You need to maintain 120 fps for ULMB. Why I generally use Gsync.
Search Geforce forums. Someone activated ULMB and G-Sync at the same time.
He *thought* they're both enabled, but the nature of the techs means that he is really only seeing one of the two effects, even if the interface """"confirms"""" that both are enabled.
He posted a video showing a variable strobe rate with a camera.
here, take this solution
I'm a ULMB guy myself. gay sync can suck dick.
ayyy lmao
>input lag
never again
I think its more of an issue if its badly implemented. Used the in-game vsync on a new game title and I didn't feel any input lag. I play fighters so I'm kinda sensitive to input lag in general.
there is nothing as sensitive as mouse look. Pressing a button is a single instance of input, moving a mouse is a continuous flow of input, 1000 adjustments per second
You know, fighters actually involve movement which is a continuous flow of inputs too.
Agreed I guess. Mouse could be more sensitive but that doesn't mean fighters don't suffer if there's input lag as you're implying. I don't play fps though so the game I mentioned was played with a pad and I didn't notice any input lag even though I looked out for it when I enabled it.
max pre-rendered frames limited to 1 and a non-shit implementation of vsync leaves no input lag
If you can maintain the FPS for vsync there's no reason to not use ULMB.
fuck I'll take anything but ULMB, watching cricket with that shit on is caner to my eyes, I'd rather have G-Sync and have the ball become nearly invisible.
>watching a game of cricket that is probably in 480i and at 30fps on a technology meant to be used with a 120 fps progressive resolution
Can't imagine why you're getting a bad result Euro.
why, what happens when you are under 120?
>muh 120fps gsync UMLGBTQA+
But where are the games, PC?
You start to lose a lot of the benefit. Weird effects will occur. And all the stuff that comes with FPS drops.