I still can't believe how bad it was and still is

I still can't believe how bad it was and still is.

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I still kinda want to play it, but I'll probably wait 3 more years. Maybe it at least won't crash by then.

It was an early access game. If they launched it as such, it not only would have been given a resounding "meh" instead of the shit-talking it received, it likely would have been lauded for bringing those games to console.


Maybe when it's one of those PS+ games or Steam has it up for $5.

how bad was it?

that'll teach the pre-ordering fags not to jump on a hype train

This was just released on the shield so it's safe to say it will be ported to switch.

Along with battleborn. Switch only gets shit.

Through streaming you mong plus it's shit so who cares

An early-access indie game falsely advertised and sold as a finished game at a AAA pricetag.

and the game journalists will defend it until the end of fucking time.

oh cool! a hot new update on no man's sky! now might be the time to buy the game, lol!


I'm just happy the joy this place gave me leading up to it. I was out for a month and was on a heavy dose of pain pills and bed ridden and I kept up with the entire hype train, to the disaster control on reddit to the shitposting and backlash that followed. Oh the reddit threads of damage control were golorious.

I actually played the game both sober and high. Neither was enjoyable. Game is just flying around collecting junk to upgrade more junk. It's a game that 10 bucks would be asking too much.

Pirate it then.

>discoveries are wiped after 2 weeks
light years of kek

To put it bluntly, it is a game you play to take screenshots with. If you are actually looking for any fun it is not here. For the first handful of planets you're like "Well this looks pretty nice" and then you realize "Half of these planets in this solar system are completely barren, the other half are filled with enormous hills that take forever to climb or are just a chore to traverse". The water traversal and melee jetpacking around was the most fun the entire game had to offer.

It's a monotonous and soul draining grind for anything you could remotely want. There's only like three different building types you can encounter with aliens which are landing pad trading post, trading hub, and transmission hub. You encounter monoliths and other areas that teach you words but even after like 60 or 80 hours (I have no clue how much I put into the damn game) with over 400 something words learned I never saw any alien civilization have more than three words in their 13+ word sentence translated, and it's a literal 1:1 copy so it's nonsensical anyway. Do you want to upgrade your ship? Well enjoy going to a transmission tower, praying it actually gives you the location of a crashes ship, and then praying the crashes ship is 1 slot more, otherwise 1 slot is like 900k+ if you want to buy it, and I barely had more than 2mil in all those hours. Do you want to upgrade your multitool? Better hope you find trading posts and the guy trades you one with an extra slot.

Combat is literally just using the mining tool to laser everything to death faster than they can attack you, same deal with space combat. The menus are horrendous to navigate and even after the patch they didn't fix it. Not to mention the patch just makes it even more monotonous to manage everything due to all the farming for plants to afford anything.

I decided on it during a B2G1 free deal just to see for myself how bad it was and everything everyone says is true, it really is that bad.

>it is a game you play to take screenshots with
Witcher 3?

The difference here is that Witcher can actually be fun. No Man's Sky offers nothing enjoyable that you can't just see from a video complaining about it. Hell, when you reach your third world you realize how it seeds things and the main three elemental plants almost always look the same, rocks are almost always the same although sometimes there are shell rock things, and four-legged animals constantly spawn with absolutely retarded configurations.

I even had manta rays trying to swim onto shore every time I landed on a water planet.

If Sean Murray had come out clean and lowered the prince (max = $25) then i would honestly have bought it.

BTW is Hello Games bankrupt? I havent heard anything from them since

Did you get hooked on pills user?
