Obscure vidya girls

I'll start.


Leave this to me.


>That ending where she is going to get gangbanged by a bunch of humans.


So kawaii.

oh? is this the Shake shake thread?





I honestly don't know but I like her a lot and she doesn't ever get mentioned as far as I can tell.


Why was Champions so good
Why was Frontier so bad

She only has the hots for the MC.

Being able to turn into a raptor at will is a bonus,


obscure vidya lolis happens to be my fetish

Different studio. It still boggles the mind as to how they changed for the worse.




still waiting on the lewds for this one

TF2-- that girl that owns Hale's company? What's her name?

olivia mann


Posting best retro girl famicoms


does manna count?

Serene = Cierra > Fia > Rose > Lina

too bad this company has such a boner for inventory and resource management all their games turn into a stressful drag to play

the loli version of the squid sisters

>tsundere natsume in g.u.


How about obscure Nintendo Vidya girls?



What ever happened to the drawfag that drew her constantly?


God Twilight Princess is such an ugly game.

Huh. First tier list I've ever agreed with in the 10 years I've lurked here.

Good man.

I was browsing my folders for obscure girls and I realized I had nothing that was truly obscure. Turns out I'm a fucking pleb when it comes to 2D girls.


whaaaaat? Nooooo...not Twilight Princess!

Loved this game. Up there with Mystical Ninja for one of my favorite weird N64 games.



Lisa is the stuff of dick confusing nightmares.

Oh fugg I used to play this game at my neighbor's house, shit was cash

I'm surprised there isn't a shitload of porn of this.


Everyone preferred Raven tho.
Ignore the overpowered fucboi in the back


Gemini > Mexican > Reverse Trap > Black Lady > Japanese Cold

will you make me some?



Where is she from?

Jade Cocoon 2

>toddler princess pleasing old man

That girl from the Project Spark trailer

There was a drawfag that drew pics of Duna? I must see these pics for research.

Middle or Left. I could never decide. That mega-quiz was hard as fuck though.

Mah nigga. I'm glad she joins you for the Final boss fight.

She is beauty, she is grace, she's too obscure, what a disgrace.

im glad somebody gets it




I think is Phoebe from Mystic Quest


Love that game.


I want to fuck that might and magic!

>Not the bunny girl




you can post her

Not the obscurest but unknown to most.

>that SFM model



A man of taste.

taste the rainbow


Step it up



I wish this game wasn't complete garbage