$300 is too much for a Switch!

>$300 is too much for a Switch!

>PS4 was $400 at launch
>Xbone was $500 at launch

Hmmm it makes you scratch your head...

It's as if the Switch is less valuable than either

like every nintendo console, it's power and abilities are a generation behind

i'm still excited just saying


Console price isn't a problem, Sup Forums is retarded on this issue

Paying for online is unacceptable though and the launch titles are garbage

Xbox 360 was $400 at launch.

did not come with wifi built in
did not come with rechargable controller batteries
had xbox and ps2 ports
had paid online

Why is that dolphin blushing?

>paid online is unacceptable

>PS4 had paid online
>Xbone has paid online

Hmm really thought provoking...

300$ would be fair with zelda included

problem is
>costs 330€
>no pack in game
>accessiories scheme matches apple's
>paid online

im sure nintendo fans will buy it, but reception for all the others has been tepid, to say the least.

One of the reasons I don't own those consoles. Are you trying to imply something?

Do you play video games or just shitpost on Sup Forums

>$400 for current gen hardware
>charging $300 for a device with weaker hardware than a smartphone

There's the reason


really turns the cogs

PC's exist you pokebrony

I play PC games from time to time

At least Ps4 and Xbox gives you decent new-ish games that you can keep forever and not NES games that you can't even keep

Did you know that the vita, 3ds, ps3, and pc all play video games?

Pick one and only 1

>no mention of WiiU
Lots of microaggressions against that console around here...



>One console is using 2007 technology
>The other one 2013-2015
>expect the same price

dumb nintentoddler

Post more Lugia cuck

You really think the switch is worth $300
go back to fapping to pokemon you degenerate

It really doesn't. Both the PS4 and Xbone were under powered as shit but still worth every single cent at launch. The switch is using outdated hardware and overcharging for it. On top of that, accessories are very high in price as well.

>nintoddlers in charge of understanding value

$300 for the power of 5 years ago, no game included, paid online.

If it wasn't for the "portability" gimmick I'd call that horribly overpriced. Thanks to the gimmick, it's just overpriced.

I completely forgot about it, add it to the pile.


Weird that you have such issues finding games, I mean, I have dozens of them, hell I really have hundreds of them, especially considering PCs are fully backwards compatible and all, dunno why you are having a hard time.

>what is PC

How can you even say you like video games and not own a fucking PC?

You can play fucking almost any fucking game you want on PC

>ATARI 2600
>ATARI 5200
>ATARI 7800

what about legit Arcade games?


Older PC titles?


all of them for free and many even have netplay

like holy fuck, how do you even cope just having a bloodborne machine?

or be dude bro enough to have a non-exclusive having xbone?

or be ripped off by nintendo that their wiiU that was a total failure, and is being dropped like a bad habit?

Well when they released they were new and more powerful than anything they were competing with, the switch is competing with 2 consoles that are cheaper, have existing libraries and are probably twice as powerful

>are probably twice as powerful
The switch is weaker than a smartphone

You mean something my consoles can also do?

And I didn't buy those either. What the fuck is your point?

If you'd rather stack every console ever in your home then yes, you can play every console game ever on your ceiling-high fire hazard.

They are probably all console ports too.

The hell are you on about?

>5 years ago

dude, the specs on the switch are 10 years old

its doesn't even come close to current consoles, its literally a WiiU "PRO"

You misunderstood, I mean that PC isn't the only platform capable of emulation.

>2 consoles in 1
>less valuable

Switch is less powerful than PS4 and Xbone.
Switch doesn't come bundled with any games.
Switch doesn't have backwards compatibility
Switch doesn't have any lobbying/matchmaking/voice chat on the system

I wanna be excited, but jesus after the Wii U flop I really cant be. Not saying PS4 or Xbone is a better choice, because they also have a fucking hat trick of shitty problems too. But nowadays they are cheaper.

Just save up for a good PC which can emulate games.

They also didn't have to compete with any other consoles except their own ones. The tech behind the portability of the Switch might be worth the price, but for anyone who wants a regular console the other consoles are just an outright better offer

Yeah, and imagine if it had actually launched alongside the PS4 and Xbone.
It might've actually been successful.

consoles in 1
Why do you count HDMI circuitry as a separate console?

>PC isn't the only platform capable of emulation.
What other platform is there that let's you combine all the games?

>save for a pc to play console games

too bad the Switch is competing with their current prices.

>soft modding
>hard modding
>paying for ROMs

why even go through all that trouble to add to some proprietary hardware that will never be optimized to even play it properly?

Do you have autism?

>avatarfagging furfag
oh dear

Can you not answer the question?

Not really. Honestly all gaming platforms nowadays are fucking trash. You can just do more with a good PC. Emulating most old consoles and newer ones being developed on and such.

I'm scared, bros. Nintendo is betting everything they have on the Switch. What if it doesn't succeed?



Didn't buy an Xbone and only paid $120 for a PS4. Yes, $300 is too much for a Switch, especially at launch.

>What other platform is there that let's you combine all the games?
>combine all the games
English you nigger. Learn it.

Then they will make another gimmick console off the Pokemon sales


>paying a company for the privilege of using your own Internet connection
>deliberately playing a version of the game with poorer visuals, and limited peripheral options
Why? Honestly, the whole, "muh console ports" argument is stupid, consoles don't make games. Just because a game is multi plat doesn't mean it's a console port, why would anyone play an FPS or an RTS with a controller at all? and why would ANYONE pay twice to use their Internet connection? I don't understand, PC has tons of games, and they are the better versions of the games 90% of the time.

>>paying a company for the privilege of using your own Internet connection


i will never understand why anyone would pay money to use their own fucking internet. Imagine you had to pay an online subscription just to play phone games online? Last gen, it was only MS who did this, but now its considered the norm. Fuck that noise.

Dis retard


with that bullshit logic you can compare it to the GameCube launch price

That sounds pretty hard to believe, man. I'm gonna need some statistics or charts or something.

I like how you are avoiding his question by trying to mix grammar into this. What other entity can play games from all of those systems. Please enlighten me.

Try closer to 400 bucks.

Meanwhile I can get a Shield for 200 and it uses more or less the same tech.

If the Switch uses some proprietary fork of Android I'm gonna shit myself.

>and why would ANYONE pay twice to use their Internet connection?

If this didn't start on pc it never would have caught on, these PCcucks paying for mmo subscription which costs more than £35 a year and then use the argument against console that give you games for free, WoW doesn't even give anything for subscription lol

>300 dollars for a console
>doesn't come with a game

>can get a ps4 + game for the same price
>can get an xbone + game for the same price

My god that's so sexual.

it's not competing with PS4 at launch
it's way weaker than PS4
but i dont expect a nintentoddler to understand that

>Try closer to 400 bucks.
The fuck are you talking about?

>I can get a Shield
To play what, Steam games? You've gotta be fucking kidding me.

>can only play those games on a tv

You can pay FFXIV on consoles and that requires you to pay your internet bill, Sony's online service fee, and another subscription on top of that through square enix to play the game

It's not 2 consoles in one. If the dock was the console and the handheld part was something that received streamed data from it so that you could take your games with you, then you'd have a point.

>I made up all this just to post some autistic image

>The fuck are you talking about?
That is the price of the Switch where I live.
Well around 420 to me more exact.

>To play what, Steam games? You've gotta be fucking kidding me.
Well nothing. But fuck paying 2 times the money only so you can play some shitty kids games that can't hold your attention for more than an hour or two.

>imagine living under a rock and thinking pc doesn't have paid subscriptions just to play games and that you think your better for buying humble bundles for $10 for games you'll never play

But atleast you have 1,000 games right?

You don't need ps plus to play ffxiv on PS3 or 4 though

Well, isn't the Switch about half as powerful as an Xbone so shouldn't the price be 250 dollaru?

Nigger i cant even answer the question because i dont know what your asking.

I have never once in my life payed a subscription fee to any game or service related to PC gaming.

>PC has more than one storefront to choose from
>that means you're paying a subscription
Jesus christ man

I don't mind paying because I am not some poorfag. If you think $50-60 a year is expensive at all, then you likely flip burgers for a living.

I don't own or play subscription-based games. I don't pay for a game twice.
I will not pay for online twice either.

>There's a 40 dollar screen and a 2 dollar hdmi output so it's like you're getting 2 consoles!!!!!!

>the 'poorfag' argument for paid online
Also know as "my first console was 360".



>having to state that you live above the poverty line to justify to yourself that you're letting some weird old man stick his hand in your wallet for no good reason

I don't think it's expensive. I think it's wasted money for a service that should damn well be included in the cost of those $60+ games.

Hint: Subscription services like this are how companies shift the real cost of a product from the initial hardware to down the road. The lower initial price makes the hardware look more "affordable" to poor people.

>muh principles
Times change and you got left behind. Get a job.

The uncharted 4 ps4 bundle is 266 usd on amazon.
The "Name your game" xbone bundle is 256 usd also on amazon.
I wish I was making this up.

In the eyes of pc gamers paying double for a pc for the same specs as a console is ok,

paying for microtransactions in games like league of legends, tf2, cs:go is ok I mean if it gives you enjoyment then Ye that's cool

Paying for mmo subscription is ok too I mean look how much more polished paid mmo's are

But imagine doing all this on a console for half the price? Na that's pathetic and a waste of money

How dare you reply to me

No. None of that is okay.

Let me guess, you're going to defend the PSPGo now.

3/10, could have photoshopped in bloodborne to do the epic troll xd

>at least $400 CDN


That's not very nice. I don't know where you're from, but where I'm from we don't tolerate this kind of behavior.