>You still haven't pre ordered a Nintendo Switch
I'm trying
My email is on the list of every retailer near me to let me know when they're taking orders
never leave me house
I'm waiting.
Waiting for Mario.
I had a NES when I was a kid and Nintendo have been milking the same franchises ever since.
There's no rush. I can wait for a discount.
But I have
Man I love Splatoon on the NES and man all those Localization of Fire Emblem on the NES were so good. Not to mention how fun Xenoblade Origins was.
They are sold out
Waiting for a game thats not Zelda or shit.
I'm not a child
I preorded, but after some day i retired.
You are on Sup Forums posting, and you play videogames
Nintendo would be dead if it weren't for nostalgiafags
>implying entertainment is only for children
>what are M rated games
I'm not buying a system whose online infrastructure is pay2play.
The Ps4 and Xbox were already trash, the Switch will be no different.
>you play videogames
He's on Sup Forums, he obviously doesn't play videogames.
Because it's still 2017
why the fuc should i preorder, wasnt preorders already confirmed bullshit. imma just buy it in the first week.
So would Sony and MS.
The only reason Sony lived through the 360 is because the PS2 was great.
The only reason people bought bones is cause the 360 was great.
I preordered it from FUCKING GAMESTOP
that'd be at least 3 years :/
^actually good point
>I'm not a child
>what are M rated games
>Nintendo. Psssh.
You are a parody.
man, you sound so retarded
but user, i did.
So people bought PS4 because PS3 was great and people didn't buy Wii U because the Wii was shit?
You can play Zelda on the Wii U or Cemu.
Mario is the only thing worth buying the Switch for and we have to wait almost a year for it.
The chances of a Mario bundle are pretty high too.
>this guy will be on Sup Forums march 4th bitching about not being able to get switch
literally no games
I'm a patient guy.
As much as I love Legend of Zelda I'm not going to buy a console for one game. I looked at the list of games and there's not a lot else that draws my attention. Maybe later this year if they announce some other stuff.
>inb4 delayed
Gods, what must a braindead well such as yourself sound like then? If one gets so triggered over sarcasm and points being proven wrong- egast, you must be Donald Trump.
Mr. President don't you have a twitter to shitpost- sorry, a country to run?
I'm waiting for a purple Switch.
Also, there are too many good games releasing this spring. Not enough time for the two Switch games I want to play just yet
Switch is unlikely to outsell the Wii U unless it gets a steep price cut before its first holiday season
It's simply too expensive for the demographic it's being targeted at, especially considering its slew of other problems
Because i have a PS4 and PC
There is no point to getting one now. I am going to get BoTW on wii u and I am going to wait for a possible switch bundle, preferably a Splatoon+switch bundle
Because I don't intend to walk in and pick it up.
There's Zelda and I think Mario I want for it. I don't remember any other games I liked for it. Hopefully they'll have something to ease the racing fix.
>Preordering consoles ever
i live in UK, am surrounded by Xbros and Sonyfags, nothing but Fifa and Cod bitches here with the occasional gamer with decent taste. Switch wont sell out here for shit.
>Probably normal good release at start, then constant growth
>then enough people have switches to get other people notice
>fifa heads see their game come on our system
>they are persuaded to buy because switch has hype online and occasionally around
>switch will then get some growth and will become a socially recognisable thing amongst gamers like the 3DS and people will have it.
Growth can be much larger if COD and other normie games are on our system.
>mfw pre ordered same night as anouncement
>mfw cancelled my pre order when I realized there's only one game worth playing
I'd rather spend my money on a 4ds since it has a decent library. Once the switch has at least 6 must play games, I'll buy it.
>have great PC
>thinking about BotW and Mario Kart
>I don't have a portable either
>yeah I'll probably get the Switch
>wow, for an extra set of joycons and the ability to charge them, that costs $120
>two games is another $120
>$440 for two games
>thinking about how I want xbone for MCC and Rare Replay
>see DF Retro explain how the Xbone version updates animations and physics for 60fps on Halo 1
>see how based Halo 2 anniversary is
>see that even Halo 3 got lighting updates
>all 60fps
>see that Xim4 only costs $125 with no input lag so I don't even have to give up kb+m
>bought Xbone S on Ebay for less than $200, xim4, MCC and Rare Replay for less than $350 total
>now have living room multiplayer and hundreds of hours of incredible games
>I'll still be able to Emulate BotW in a few months anyway
based as fuck
>you must be Donald Trump.
thanks for the laugh user
Because there aren't any available.
Placed my pre-order for the console, BOTW, ARMS, two classic controllers and two additional joy-cons.
I would have pre-ordered all launch titles but I don't think they will be sold out on launch day so I'll just pick them up then.
I've also got a Pokemon advent calendar to count down the days until launch that I will begin using on the 3rd of February.
I've never been this excited for a console before in my life.
>Getting a console at launch
explain yourself. i wouldn't even consider it until near the end of the year.
>paid internet
>no games worth a shit until Mario Odyssey
that will stop being fun after like 20 minutes.
get a Wii U, it literally has all the same games and costs 1/4 of the price
>buying any console at launch
>explain yourself
I've never seen so many people on Sup Forums claiming not to have a Wii U yet they're completely willing to jump aboard the Switch train for the single game that Wii U owners have been waiting for for years
It doesn't add up. This is definitive proof that this place is literally crawling with shills
Nah ARMS is going to deliver more than you could possibly anticipate.
I honestly think it has the potential to take the Overwatch market.
I'm going on a holiday in march anyway, cant wait to play zelda for 9 hours on my plane ride.
Version without the tablet, just the dock and a pro controller when?
You sound like you don't wanna be hip, mobile and social.
Because stores here are non ironically selling it for 550 dollars.
Not until it's 200 bucks, and with a library that isn't one(1) fucking game. Probably in late 2018.
You have to be crazy to get a Nintendo console on launch.
I'm poor as fuck.
Because it's a shit console on every level.
This console honestly sounds like it's gonna be way too popular. I don't want anything to do with it if the normies like it.
I learned that lesson from the Ps4. AKA 60 million sales, barely 2-3 games worth the purchase.
i´m boycotting any japanese entertainment. nintendo and sony are japanese.
I'm literally waiting for this
>Wishful Thinking: The Post
>330€ for Switch
>need to prepare also at least 100€ for games and controllers
>Paid online in October/November when I may buy the Switch on December 2017
>I can play BotW on Wii U tho I don't give a fuck about BotW
>I have Splatoon, MK8, SSBU and Pokken
>Splatoon 2 and MK8 Deluxe are literally DLC or topkek Mods considering I played them on Wii U
>Arms is literally Pokken in term of potential
>Look where is Pokken right now, it won't even be at Evo 2017
Maybe I'll buy it once there is Super Smash Bros Swicth but honestly considering I played a lot Splatoon, MK8 and Smash on Wii U, it's currently isn't worth 330€
why user?
I want Donald Trump to be the new word for shitposter
I don't support any console with paid online.
internet forced all that fuck weebs shit so not even bothering with related BS anymore
also i´ve been dead tired of anime and any asian culture for like 5 years now, WoW´s MoP only made the asia is fucking gay -feel stronger
No games, overpriced, likely short life cycle with a mediocre library.
>BotW, the AAA and supposed Switch seller is just a port of the Wii U version that comes out on the same day
>No bundled game or minigames like the Wii, Wii U, or 3DS
>No media apps like Netflix, Youtube, or Amazon Video
>Overpriced and obnoxiously expensive accessories
>Online lobbies, matchmaking, and Voice Chat tied to a paid smartphone app
>32GB of storage (Not to mention BotW digital already takes up almost half of the space)
>Paid online service
>One month NES/SNES rentals
>Charging Grip for Joycon is sold separately
>80+ games in development yet most of them seem to be just ports of old games
>Super Mario Odyssey is almost finished yet its not released until the holidays
>No backwards compatibility
>6 Launch games and 4 of them are ports and only 3 of them are new games
>No Ethernet Cable
This post is about as coherent as an MC Ride verse.
>80+ games in development yet most of them seem to be just ports of old games
this, also indies
>for anything other than very limited run niche products
>pre-ordering, then presumably buying a Switch at launch
>most of them seem to be just ports of old games
Prove this.
>room mate preordered N3DSXL
>go to fucking gamestop with him
>"Sorry bud we're all out"
>"But I reserved one"
>"Yeah but we sold all the reserve ones already, and the pickup stock too."
Yeah I'm never pre-ordering anything. I don't need to have it day one, but I'll certainly give it a fair shake on the 3rd and then probably actually get one in a couple weeks.
I don't preorder shit, Treehouse employee.
Then I shall wait until it is released or until a few more great games come out for it in the new year.
Every single game that isn't first party or Super Bomberman R that have been announced are ports?
literally no games
I don't like touching garbage
I didnt pre order. Scared i won't get one launch day
History has taught me to never buy a console at launch. Pre-ordering would be even dumber
Nah, pretty sure by black friday or christmas you will be able to get one with a game for like 250.
The Wii U was a revolting failure and has made me lose whatever remaining trust I had in Nintendo.
Paid online + unreasonably expensive peripherals.
Not a single game that looks worth getting. Mario Odyssey looks good, but comes out at the end of the year, and isn't worth buying a $300+ console for alone.
I'm not a moron and I own a laptop so there's no reason for me to bring a $300 console with me whenever I leave my home for an extended amount of time.
None of the games I want for it are day one releases.
>1 new successful franchise a decade
I can see why they have such loyal fans who enjoy buying the same games over and over.
Is a proper Metroid title coming out?
Is Ridley on the Smash roster?
No? Then fuck off.
it makes a lot of sense when you understand how peer pressure works. weebshit is like bronies and liberals now, nobody wants to associate with that BS
You make it sound as if the Xboxes haven't been the least successful consoles in all regions outside of America.
It amuses me that MS/XBox has a better reputation nowadays than Nintendo. Nintendo used to be a heavy hitter but they've squandered it all away trying to constantly get flash in the pan hits to take off instead of just being a quality company.
Yeah Neo-Nazism, Facism and the denial of Basic Human Rights is so hot in America right now.
Outside of America the Xboxes never had any reputation. It's like they don't even exist. That's how irrelevant they are outside of America.
Because I am not a Nintendo fanboy. Will I get it eventually? Yes. If it survives or have more game releases but it's DOA.
They have shown me nothing to convince me.
I can play Zelda on Wii U, the controllers are gimmicks and look uncomfortable, 3rd party support is the game shitty EA sports ports and Rayman that Ubisoft puts on everything.
It's showed me that Nintendo is going down a different path than what I want and power to them but I've stopped caring.
the second they announce pokemon for it i'll hit that order button.
until then, no ordering. if pokemon doesnt get released for it i'll not be buying.