Will it be as good as Spider-man 2? Will we finally have another Spiderkino?

Will it be as good as Spider-man 2? Will we finally have another Spiderkino?

Does anyone have the chart of the different web swinging mechanics?

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Spiderman 2 wasn't actually a good game. If it's as good as web of shadows though.

There is a chart?
There is only correct web swinging and moon swinging.

It could be if they build a compelling game around the web slinging mechanics. The missions in spiderman 2 were mostly all crap.

I want to know if it will be good period. I love a good Spiderman game.


They just have to copy that Bionic commando reboots grappling mechanic.

No way, Spencer's rigid swinging does not fit Spider-Man's elastic swinging.


Where does Web of Shadows fit?

It's Insomniac, so it'll at least be passable.

And I would imagine the web-slinging will be good enough, the real question is whether there will be enough shit to do in the city. Lord knows the biggest problem with most Spidey games is there being little to no variety in the side-missions.

Under ASM2 I'd say. Sometimes it would anchor to buildings but plenty of times it'd just be floating in the air.

Still a fucking good game though.

The white symbol isn't bad.

Deal with it.

How did Raimi get away with it?

It was a different time

This. Spiderman 2 was only good when it came out better spiderman games came out. Tired of this hipster "Muh spiderman 2"

Except it was pretty good. Good doesn't mean great, just that it was enjoyable.

How to make it perfect:
Spider-Man 2 Swinging + Web of Shadow's web combos

Yes, this.

Web of shadows was still better.

Nice to see they aren't going for total realism so you can smash people with shit that would normally atomize somebody's torso if it was swung into them at several mph. Just hope the combat isn't too floaty like some of the games. While Spider-man is all about zipping about (ironically, what Batman was doing more and more of in the later Arkham games), he shouldn't be fighting like Dante from DMC where he's just doing anime-style float stuff and juggling people like blowup dolls.

Maybe for you, but not for everyone.

where is maximum carnage

>for fully comfy mode, hack your wii u and play the games on your bed
Wait, we can play GC games on hacked wii u and play them with the gamepad?

It looks to be at least be using the webs in what little they showed in the trailer

>Web of shadows was still better.
Only in terms of action, particularly aerial combat

Everything else about it was genuinely worse. Dat painful voice acting.

Well, it wouldn't really be Spidey if he didn't use his webs in some of his attacks.

I'd gurantee for most people. Hipster/Nostalgia fags on Sup Forums have never been representative of any real metric.
Gameplay is the most important thing anyways.

God, these people kill me. Web of Shadows was ridiculously unfinished. It was the Marvel Zombies game at first. Glitchy mess, web striking was cool, but the combat in that game was buns easy anyways. Cool game, NOT, better than Spider-Man 2.

No, as far as I know you can't.

It's hardly nostalgia when the game is the most talked about entry in the gaming serial.

>I'd guarantee for most people.

Good troll, almost caught me.

Jesus, Raimi. Calm down.

Hope the unlockable costumes have different effects on the gameplay.

I liked how the PS1 game did it. The Symbiote suit gave you unlimited webbing, the Cosmic suit gave you god mode. It was neat.

>implying it will have spidey 2-tier swinging
>implying good things EVER happen
>implying it won't be a casual cinematic piece of trash

fuck off back to Sup Forums with your unfunny meme shit you retard

Being the GOAT.

I just finished Last of us and it was fucking cinematic garbage interspersed with the same fucking dull ass mechanics from Uncharted one only now you have less bullets and a shittier AI partner.

God damn story fags.

I bet Insomniac's Spider-Man will have the exact same problems as Spider-Man 2
>Sorta boring level design (muh NYC)
>Emphasis on story missions, which are ehhh, and emphasize combat way too much
>Nothing to do once you beat the story missions but swing around
>No multiplayer or exploration fun

Vocal minority
Not an argument

>cinematic trash
If this was Naughty Dog I'd believe in what you're saying

I hope they include some of the boroughs and sewers. Fucking around Manhattan can get pretty dull.

It'd be pretty nice to have Marvel Universe shit in there like they did with Ultimate.

It's not Naughty Dog you shitter

I have no faith in any company anymore to not pander to MUH FEELS

>good swinging/crawling mechanics
>extensive combat/combo system
>shit ton of alternate costumes

That's really all they need.

Does anyone else think Sucker Punch could make a good Spider-man game? Throughout inFamous 1 I kept thinking how cool it would be if it had SM2 swinging mechanics.

inFamous felt really good to run around in. Cole was graceful yet heavy, fluid yet rigid. I feel like they could do really well with a Spiderman game.

>implying it will have spidey 2-tier swinging
Already looks like it going from the debut trailer that showed some gameplay.

>implying good things EVER happen
They can, and have.

>implying it won't be a casual cinematic piece of trash
Based on what?

>vocal minority

Hardly, considering nearly everyone mentions Spider-man 2.

>get enemy in air combo
>never touch the ground again

>Cole was graceful yet heavy, fluid yet rigid
Nigga the magnetism was horrid. You do not know what good platforming is supposed to feel like.

Still a vocal minority. Hardly anyone on Sup Forums says Fallout 4 is a good game yet talk to your average gamer or look at sales number and they'll say it's fantastic.

>"they call me the human genocider"
How did this get past the test audience?

Why the shitty redesign? Classic Spidey is perfect.
At least it's not an edgy redesign like Injustice ones.

>liking Spider-Man 2
I won't argue that it's an all-around great game though. The story mode and missions were mostly boring, and since it's based on the Raimi movies, it doesn't reach the potential or feeling that the comics of Spider-Man give.

However, the swinging in this game, as far as I'm concerned, is the most enjoyable form of movement in any video game. Everything just feels right, and things can get pretty crazy trying to deliver pizzas. I popped it in for the first time in years the other day, and played just four hours straight of swinging around.

It's just Scarlet Spider and MCU combined.

And yet you hear more people talk about Spider-man 2 than you do Web of Shadows. So hardly a "vocal minority"

Nothing hipster about liking spiderman 2. It's hipster if you like it over Web of shadows when it's an improvement in the most important ways.

>Will it be as good as Spider-man 2?
Hopefully not, I want it to be a good game.

That's literally by defintion of what a vocal minority is. Vocal minority creates the illusion of a majority because they constantly talk about something when in reality their numbers are relatively tiny.

That's not what hipster means. What you're talking about is being contrarian and disliking Web for shallow reasons. Even then, Web of Shadows really wasn't that much better of a game. None of the games have ever really been that great.

No it isn't. Jesus man, that's fine and all if you like Web of Shadows so much, but stop acting like it's some godsend of the Spider-man games.

>"that's your name? man that sucks"

jesus christ raimi

>Bruce Campbell will not make a voice cameo

Based on what little gameplay we have, the swinging in this game looks more animation based than Physics based.

Hold on, you could have 2 webs out at the same time in ultimate? I don't remember that.

Let's face it, Spider-Man hasn't really had a god tier game ever. Even the best ones (Spider-Man PS1, SM2, USM and Web of Shadows) aren't really hot shit.

I'm kinda hopeful tho. It's pretty obvious that they're going all in for this one in terms of talent and development time. They probably want it to be their own 'Arkham Asylum' and jumpstart a franchise. I'd be surprised if this isn't at least the best Spidey game so far.

I can't imagine them not having some measure of physics. Even since physics became a thing in games, they've been included in some way or form.

But really, long as it's not cheap looking (anchoring to invisible spots) or unwieldy, it should be fine. Insomniac usually doesn't shirk it with animating their characters.

Wouldn't surprise me. Hell, weren't there rumors of Marvel hoping to kickstart something like a gaming version of the MCU? Wouldn't be a bad place to start with Spidey.

"Vocal Minority; A minority of people who are very loud and vocal about a view, opinion, or statement creating the illusion of a vocal majority.

A vocal minority is the antonym of a "silent majority" "


>That's a cute outfit, did your fudgepacking faggot husband make it for you?
its the delivery that makes me wince

I'm really interested to see what interpretation of Spider-man villains we get. That Cross-Species Rhino and Scorpion was just bad.

jesus raimi really? Your mother was jewish for gods sake

I bought Shattered Dimensions when it was on sale for $5, did I do good?

You want door fix, Man of Spiders? Yes, I know these things you do. I learn how to find many secrets in old country. You will not pay rent? This is fair. We will take rent in other ways. When I was in old country, in Bosnia, my friends and I...we do things to women. Terrible things, make them ugly women who will never be loved. Your friends, redhead girl and science girl...they will beg me to stop, as my men and I rain alternating blows of ejaculating and fists upon them. And when they are broken, Man of Spiders, when they are nothing more than shells...you will know that the rent has been paid.

Classic Raimi

I think 2 was pretty great, but yeah, Web Of Shadows was a lot better.


Fuck off Sup Forums

My nigga

>Spiderman 2 was only good when it came out better spiderman games came out.
>Spiderman 2 was only good when it came out
>when it came out better spiderman games came out.

Oh god, my head hurts. You can't smash two sentences together like that, user.

I'm too high for this shit. My mind is fucking blown from this post. Fuck.

Didn't they already say it was going to have moon swinging?


Nice meme, kid. You're still wrong. Everyone mentions Spider-man 2 as a solid game. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean they're a vocal minority.

No, that was Sup Forums shitposting


The hell is this autism all about?


We know that Negative Man's in the game since his henchmen appear in the trailer, though what he looks like himself is unknown. Has to be at least somewhat like the comic if the goons are pretty much as they are in the comics.

As for the rest, I'd imagine they'll probably try to marry elements of various characters, while probably making some nods to the films as well. It is nice that Marvel and Sony are letting the team do what they want instead of forcing embargo bullshit like what has befallen many of the Spider-man medias.

Spiderman 1 had the best costumes, prove me wrong.

Two of those posts are mine

Guess which ones and you'll that the honor of eating my cummies


Not an argument

Spiderman 2 was mediocre, I got it for Xbox and didn't even finish it, Ultimate Spiderman is the best but for its time spiderman 2000 was the real innovator

>friends go to Italy
>like in real life not my video game life
>they come back and have a conversation about Milan
>I've never been to Italy
>feeling quite left out of the conversation
>remember this song
>say hey guys check out this song
>dead silence afterwards

Yeah I regret that moment

So are the games not even listed not worth playing or something? Web of Shadows, Edge of Time, Shattered Dimensions, Spider-Man 3

I never had a problem with it. Besides, I'm talking about how it felt, not whether it made for good platforming or not.

You know what? They could just make a simple web-swinger simulator and end it at that. Just web-swinging, nothing else. You guys would probably buy it by the droves, so long as it has proper mechanics.

>missing the punchline
C'mon man, it was a vital part of the script. He says "you will know that the rent has been paid. For this month."

They did. There was a game that was just about swinging, they advertised it saying that the guy behind SM2's swinging was behind it. It fucking bombed hard, no body played and certainly no one was talking about it