Va-11 hall-A thread

Sup Forums is boring tonight

Post cyberpunk bartending

Other urls found in this thread:

Interactive Movies are not games

You're wrong.

Shoot em ups are

>actual bartender irl
>see this
> a Sup Forums says its good
>the first thing i picture in my head is having the 15-30 second rule to serve drinks and a rush of clients gameplay
> its a fucking VN

never again

ever played diner dash user, might be up your alley

I tried to get this 10 minutes before the HB ended.
The HB loading screen just kept turning for 9 minutes
I sent an email to HB and they ignored me

>buy game
>game is not what I expected because I spend my money without reading so much as the game's description on steam
>complain on Sup Forums

how was I supposed to know it was a visual novel and not a third person collectathon? fucking jews, I voted Trump.

I can understand the notion that the game could use more gameplay depth, but out of all the people who played this wouldn't you prefer it to be more relaxed the way it is? Pic related, literally you

Vita release when?

We already have Papers Please.
We don't need that only with booze.

>arbeit macht frei

nobody post the video

when you read the title it says "cyberpunk bartender ACTION"
if its gonna be a relaxed game they should at least took that word out, but anyway its my fault again for not checking that it was a VN again
>papers please
never played this, might check it out

how have you never played papers please?

Have the devs escaped from Venezuela yet?

no because they made the game they got flagged as like, creative contributers to the economy so now they're too valuable for Venezuela to let leave

never heard of it, it might have come out when i was working 18/7 not too long ago and barely played any games

Post some cute waifu's boys.

I've never played it but whenever these threads come up I click through the photos.



what did they mean by this?

ironic t-shirts are all the rage

This is Jill. Say something nice about her!

hi Jill, you're the worst character in the game

she doesn't kick me out when i sniff the barstools

>Alma learns to do Jill's job straightaway

really makes you think

>No Cyberspace or Punks in this Cyberpunk game

Why haven't you 100%'d the game user? Took me 14 hours, the rest was spent idling for the cards overnight when they released.

2nd customer in the game is a punk

Alright, we're half way there

What's the appeal of this game? Is it a poorly written VN, with bothersome gameplay elements slapped on, or a shallow game with poorly written story slapped on?
What's the intent here?

There are hints that Gil used to fit that description as well..

Anna is a cyber ghost

The world is on the brink of cyber-izing brains a la GITS, also At least read the wiki before shitposting

>Justify why my subjective opinion is the correct one

Shouldn't you be doing that yourself?

>I don't like VN's why can't this VN not be a VN

if you don't like VNs why would you expect this one to be any different

Don't take it too seriously, but I'm genuinely curious what the developer's intent was here.
What if I do? What if that's exactly what I want? Seems like it tries to do two things, but fails at both.

>It fails at both

sure bud

She can see and manipulate the games UI though

It means she wears striped panties on mondays and fridays.

Only Germans are this autistic about their entertainment being exactly like their job.

The developers were inspired by how shitty life in Venezuela is and they applied it to a cyberpunk setting.

>VNs inherently bore the reader to tears

honestly at this point I'm tired of idiots like you invading the threads complaining this game isn't what you personally want it to be

this is the only (You) you're getting so savor it, faggot

Jokes on you, Trump supports visual novels

>Thing isn't bad, it's just not what you like
Great arguing there. Why are you even on Sup Forums if all you want is a circlejerk where no one is allowed an opinion and everything is subjective?


But remember the law of Sup Forums. The more something gets posted here, the more people want to hate it regardless of how good it gets.

w-wait there are only 4 pairs of panties

I'd like to hang out with her sometime, even though I'm not into smoking.

Because this is an imageboard, not a discussion board. There is no such thing as valuable discussion here, everyone is anonymous.

If you want to spend all day limpdicking your favourite games try neogaf or reddit.

Every thread about this game is
>this game sucks it's just a bunch of text!
>I was expecting either papers please: future edition or a dating sim
>I can't just chill and enjoy a game for its style and atmosphere every now and then
The game is LITERALLY made for comfy threads. The fact that the devs at least at one point were Sup Forums regulars is painfully obvious if you play the actual game (danger/u/) and they clearly just wanted to make something cool that scratches a certain itch one might be feeling. Fuck you guys I just want to talk about how the atmosphere is cool and Dorothy is my waifu

This is definitely true, but I can't recall that many threads about this. There were some leading up to and after release, but it's kind of died off.

>Sup Forums

You sure you're in the right place?


You're decent with words

Obviously, she's wearing one of them.

sorry I forgot to be a certified Sup Forums poster I have to be contrarian to literally everything and shove my opinion around like it matters

fuck off loser lol

Why wasn't val-halla then just a web comic if all you cared for were the visual aesthetic, waifus, and "atmosphere" (Read: The visual aesthetic)

The threads stopped because there wasn't much to talk about, but recently a humble bundle happened with VA-11 HALL-A included so more people are playing it now. They want to discuss it because they missed out, but the shitposters still remember.

Alright. That makes sense. So, it's intentionally shallow in both gameplay and story departments so as not to bore people who want a game with significant story, or stress people who want a story with challenging gameplay?

You retarded nigga? interactivity adds a layer of immersion you stupid fuck, this isn't that difficult to understand

please tell me the last time you felt immersed reading a webcomic.

I've been here since day 1, speak for yourself

How is pressing spacebar any different from clicking to the next page you bumbling retard god dammit.

When the ''immersion'' is barely more interactivity than clicking to the next page, what's the point?

>He doesn't max out the Karmotrine on every drink

>The immersion isn't immersive enough for me so it's not real immersion

Yeah, knew you'd jump to that one.

are you telling me this bartender goes commando on weekends

The thing is that the game is a VN, and the "bartending action" thing is just marketing.

It's kind of ingenious in a way. It has its niche in the market with the aesthetic and the people who enjoy a """comfy""" read, and it attracts people who probably wouldn't read VNs because it's a "game."

Your way of arguing is fucked up. I don't get it. If someone is immersed by clicking spacebar to read more text, that makes it a great, atmospheric game? What the fuck am I reading here?

>Visual novel isn't open world and has 100 collectibles so it's not immersive enough for me

ah but sure if your visual novel movie game has sections of cover shooting in between then it's a 9/10 on gamespot

>mfw serving horrible fringe weavers to almost everyone and not getting fired

Your way of arguing doesn't exist, because you're trying to argue the game isn't what it is because you don't like how it works.

Papers please.

I'm just going to reply with Papers Please.


I thought this was good and comfy, it gets annoying as fuck after a while.

>If your game has gameplay that's good, it's a good game
>If your visual novel has writing that's good, it's a good visual novel
This has neither.

The only argument that makes any sense here is saying it's an entry-level, casual time waster for people who want neither a full-fledged VN, or game.

Papers Please is a completely different genre of game, guy.

The characters designs aren't really that appealing either. Most of them are copied or 'homages' wholesale from better, more fulfilling anime and manga.

Are you telling me that you would prefer that she doesn't

Vitagen at it's finest!

You'd do yourself good to give this a read

That's the problem with genres. What genre would you put this game in and how does it compare to other games in the same genre?
It's a lot more fair to take the creator's vision into consideration and see if the game succeeded with what he set out to do.

I didn't know 'Engaging' was a genre.

I hope one day to make a VN that makes people argue on Sup Forums. That would make me happy.


You know that dog occupies the same fictional space as a Jimquisition alter ego, right?

Too bad the game was shallow garbage. Just listen to the soundtrack on Youtube.

>It's a lot more fair to take the creator's vision into consideration and see if the game succeeded with what he set out to do.

You're just saying that so you have a reason to compare these two games, which you don't. Because it'd be stupid to.

You can however show PP as an example of a game that uses gameplay to tell its story, but clearly that's not what the devs of Val wanted to do, hence why they made it a visual novel and not a puzzle game.

Now you're just bait-posting

Rad Shiba is best

>Mixing drinks is suddenly not a puzzle to unlock new dialogue trees

There it is. Even the delusional fanboy admits it. There is no gameplay in Valhalla.

Everyone go home.

If they wanted to make a VN they should have just made a VN. The "gameplay" is so shallow and non-existent that it just leaves you wishing there was more to it, or wishing it wasn't there at all if you're in it just for the story.

But on that note the story is pretty awful anyway, so even if they lackluster, half-assed gameplay elements were gone this still wouldn't be a very good VN.

No. You misunderstood me, or I wasn't clear enough. It's the opposite. I'm saying it's not fair to compare the two games, because the creator's intent is different for them both.

I both agree and disagree with this. Literally describing your character creating process as trying to appeal to a toddler and then building from there? How patronizing.

But yes, you do start with the smallest details and then build a person out of that. I've learned that over the last couple of years since I began writing fiction that you never come up with all the details of a character at once, it's a slow, gradual process that starts with one small idea.

and the weeb fanbase wont stop posting about it on this video game board

I regret drawing this.

Finished this game recently and i like it. Are there any VNs like this? With nice atmosphere and without voice acting?

>Sup Forums says its good
>it's basically a VN but with memes instead of proper dialogue
>no gameplay
>maximum cringe

but DUDE it's comfy??!!?

Is the "humor" that this writer tried to use in this blog post reflective of the writing in the game? I don't think this person is qualified to speak about character creation.

reminder nobody cares about your opinion no matter how much you shitpost