Any advanced tips before I sell my soul to this game?
Any advanced tips before I sell my soul to this game?
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It's a mediocre game with Zelda paint on it. My advanced tip for you is to play better action games
Press Y a few times, then press X a few times.
Seriously, though, since it doesn't tell you in game, generally an A-rank, or gold or whatever the highest rating on things is, requires the map to be done in 12 minutes, with under I believe 8 hearts' worth of damage taken, and at least 1200 monsters killed.
Learn the money trick so you don't waste time leveling up characters you don't like just for missions. It's really easy to do.
I know what I'm getting myself into. And I'm a fan of Zelda so I can't drop this
I'll keep this in mind. I'm just going to focus on the Story mode first then my descent into grinding
Story mode is pretty much all the maps you'll be playing over and over.
Get used to both versions of Hyrule Field in particular. You'll be seeing them the most.
Don't play with gamepad, you will get carpel tunnel
Push your index and middle fingers up your butthole right b4 you cum user. The game will be much better.
Why don't you play Zelda 2 instead?
Well, I've already played two levels and I don't have a Pro Controller. How's the nunchuck?
Wow, thanks! I'm having a better time after learning this trick
>tips on musou game
>I'm a fan of Zelda so I can't drop this
A Zelda fan would drop a shitty button-mashing crossover series any day. You should be no exception, but here you are asking for advice on a fucking Musou game, of all things.
Just don't bother, it isn't worth anyone's time, ESPECIALLY a fan of the Zelda franchise.
>Musou game
>cropped porn
Why even
What's the money trick
>ESPECIALLY a fan of the Zelda franchise.
Zelda games are button mashers for the most part. Dodging is an afterthought for most fights.
Play it on N3DS
don't tell my mom
Hit the dodge button and hold it to start running faster
The adventure maps is where most of the content is, but the story mode explains how to use most of the mechanics
The dlc is well worth it for the content, if you enjoy the game enough
Check outs rupee glitch using one of the adventure maps once you get into the game a ways; it helps with making it easier to start using a new character and them not being complete shit for a while.
Don't have one. But I did hack my WiiU
prepare for boners
>he fell for the musou meme
I got it for N3DS, I'd never played any zelda games prior or any similar action games tb h, I think it takes a certain amount of dedication to get into it, I literally just couldn't get passed the lava stage. Maybe if you've played action games with time limits to complete objectives you'll find it fun, I just found it annoying and tedious.
Thats the second level. I hope you got some money back for it
>Warriors game
Wait for Hyrule Warriors Xtreme Legends Ultimate Complete (This Time For Real) Edition For Nintendo Switchâ„¢
Get Cia a 5 star T3 weapon with rupees+ ASAP. It's critical to pull off the max rupee glitch.
Young Link is the most overpowered character.
sure was, and nope still have it on my shelf, maybe I'll get a few bucks for it if I ever sell my N3DS. Hell, I might even give it another go one day, but probably not any time soon, I think I'll play through most of the main Zelda games first
Well that makes me fills me with anticipation. I love Young Link
Well it's actually fierce deity featuring young link if you do it right.