This is the greatest RPG ever made!
This is the greatest RPG ever made!
It really could have been. The art, the story, the characters, the premise, even the gameplay. I loved it.
It was just TOO DAMN EASY to it's detriment.
Like, I don't mind easy games. But Ni No Kuni was SO easy and so unchallenging that I gave up after almost 20 hours because it was just not at all amounting to anything.
Shame. I had high hopes and there IS a great game in there somewhere.
the gameplay got worse when you get MORE party members
fuck that bs
i stopped after i got that "everyone guard now" move
would have been nice in the previous boss fight game
It was a wonderful game, can't wait for the next one.
I really love the world if this game, but mab the gameplay really needs to be reworked im super hyped for the next one ill probably buy it regardless of if it fixes the problems i have just because the world is so cool to walk around in
It was fantastic with most complaints just being people too ignorant to check basic game settings. The second looks like it'll be fucking GOAT as well also no more monsters lol
Not really. It was pretty easy and it holds your hand through out the entire game. If it would just shut up and let you do your thing then it would have been great.
>people too ignorant to check basic game settings
W-well I got stuck on the tank boss in Hamelin for a little while.
>the gameplay got worse when you get MORE party members
can't help but agree with this
Platoon was better than the main game.
when ps4 remaster? I don't have a ps3 and probably never will
>ps4 remaster
Never. Just a shitty sequel. Don't expect anything nice from Sony.
Art style, dialog, and characters is what made it great. The fucking gameplay was getting real fucking boring by the end of it though.
>dont have a ps3
You bought a 360 like a retard, huh.
I had the feeling the thread was missing something. But you named it.
Arbitrary console war. Now this is a real Sup Forums thread now!
IT'S NOT FAIR!! haha just imagine a picture ofa crying wojak with a hat
Level 5 can't make an RPG without Yuji Horii.
But IE3 is their best game
It's my favourite RPG just due to its art, enemy depth and (although very cliche) story.
The fight system sucked as your party filled but it was okay.
>enemy depth
Wtf does this mean?
>ps3 version
>not the original DS version