All I see are threads about how bad everything is or is going to be, so lets change the subject

All I see are threads about how bad everything is or is going to be, so lets change the subject.

What games have you been enjoying recently?

I myself have been enjoying some D3 in recent days, but I've been meaning to get back to finishing Grim Fandango,

Other urls found in this thread:

I picked dark souls 3 up again after dropping it last year at lothric castle, just wasnt enjoying it in comparison to the previous two but now I've given it a chance I'm quite enjoying it. Will probably buy the season pass the next time there is a sale for the DLC.
I also have enjoyed diablo recently, finished the season so will probably pick it up again next season.

>All I see are threads about how bad everything is or is going to be, so lets change the subject.

The thing is to leave this place. If you want to enjoy video games, leave Sup Forums, leave Sup Forums. Or at least browse it less.

Probably not the best time you picked up D3 due to the meta slowly shifting back to 3 support and blizzard going maintenance mode on the game, but it's great nonetheless and I'm hoping the necromancer DLC brings something new to the game. Really just holding out for D4 though.

I've been enjoying some Darkest Dungeon, starting Fire Emblem games (namely Sacred Stones) and revisiting DQ8 due to the recent release of the 3DS remake.

Can't wait for the Necromancer too.

I don't think D4 will happen any time soon, D3 came twelve years after D2

>watched a trailer
>surrounded by hundreds of skeletons
I'm fucking excited

I like this thread

Started RE7 yesterday, played for about 3.5 hours so far.

Apart from all the story bits, I'm really enjoying the house. It's kind of like a re imagining of the RE mansion, puzzles, safe rooms and sword/shield/armour keys included all while a Nemesis type character is hunting you. So it combines some of my favourite RE aspects into one game. Really digging it so far.

I heard the last parts kinda suck, but until then I'll keep enjoying it.

Picked it up again after trying ESO and hating everything about it.
Currently doing some PvP, the new season is really great in both participation and rewards.

What is wrong with you?

After hopping from the newest big MMO release to the next for the past 10 years, I've finally stayed with Blade & Soul for over a year and I've enjoyed it. The game has an amazing combat system for an MMO.

These days I don't play a lot of new AAA releases, or new games in general. Even if I play only maybe one new game every few months, I do enjoy the few games I play a lot. Grand strategy games especially have been a lot of fun, and as much as /gsg/ hates it, EUIV remains my favourite.

Looking forward to playing RE7 as I've been wanting to play a new horror game again after completing Layers of Fear.

>path of exile going to Xbone

I've not found anything I properly enjoy in ages.

Call me a faggot all you want, but playing League of Legends for years and years completely fucked me over. I found it both competitive and fun, and I could play it with friends, and I felt it had nigh endless replayability. There's nothing else that could capture my attention that way.

Now that I've quit, I don't really enjoy any other games, and I can't find anything to fill the void. Maybe it's time to find a new hobby...

It's nice to hear that resident evil is going back to being good

Did you try Overwatch or any other game that is competitive in design? MOBAs bored me a year after LoL came out of beta but I've been enjoying OW a lot. I know it's not a MOBA but it has a similar competitive aspect.

I just got Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme for cheap, and it kicks fucking ass. Music is rocking and every character so far is fun to play, not to mention the three kingdoms drama is entertaining. Feels good just to slaughter my enemies as this glorious motherfucker.

Got Pirate Warriors 3 coming in the mail tomorrow too. Not all that much time to play everything, what with Nier and FE: Awakening on the backburner, but I'm enjoying myself.

Yea, I have tried Overwatch. It's alright, but just not the same. I don't find it competitive in the slightest, and it's not as fun with my friends as League was.

I've no desire to play MOBAs again, but no other game can give me that endless replayability.

A positive thread on Sup Forums? Decent!

As embarrassing as it is, I'm playing the hell out of CoD:MW Remastered, it's well made and an absolute nostalgia bomb from when I was 15.

People having fun is not something we tolerate here on Sup Forums. Begone, you filthy casual!

I'm enjoying Blood and Wine after getting burned out on the main game a few months ago.

Also have Dark Souls 3 and Farcry Primal to finish, although the former is crashing every 10 minutes and I've kinda given up on it.

I play some Grim Dawn and Heroes of the Storm occasionally too.

holy shit d3 looks like some mobile-tier garbage and plays like one.
you have shit taste mate.

Just finished Warhammer 40k Armageddon. Fun hex wargame where you get to play with all the toys of the Imperial Guard and supported by Space Marines. Even has Titans which usually don't make it into 40k games.

>regurgitating things you heard on Sup Forums

R6 Siege

Bought it on release even though the majority doomed it here. Year 2 content coming out and it's growing in players, worth looking up if you want a tense last man standing game or an FPS that rewards planning or thought. The destructible environments and gadgets really add something to the CS formula.

I'm looking for some single player games to play currently something outside the world of multiplayer FPS and generic RPGS. Something with satisfying movement or a good time waster.

Mostly games nobody cares about that ai picked up Steam because they were cheap.

Lemma, alright mechanics but fucks it with bad world design. Also there's an achievement for submitting a level, so naturally 90% of the levels are fucking worthless.

Currently playing Curse: Eye of Isis. S'alright. Like most RE clones and sequels, you just rampage through enemies while you're by the nose around a place that just enables backtracking, isn't actually open.

The camera is fuck, though. It's fuck. Not unplayably bad, just awkward.


fugg i missed the sale on D3

i really want that game, guess ill have to grind more legendaries at 13 for awhile

its on consoles dumbass

Just finished Dishonored 2 an hour ago, was fun. Might replay as Corvo in a couple months. Picked up DOOM when it was on sale and going to play that soon


Its been a while since I've played it so I'm not 100% sure if it's what you're looking for but Ori and the blind forest had some fun mobility from what I remember

He's right though.

DS3 does look like a pixelated shit and combatting every enemy is the same. You parry/roll a couple of times and then just dish a few attacks. It's slow, clumsy and vastly flawed by the retarded uncancelable queue.

DS3 combat is literally the same as W3's, it's just that you're meant to die a lot more in DS cause of muh hardcore fucking difficulty and your player character moves, acts and looks like an inebriated hobo.

He was talking about Diablo.

D3 means Diablo 3
DS3 means Dark Souls 3

>tfw you love this genre but suck balls against real people

Battle Brothers, it's like M&B Warband with lkess campaign stuff but interesting tactical battles
I'm completely enthralled by it

Ive been on the verge of buying grim fandango many times but i always decide not to. Is it good? Meanwhile im 100%ing mario galaxy 1, since i never bought it when it came out and holy shit its so much better than the sequel

Oh, yeah. I read that wrong.

It's a two-post chain user, how can you fuck up this bad

Wolfenstein New Order and Old Blood are fucking great. Good tarantinoey fun.

Crypt of the Necrodancer is great.

Stardew Valley is great.

Hyrule Warriors 3ds is the best timesink when I need to forget we're all gonna get super nuked.

Fate's hand was guiding mine, I guess.

It is good, but quite frustrating and time consuming. As long as you're aware of this going in you would enjoy it, assuming you like the PnC genre

I'm currently playing through Div:OS took me a few starts to finally settle on some characters and I've made it out of the first town for the first time, currently delving in some pirate cave

Out of recentish games, I've genuinely enjoyed Shadow Tactics and Underrail. They were a blast to play and not just killing time like it is with almost all vidya I touch nowadays. Thea was interesting as well.
Other than that, I got back into Master of Magic after a long break. I love that game to bits.

Mah nigga. Lu Bu alt route is the best. I really happy for the man for not being cucked by history for once.

The Jin storyline was depressing as fuck though.

>Live through the literal end of the Three Kingdoms
>See the factions as pathetic shells of their former glory
>Everyone dear to you dies an undignified death

I'm mainly playing Darkest Dungeon and Binding of Isaac, bouncing beetween Antibirth and Afterbirth+.
I hope The Crimson Court will be good, since afterbirth+ let me a little disappointed.

Replaying Lost Odyssey. Jansen''s worse than I remember. Fun otherwise.

I got back into FF14 recently and picked up some friends ingame, and after joining their FC I've been having a blast. I usually play MMO's alone cause I can't get friends to agree on what MMO's we all like at the same time so we usually end up playing our own stuff, but finally having people to play with is making things much more fun.

>that build up
>the result
Yes, very exciting.

>holy shit, you can summon 50 skeletons?
>a hundred, are you serious right now?
>oh its just an aoe nuke

I am very sad now.

they should have just been working on diablo 4 and not did any of this shit at all

They're not gonna get any new sales from any of the shit they did, and if they do it will be such a small amount it's not worth mentioning to a multi billion dollar company anyway

Been playing HotS because
>it's free
>easy to get into
>new content all the time

It's honestly the closest thing to a fun RTS game right now. SC2 was shit, I miss warcraft 3.

I'm back on the Titanfall 2 train. Learning how to slide how is really neat.

I'm also playing Overwatch again as I've fallen back into liking the game thanks to the Arcade

I quit HotS because of how badly it runs and the shitty netcode

I came back to TF2 after some years and I'm having fun.

That's actually a pretty cool effect.
But pretending that that is commanding an army of the undead is fucking ridiculous and deceptive.
Anyway, I finished the Witness a month ago and I'm replaying it trying to get all the environmental puzzles.

Been playing this. Didn't like it at first, but I started out trying to be a mage and the magic system is a bit clunky. Started over as a fighter and it's been a lot of fun, combat is very enjoyable.

About level 28 or so now, making decent progress. I feel pretty lost atm but I don't really mind it, which is a good sign. Every journey is a serious undertaking since the map is huge and there's no fast travel, not to mention night can be a bitch. Feels pretty good.

>anything remotely like RTS
Unless you think the same thing about every top down ARPG, but it's retarded either way

I thought I was the only one who had this kind of problem, I keep getting lagspikes a lot even when fucking playing solo with bots

Gave Thief 3 another try. Game has problems, but Sneaky Upgrade fixes most of them.

The lack of stability in some of Blizzard's games is really pretty astonishing. Hearthstone crashes and freezes way more than it should for me and for the longest time it was a common issue to have to start the game twice for it to connect properly.

Don't be afraid to switch up your classes as you go. I started off as strider and went ranger. Got a bit bored of it so switched to mystic knight and had a blast again.

I recently dumped 60+ hours into Pokemon Moon.
Also, I've been trying to git gud at Puyo Puyo Tetris, but since I only really play it while waiting for food to cook or sitting on the toilet, I don't get too much time to sink into it. Which is fine, I don't want to burn myself out on it.
I also started playing Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones, just because I got that FE itch. Might get around to actually finishing Advance Wars: Dark Conflict afterwards, if I still have drive.

Yeah don't worry, you're not alone
Some people can put up with it, but I couldn't, so I don't play it anymore

I got a painful reminder of it when I reinstalled it for the overwatch stuff

Picked up MGSV GZ+TPP in the Steam autumn sale and started playing it last week. It's the first game in a long time that's been able to make me completely lose track of time and hold my interest for more than a couple hours at a time.
Probably gonna pick up the Legacy Collection after I complete it and make my way through the series.

Got Titanfall 2 on PS4 for Christmas and it's honestly a lot better than I thought it would be. The HUD is clustered as all hell but it's a fun game.

Tried out the Nier Automata demo yesterday and that was pretty cool. Is it much different from the first? I'm tempted to pick that up to tide me over until Automata gets a price drop.

the ratchet and clank reboot was fun for me

the witcher 3. i played the witcher 2 many times and tried to get into it, but wasn't ever able to for whatever reason. now i'm enjoying the witcher 3 immensely even though it's pretty much the same gameplay

>Got Titanfall 2 on PS4

wow that was retarded of you

I bought Diablo 3 at the beginning of December and stopped playing at the end of December.

Not a very good game and nothing to work towards or accomplish. Itemization sucked.

RIP Diablo.

>for Christmas
You don't read too well, do you?

why was that important? you obviously wanted it super retard

>I've finally stayed with Blade & Soul for over a year and I've enjoyed it. The game has an amazing combat system for an MMO.

I played it for a month and I don't really remember the specifics, but I don't remember it being any different from WoW combat.

Fucking hell MMOs are trash.

Because I didn't ask for it, I just got it. Hence "it's a lot better than I thought it would be."

Plus between getting it on PS4 and installing Origin I know which I prefer.

wow it's the "i love steam i hate origin" meme

you could've returned it and bought it on a superior platform. ya blew it

you're trying way too hard to fit in, newshit

>get a game for free
>ya blew it

Been playing Overwatch and Astroneer. New patch for OW feels more of the same.

Astroneer is buggy as all hell, but it's fun to explore the planets. It feels a lot like Subnautica. The base building is no where near the levels of Subnautica, but Astro has multiplayer.

You are cancer. The sooner you die, the faster videogames will improve.

>want to get into Diablo 3 after not playing for 2 years
>check out my bot
>my life time bot license was changed to non-lifetime and is now expired
>lose interest in the game

fuck you Bossland, fuck you and your whore of a mother, see you in court you fucking slav piece of shit

>how badly it runs
Never should have bought amd crap, mate.

The witness is so fucking good.

Calm down friendo. What have you been playing recently? Everything all good on your end?

>using bots

I have nividia

Still trying to fit in mate?

Thank you for giving it a try user, so many people drop it before reaching Gran Soren (which granted is a little slow) but I really think it's a gem.

git gud guide

>watch replays of yourself
>watch replays of better players

Time for PoE

Nier 1 has even simpler combat. Lots and lots of mashing X until you unlock spears, then you mash Y instead.

However, in the first half of the game every dungeon is a different style (standard, Isometric view, Shmup, text-based) which helps keep you from getting too bored.

>Grim Dawn
>Jotun (although I need to play it more)
>Diablo III when I'm high
>Dragon Quest 8

>after 400+ hours of grinding and following your cookie cutter build, you can summon 95 skeletons
it doesn't matter how you spin it, PoE is still as bad as the release version of D3

My experience with this season:

>decide to play Barb for the first time
>level up solo in adventure mode mostly using whirlwind
>hit 70 and get first 2 pieces of set
>read set bonuses, get excited about making a build around them
>work towards season goals to complete set
>last set bonus literally just multiplies your damage by 13 with a handful of skills
>jump up immediately to torment 7 with o problems
>realize I can never again do any damage with anything other than Blizzard's pre approved list of skills
>most other sets work the same way
>get bored and quit

Got back into the Binding of Isaac. All these challenges I left unfinished are fucking impossible

i am unable to enjoy anything, i wish that i had the constitution for suicide

Welcome to current D3
I had a little bit of fun when I went hardcore after already unlocking my free set on softcore. It meant I actually had to piece gear and skills together.