Was Soul of Cinder the only good final boss in Souls?

Was Soul of Cinder the only good final boss in Souls?

He's my second favorite. Gerhman is the best as far as I'm concerned and yes, I know he isn't the true final boss but he can be for alot of people.

Yeah, he was even better than Gherman.

Moon Presence was garbage don't even mention that faggot

SOC > Gehrman >>>>>> Moon Presence > Gwyn > Allant > Nashandra

Only the first two are good

>literal downgrade gwyn

>Better than Gehrman
Well memed.

...you mean upgraded gwyn?

unless youre stupid or something

Gwyn is still my favorite. Also he's the hardest boss for me because I never learned to parry properly.

It saddens me that Sup Forums successfully pushed the "ds3 is bad" meme. It was such a great game.

...yes, gerhman can be staggered and parried to death like a bitch, and his moveset is literally just LOL I MOVE SO FAST

SOC is....well, its an actual fight that involves dodging, avoiding, striking, etc.

fucking bloodborne fags man...

Gwyn but with 2 phases, 4 different weapons, and more lightning attacks

Soul of Cinder was pretty disappointing, his first phase is kind of cool, but nothing difficult to deal with and then his second is literally an easier Gwyn. While thematically, it's a nice wrap-up to the series, the boss itself is a complete pushover.

Hoping they do a SotFS type deal with DaS3 after the Ringed City and add a true final boss.

It's interesting how final bosses tend to be some of the weaker boss fights in a series that is usually known for good bosses. SoC and Gehrman are both good, but all the rest rank near the bottom of their respective games boss ranking.


Nearly all of SoC's moves are parryable, not to mention extremely easy to dodge and a literal fanservice 2nd phase

gwyn's built up to be a god throughout the game and when you finally see him you see how much his strength as faded, better aided with the music too. Soul of cinder doesn't have any character at all besides he's just being amalgamation of previous fire linkers.

The soul of cinder fight is better but mechanically not writing/story wise.

How the fuck is it easier than Gwyn?

Soul of Cinders second phase is literally Gwyn done right

Better than vanilla DS1 and vanilla DS2.

It's the music and nostalgia factor that really sells it. It's a cool thing to have the final boss of the series be a series of pvp builds + Hyper Gywn.

I played through bloodborne once on a borrowed ps4 and game. Gehrman actually made me feel like i was being challenged, while also being a new type of fight and having fantastic music. It doesnt matter if you like one or the other, its just that SOC is a easly controlable boss that uses spells from the game and then becomes gwyn in second phase, i played through ds3 around 30 times, i go through the game in like 5 hours max. And i never died to a boss, first playthrough i beat it very easly and it was fairly disappointing that either you get so overpowered or he is just so weak, and my first playthrough was 30h long so i was probably even weaker than some other players. Gehrman on the other hand killed me 5-10 times and made it super fun because i actually tried hard to survive and win the fight.

Came here to post this. Everything about this fight was incredidope.

He's flat out slower and less aggressive than Gwyn in his second phase.

He was a bit too easy for my taste. He was in fact the first end boss I did on my first try. Kinda disappointing.

>Soul of Cinder is all the previous linkers of the flame, uses suped up versions of all the player abilities and builds
>Second phase turns back into the original linker of the flame complete with a remix boss theme
>Unlike the first time when Gwyn's strength was faded, this final fight is against the memory of Gwyn in his prime.

How is this not a great series final boss story wise?

Soul of Cinder is a Boss enemy in Dark Souls 3. It is the Final Boss of Dark Souls 3. It is seen as the amalgamation of all the Lords of Cinder, with a variety of Dark Dialectics spells and movesets used during its first phase and the use of Gwyn's moveset for the second phase.

Cannot be parried. Can be staggered/poise-broken but with no opening for a critical attack, only counterattacks.

Cannot be spell parried.

I bet you never even played DS3, isn't that right user?

I think you just remember Gwyn differently. He's just as fast and aggressive you just got better and the player character in DaS 3 is generally faster. OG Gwyn is super easy.

imagine fighting gwyn in dark souls 1 with infinite rolls and instant estus

No, I remember going in to Gwyn blind, and the first thing he did was charge at me, and then never once stopped attacking, there isn't a window for using estus against the original Gwyn, he just keeps attacking constantly with only small parts between the end of his combos to try and counter him.

Going in blind without knowing about the parry meme, he's easily harder than most of the bosses in the game.

Soul of Cinder on the other hand takes the time to slowly walk towards you, and is far less prone to just charging. He also has a longer time between chaining his attacks.

>too easy for my taste
>i did on my first try

>rolling when fighting gwyn
It's like you're not even trying to parry.

No, Gehrman and Allant were both extremely good.

my personal, subjective opinions>>>your personal, subjective opinions

Deal with it nerds lol, fucking rekt

>implying my opinions are subjective


You know Old King Allant wasnt the final boss, right?

The blob thing is just a pushover for story purposes, no one thinks of him as the final boss.

This. You can always get stuck on technicalities, but it's clear that the false king is the last actual fight in the game if you really think about it.

it's a cool concept and i liked him but he kinda comes out of nowhere,

also gwyn at his prime was annihilating everlasting dragons with sunlight spears, this isn't even close

Yep I remember this too. Wasn't until my third attempt that I thought to try and parry him to at least get some breathing room and was able to win

You can drink estus when he does the grab silly.