Name a worse hero

Name a worse hero

She sucks so bad at everything it's almost criminal.

She needs: more damage, more reason to hack, more reason to use her Ultimate, better stealth...the list could go on but she's so bad.




Name something worse than people who play garbage like Overwatch

heres mine:



stop this fucking meme already


Here is my list :

someone who willingly goes into threads about games they don't like to complain

>trolls her friends and hacks people for the lulz
I liked her

They're literally called heroes


This is a good point. In Sombra's video she spends the whole time screwing with her team, keeping them from reaching the objective, then when she reaches it she does her own thing instead and they fail the mission.

In-game she plays exactly as advertised

Bastion has a 0 percent pick rate in pro games, no way to tweak him to make him viable without completely redoing his kit.

Not wrong.

She can't have more damage or else she' doesn't be too effective at killing off supports, or did you forget Sombra is the only character that can get through every choke point and into flanking positions easily? There's basisclaly no way of buffing Sombra without breaking her really

>ult doesn't go through obstacles
>ult hack doesn't last longer than regular hack
>her hack, ult or not, doesn't cancel out genji and 76 type ults
>her ult doesn't stop sombra turrets
>her gun has too high of a spread
Thanks for the useless buff Blizzard, just lower cooldown on hack and .2 seconds faster is really all she needed to be a great character. Thank you based Blizzard.

>Sombra is the only character that can get through every choke point and into flanking positions easily?

her invisibility is FUCKING terrible and her teleport is like a jet engine

>Successfully hacking someone jams their gun, forcing them to reload

There I fixed Sombra


Sombre literally does everything she does, teleport/move-fast/rewind, PLUS actually has beneficial abilities for the team with the hacking.

Tracer is obsolete with her in the game.

make her health kit hacks last longer
make hacks instant like sleep dart
hacked heroes have a damage debuff

There's no way to fix Sombra but to remove her and try again.

Let's check off the basic game design mistakes, shall we?

Stealth is binary. You see them or you don't. This is unfun to play against because there is no way to counterplay something you don't know is there. For Sombra, it's PvE.

This one is pretty obvious. Removing a player's abilities just removes their ability to counterplay. Their skill ceiling is immediately lowered to nothing for the duration of the hack.

This is weird because it has the potential to be insanely overpowered. Landing an EMP on 4+ players on, say, Anubis 2nd point is an instant win.

Combine EMP with steath and you have a scenario where you can lose to an invisible player who can instantly hack most of your team without any possible counterplay.

You could perhaps find a power balance for Sombra by tweaking numbers, but you will never make her less unfun to play against. Blizzard could do way better.

I had one in my game and she did real well. I was pleasantly surprised. Maybe you guys should get out of plat/diamond

Just give him his shield back but make him take 2x damage from hits to his barrel and his exit sentry mode have a longer animation

>"debuff" character that deals no damage

>in a game where every hero has explodey insta kill bullshit

bastion at least has rare situations where a pocket strat could work

sombra is 100% dogshit

i can't. she is the worst. easily


>one person did well in one match so it's good
stop posting

Hacked heroes need a damage debuff or a forced reload or something and to truly make hack worthwhile on such a shitty character, it should prevent ability use for however long it is THEN start the cooldown for the abilities.

Right now, Sombra hacks someone, they shoot her with a better gun and she dies. Big deal.

Her stealth should be toggle with no cooldown desu like they intended originally as well as her translocator being available 1 sec after use. This way she can constmatly and consistently disrupt and get back in the back line to annoy instead of translocatinf away and waiting 6 seconds before you go back in which is enough time for healers to get back to full


There's literally no point to hack someone outside of Reinhardt

You hack someone, then immediately die as they mow you down because your uzi-peashooter just tickles them. They don't even need the abilities

and this is why you are only able to post here without being immediately range banned for stupidity


>theres no point in being able to flank very well when literally everycharacter in the game can out DPS you.

I've had Sombra's flank me all the time. I simply turn around and kill her cause she does pitiful amounts of damage.

she's been in the game for months and they still haven't buffed her meanignfully at all

can they not think of a way?


blizz shouldn't be so afraid to give damage classes fucking damage, especially when supports like sym and tanks like hog exist


>sombra hacks a target
>now they have no abilities to fight back with other than their primary fire
>but guess what, sombra doesn't have any offensive abilities anyway so she's stuck with her primary fire too and hers is guaranteed worse than whoever it is she hacked
Even as Mercy I can kill her pretty easy

The balance in this game is baffling. Every new update makes another hero broken and another hero completely useless.

She doesn't need a buff. You idiots just suck as literally the easiest character.

>Hack tanks
>Bully supports
>Throw teleports into advantageous positions
>Coordinate EMPs with team

Bonus points if the enemy team has anyone who uses shields (Zenyatta and Zarya are prime candidates). I honestly do not understand why everyone is convinced she's useless - hell, in this tank-heavy meta she could have her SMG removed entirely and still be a worthwhile pick for disabling reinhardt/ shields and disabling Ana.

A hack in a team fight can make or break it. Have sombra engange from behind or the side once your team pushes in. Shes total shit you can work with it kinda.

post your SR right now

How I'd fix her
>Her ult disarms the enemies
>Her ult resets the enemies ult meter to 0%

Linking this (You).

I play Sombre alot pee-post patch.

I can understand that she can come off weak but the thing is, she's not supposed to be a Tracer 2.0. Don't believe me? Jeff even said so himself on his Dev. Videos. She's a "disrupter", someone who causes confusion and chaos within.

Your job is to give Tanks (specifically Rein) and supports a really hard time. With the new patch in, Sombra is a bane to Tracers/Tanks existence now. Hack them, and theyre a sitting duck.

And lastly: she's not ideal for Solo play. That's the hard truth. If you have a team who you can effectively communicate with, she's really strong as fuck. A Zarya + Sombra + Soldier ult is a guaranteed wipe.

Tl;dr: Don't Solo Q with her. If you have a (good) team, she's one of the strongest and most fun to play.

Oh, and 1 more thing: increasing her damage would just make her OP. Her spread, however is atrocious but it is a SMG, so it's to be expected. They just need to lower the spread a tad bit and her damage output would actually be decent.

Right now, Jeff Cucklan is completely contradicting himself with Sombra's philosophy of being a team oriented hero who isn't supposed to be going around getting solo-kills, that she should be hacking and looking for opportunities to pick off low health enemies.

Heroes like Reinhardt, Roadhog, and Symmetra all have team oriented roles. Reinhardt is a frontline tank, Roadhog is a utility-tank who grabs people, and Symmetra is a support who places turrets, teleporters, and shields. However, the main contradiction is that Blizzard gave these three heroes killing power. Reinhardt, Roadhog, and Symmetra can all murder you from full life very effectively.

One of two things has to happen. Either Sombra gets damage buffs or tanks and Symmetra get their damage nerfed to fall in line with Jeff's bullshit in his developer updates about working as a team to take down enemies.

I actually just played a few games for the first time after the last update and there were sombras everywhere all of a sudden. I don't know what they did to her but they have to fuckin nerf the time on that ult. Three games of endless fuckin sombra ults got me so irritated that I quit playing.

First of all she needs these fixes. After that they can work on actually buffing her. Right now she's broken in the sense that she literally doesn't work at all.

You post this every thread then never post your rank, fuck off.

>She's a "disrupter", someone who causes confusion and chaos within.
guess what, that's useless


the strongest hack in the game is having a genji/tracer/pharah flank and kill supports. sombra is bad as long as she has that awful fucking gun of hers. yes you can make her work if you're really fucking good at tracking and play smart, but with those same qualities you'd do even better work as another hero.

I meant if shes on your team fuck playing Sombra. I normally end up as Zarya personally.

>garbage design garbage skills

Nothing wrong here

how do we fix him, Sup Forums?


smash bros is a party game. overwatch is esports :^)

Spoken like a TF2 shitter.

>Spies are useless having half my team not focusing on the objective is pointless :(((((((

Literally half the utility of tracer/genji is the fact that you need to dedicate multiple people to shutting them down before they wreck your support, how is Sombra and her anti-tank-while-wrecking-the-support any different?

Difference being Pichu is literally a joke character.

> Hack Genji main
> Watch them shit themselves in fear when they can't deflect and swiftstrike anymore
> Kill them off easily
> Starts raging in chat that Sombra is OP

Is there a greater feeling then this?

>>Spies are useless

in any serious environment, spy was useful for one surprise pick and then lost all usefulness


>multiple people
lol? Mcree, Winston, Sym, Roadhog, just one of these is enough for them.


spoken like a true diamond

the stealth wouldnt be so bad, if you could fucking shoot your gun out of it. The fucking cooldown coming out of it is awful.

She cant hack Torbs turret without fucking dying against it, which is retarded.

The hacking needs to be faster, by the time you start it, the person you are hacking already noticed and started killing you

>Hack Rein
>Shoot him down to low health
>Have most of enemies teams attention
>They proceed to capitalize on this by mowing their defenses down

Try again.

Dumb witch

Me and him are just frustrated that most good games are dead and no new good ones are being made because everyone is a faggot now.
We think maybe if we rape the faggots brain enough they'll stop being faggots but it's also just fun to do as well.

good genjis will just say lol and plant three shurikens in your head. his dps is better than hers even when hacked.

>hack rein
>he turns around and two shots you with the hammer while you try to kill him with your bab gun
>the game continues as usual

let's compare her with a good hero like symetra
>assists the team
>does damage
>assists the team
>does no damage
i have no idea what people see in this hero. hack isn't worth shit when there's another good hero with a sleepdart and a healing disable that also does damage and assists the team

Sombra's sole purpose is to hack tanks then tell teammates on mic so they can fuck them up


I don't know why this guy thinks you can one shot a fucking rein before he smacks your face twice.

Except tracer can actually kill you.

Is that why they're at the very bottom of the pick list? Torb and Winston are horrible right now because of this cancer tank meta.

You all gave me (You)s because you know im right, stop playing this trash you pieces of waste

she can hack outside of his hammer range, wtf are you on about

her spread is also completely ridiculous outside of his hammer range

>Hack Rein
>Chip him down and anyone else
>Once you get to low health, teleport back, assuming you hacked a health pack and threw your TL on it.

Try again. It's like you really haven't tried her.

he can turn around and E your fucking face before you finish the hack

Why do you guys think Rein is just going to do absolute jack shit. Not only that but it's a fucking team game and a rein is going to be on the front line so what in the fuck is even the point.

>silver players

yes but hacking rein is for the sole purpose of letting your team get free access to his team, not for sombra to assassinate him alone

>hack a rein
>the moment you come out of stealth a mcree and soldier are gunning you
>even if you manage to hack reins shield in time you'll be dead before your team can capitalise on the window of opportunity

of course Sup Forums has to be contrarian and defend the worst hero in the game because "w-works in muh diamond!!"

>make a support/defense hero
>put her in the offense section

It doesn't even work in muh diamond, maybe gold or lower it does.

Or use her ult to help DVA get the potg.

>Friend playing as dva and ults
>Enemy team hides behind the shield
>DVA gets a quadra
>Somehow the POTG goes to Genji's double kill during overtime

>The hacking needs to be faster, by the time you start it, the person you are hacking already noticed and started killing you

The best part is watching some Sombra on my team hack a Reaper or some shit and then get blown the fuck away immediately. So many characters in this game don't even give a shit about losing their abilities in a 1v1 situation with Sombra which it seems like the character is supposed to be designed around, especially since any fight with multiple people she'll be getting shot constantly and interrupted.

I honestly wish they would delete her and start over because letting her do shit like hack medkits just forces the healer-meta even more, if there's a Sombra hacking the only nearby medkit then you just become that much more reliant on making sure you have 2 healers on your team.

On top of all of this there's ZERO logic applied to her hack and ultimates, Roadhog's gun gets put away but soldier's fucking visor keeps working? I understand its because of the whole channeling bullshit but that's exactly what keeps her from being a useful character.

But she really does work in Diamond, it's only because of you idiots can't be bothered to mastering her.

If you can only play a character under EXTREMELY specific situations, then it's a shit character.

This is exactly why they reworked Symmetra, as an example.

literally just step to the side and avoid it? firestrike is one of the slowest projectiles in the game lol

now your point is actually valid, it's his team that stops you from hacking, but if reinhardt himself stops you from hacking then dear god you're goddamn awful

I like how sombra would be really good if they did what they need to do in this game which is nerf healing effects but they're too pussy to do that.
they want to ensure "Group up and push!!!" is the only thing you can do which is why this game will always be complete shit.

>zenyatta does more damage than sombra
>mercy pistol does more damage than sombra

The main question is why the ever loving fuck would you hack a Reaper? He's the worst guy to go toe to toe against as a Sombra.

People to really make an effort to hack: Reinhardt, and Tracer.

Everyone else is a no no unless you're accompanied by a teammate.

>Add tank treads to the bottom of Sentry mode so he can move at about the speed of a crouching player
>Give him a deployable 500 HP shield that covers him in sentry mode, but don't let him fire while its up
>Give him +50 Armor
>Increase Recon Mode's firing speed and reload speed

Or just kill everyone in the same time span while playing soldier. Heal yourself if hit. Why ever go somber?

Even though tank meta is total cancer, she should have been a tank. It would justify some of her abilities and her low damage output, but as it is just CCing someone with damage is far more effective than Sombra's awful hacking.

Why why why are you always assuming that
>the rein is a sitting duck
>the rein is always alone
>the rein isn't on the front lines of his team
>the rein is a shitter
>the rein can't aim

Every fucking time someone tries to argue something they assume they're playing against bots. Any average Rein can and WILL hit you with his E because your hacking distance isn't far enough for it to be that easily dodge-able and it has a big hitbox. I know your at most a gold player just by your shitty examples on how sombra is "good" and how everyone is shit. Fuck off you shitter.

Hacking on other heroes is only useful when the rest of your team is there to back you up. You can hack a Pharah to keep her on the ground, and stop anything with escapes from running away. If your team is there you aren't as likely to take damage either.

>Either extent hacking range or speed
>Make it so stealth doesn't dissapear because a bullet flied over your postal code
>Hacking the dwarf also hacks his turret
>Make the Ultimate not need vision and hack for longer
Disagree with this and call me a shitter you are probably right