
For starters. Guerrilla Games have made 0 good games in the past.
Meanwhile Bomberman is both a successful cult classic that has stood the test of time. Has many acclaimed titles under its belt. And the Konami/Hudson folks developing it have also made numerous great games before.

It's really not that big of a surprise.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Cult classic
>Game with Burch as the lead


Can I get any source which if any Hudson people are wroking on it?

I don't know which. But the official word is that Konami staff, with former Hudson employees are working on it.
That may be an empty publicity stunt for all we know. For all we know they grabbed the Hudson janitor to sit in a corner while Konami's regular team makes the game. But assuming they aren't bullshitting it could be good. Especially if we get future games, but it would be best not to get ahead of oneself.

Either way, I trust even modern Konami over Guerilla Games.

>For starters. Guerrilla Games have made 0 good games in the past.

Killzone 2 was good.

>Guerrilla Games have made 0 good games in the past.
As much as you want to be contrarian Killzone 2 was pretty fucking good and it put PS3 on the map after the fucking failure that it was.

Because HZD was available for pre-purchase since forever and Bomberman is a newly announced game on a new console that almost has no games

This is taking trolling to the nth degree!

Nintendo is helping with the game, they even made the aniversary logo.

There's also the fact that this is the first Bomberman game of the gen.
And that's really strange, since Bomberman was really oversaturated last gen.

For starters you are retarded, Its higher just because BM got later.

There is literally 0% chance Bomberman will outsell a big AAA game. Screencap this fucking bet on Paypal everything you want. Its LITERALLY impossible

Nintendo fans are children - wether of the literal or manchild variety. They will gobble up anything Ninty craps in their mouths and ask for seconds.

And Sony sells a ton of games through the PSN store now. A huge chunk of pre-orders are digital. Meanwhile, I doubt most people who pre-ordered a Switch even possess the mental faculties necessary to operate a digital storefront.

Will this worthless, shitty Bomberman cash-in sell more than Horizon on the back of a mass of retards paying full price for a flash game simply because there's fuck-all to play on the Switch? It's possible, you will be hard pressed to find a more uncritical, unquestioningly loyal and outright braindead group of fan-sheep than what is left of Nintendo's once-massive audience outside of an Apple store.

Have fun associating with those people. The rest of us here are adults.

Because a game where you know exactly what youre gonna get vs something people may or may not know about.

Its not hard to figure out.

>Why does an established franchise have more fans than a brand new IP

gee, I fucking wonder

Bomberman isn't a Nintendo game/franchise..

someone's upset

because it's fucking 2017 and people only seem to care about new IP even if they play exactly the same as every other generic game released nowadays

>"I only play MATURE GAMES for MATURE PEOPLE such as myself"
Did it ever occur to you that maybe people are excited for the first proper Bomberman game in years just a bit more than what looks to be another mediocre resource gathering "survival" "Open World" game? Because I saw footage of Horizon and it looks painfully mediocre.
>B-But Muh Zelda It's ok when Nin--
I'm not excited for Zelda whatsoever, actually. I could give less of a shit.

Alright, Quentin. Go chill in your corner and remember to read that book that grown-up adults love so much. Hint: it's about coloring pictures.

>killzone 2> good
>Kill yourself faggot

bomberman was seriously close to being a system seller for my on the switch
they just needed to have a singleplayer like the n64 era games

what it appears to be, is not enough for my to get a switch at this moment
but it'll definitely be on the list of games to get when i eventually cave

>it's fucking 2017 and people only seem to care about new IP
Blatantly wrong, especially considering the latest hubbub over fucking Zelda and Mario

first post best post

I mean I guess the idea was to go back to the classic Bomberman style maybe if this sells well they'll try a 64-esque game too. The SP campaign at least isn't slacking, 50 stages with boss fights and fully voiced cutscenes as well as co-op is at least meaty enough imo.

>maybe if this sells well they'll try a 64-esque game too
I sure hope so. Even anything like Story/Tournament would be absolutely wonderful too.

I don't remember a single Bomberman game last gen
Are you thinking of the Gamecube/GBA generation?

I'm getting bomberman r for the sole purpose for having a chance at another bomberman 64. But I do hope R is fun.

HexaDrive is the lead dev. They made E.X. Troopers.

probably because its cooler to get a new console and some games on that new console?

I'm not ashamed to have pre ordered this bomberman-thing and a switch.

I see you like to parrot meme over actually using your own brain.

Don't worry, you'll grow up one day.

Bomberman Blast, Bomberman Ultra, Bomberman Act Zero, Bomberman Land, Bomberman DS, Bomberman DS2, Bomberman Live, Bomberman Live Battlefest, Bomberman Story, Bomberman Land Touch series, Bomberman Blitz, Bomberman iOS games and Bomberman Lilo&Stitch edition

That's all I can remember. Also it doesn't help that most of these games are based on Classic Bomberman gameplay

Fuck I was trying to reply

>0 good games
it's like you never played Killzone 2 or 3.

i smell butthurt

I have no faith in Sony or Guerilla Games delivering anything they are promising.
Honestly, AAA these last few years have been mostly shit, and I don't see that changing any time soon.


The guinea pigs at launch have to justify their purchase somehow.

Because its an actual game and not a movie

>killzone is a good series
how to show you were underage during the PS3 era

>one is new franchise so no fanbase
>other is mother fucking Bomberman


Why is the Light Blue Bomber the best?

PS4 players aren't complete retards and wait for reviews to come out before pre-ordering a game.

Nintendo fans on the other hand...

jetters should've been lower

Pretty much this. I'm hyped as fuck for Nioh but I'm still gonna wait for reviews to come out before buying it.

>Caring about reviews.
>Not judging the game from gameplay footage that is already available for both games.

Killzone 3 had a great single player and fucking awesome multi-player

>trusting reviews

Bomberman is a timeless clasicc with amazing gameplay. The other one is a ps4 movie. I wonder why

One is a brand new ip, the other is a classic 30 year old series. Do the math


Such a beautiful bait.

is anybody here like me and not even interested in watching gameplay or trailers for Horizon?


Was Jetters really that bad? I've played it once or twice years ago and got stuck.

Bomberman 64 was the last good Bomberman game

64 > TSA > Hero > Generation > Jetters

What a cutie

