combat fun nothing else will

i've played DD over 100h and i had a blast. i grew quite attached to my pawn over that time and the ending where it became fully human really got to me.

>there is no worldbuildingof after the into cinematic
Are you kidding or just retarded? There's a shitload of lore, mythology and background stories to collect in the game. There were these stone things everywhere that were basically just fantasy audiologs to dump more lore on the player, and almost all of the sidequests involving the fey and shit like taht was pure worldbuilding. Sure, if you just stick to the main story you'll never seem most of it because the main story is awful, but that doesn't mean it's not there.

Game is completely fucked up by low as hell level cap, enemies auto-leveling to your level when you enter a new location and overall feeling that it's just a rejected MMO (which is actually was).
Better combat system than dragon's dogma at least.

>game OST was done by Grant Kirkhope
Feels good

Another series of uninspired boring fantasy filler

I haven't touched that game in years but I couldn't tell you anything about it other than a gnome version of Hugh Neutron brings you back to life,

>I don't remember it so it doesn't exist

Exactly my point. EA never learns.