Tracer's gay and Mei is married. Do you have any predictions for the other girls/or guys?

Tracer's gay and Mei is married. Do you have any predictions for the other girls/or guys?

Wait what? Mei is married?

fake and gay

this desu

reaper is asexual
winston is infertile
bastion is defective
junkrat probably blew his junk off
pharah is married to her job
widowmaker is a widow
genji is broken
hanzo is cursed

zarya is probably the only one who fucks pussy on a regular basis honestly
with her massive futa cock

which overwatch is into ballbusting?

i feel like the devs projected their own sexual failures onto the game, yet made their characters fappable at the same time


No question.

Do you see the cards in her hands? They're wedding cards.

Sauce on Mei being married?

And she's also wearing a red and gold dress.

Widowmaker is a widow, talon made her kill her husband to show her devotion to the organization.
still straight though

dear god overcuck is such cancer

buzz off pal

>Red, corresponding with fire, symbolizes good fortune and joy. Red is found everywhere during Chinese New Year and other holidays and family gatherings. A red envelope is a monetary gift which is given in Chinese society during holiday or special occasions. The red color of the packet symbolizes good luck.

You're retarded.

Married to the cock.

Blizzard making Mei skinny is an absolute disgrace to the fat positive movement. I'm literally still shaking they had the audacity to change her body to fit social "norms". She would have been deemed to be unhealthy had she been that way for real. Fat positive characters must be in media to show to girls around the world that they are beautiful, and no one can tell them otherwise


You're an idiot



Futashits need to kill themselves

Fucking furfag tier with how obnoxious and how shit your retarded homo fetish is

Reaper is shown in the x-mas comic to be looming around what was probably his family before his horrific accident.

Traditionally married couples give out red envelopes. But is she handing them out there and does Blizzard know enough to not get that mixed up?


Have you fuckin seen it dude?
Shitposting aside this is clearly a bug

>tracer is gay
still not a problem for me, I can get off to lezbos

>mei is married
still not a problem for me, i can get off to cuckold stuff

that said widowmaker is still best girl.

everything else


>mcree as bisexual or omnisexual
>dva getting blacked/huehued by lucio
>mercy getting the robo D from genji
>widow maker into bdsm
>zarya married to a thin beta manlet
>s76 with ptsd nighterrors
>Reinhardt with delusions of being a knight
>bastion and zen into a gay robot relationship
>pharah is secretly a slut because of daddy issues

> no omnisexual trigendered dragonkin >why even play

Off yourself, freak.

wouldn't be surprised if lucio and dva got into a relationship or zarya have a skinny husband

No she isn't. She's wearing a robe and pants. Symmetra is wearing a qipao

shut the fuck up you idiot

Does it matter at all when Overwatch is literally the worst balanced FPS game in the three decades. The more Blizzard touch the game the more they ruin it.

Like every game they attempt to balance.

How do you even have sex with an omnic?
would he fuck bastion or zenyatta?

Sasuga Sup Forums always the retard

Those are fucking money envelopes (hong bao). They're given out every fucking lunar new year as gifts you uneducated fuck head

those are paper envelopes you put cash or sappy cards in to gift to people

do you even asian bro?

you probably only know this because you know someone who gave wedding invites using these, but no, its just for general tiny decorative ones for special events

>How do you even have sex with an omnic?
that's not technically what omnisexual means

Is Widow's model bugged too? Because her spine is way more fucked than that.

yeah, but hers looks like it works..?
Are you kidding me?
You are unironically trying to argue this?

It's just bad from the core. You have characters that literally designed around one shotting 90% of the cast or not like Hanzo and Roadhog, you have utterly retarded regular skills like Deflect and Defense Matrix, brainless face roll shit like McCree's Flashbang+FtH, Mei in general.

Overwatch smells of good old fashioned stupidity. Blizzard cannot even fall back on the "uuuhh well it's our first FPS duurpp huuuurrr". The kind of design decisions in this game are something only a fucking idiot would make or though would be fun, and it's glaringly obvious to me no one Blizzard actually plays this shit heap of a game.


Mercy is trans

>year of the rooster
>year of the cock
>features mei

mei cock canon?

Widow has severe hyperlordosis, it does not look like it works at all. Mei has the exact same thing but with bigger hips. People complaining about Mei and not Widow are idiots.

muh moba

They're CASH MONEY envelopes, user.

Source: I'm a chink.

the makers of the game literally called it a bug

>Chinese New Years outfit is a prequel
>her husband is a Pierce Brosnan-tier feeder

Well, you g to a store and buy the sex module you want. Then install it and have fun.

This. Futafags are the new furries.

Yeah I've never seen Blizzard pander either

>Mei is Married

Source: my ass

Futa fags officially dethroned furfags from the most annoying faggots on this board.

that was a placeholder pose, lots of heros had it and don't anymore because it got changed for new ones, they literally changed it for a lewder one that fit her personality more
keep shitposting

>blizzard unironically thinks Ana's sleep ability is fine
It's literally why I'm done with this shit game.

what fps do you like, user

It is fine you nigger.
If anyone shoots you, you instantly wake up.
Git gud.

You are pulling that straight out of your ass. Kaplan admited to giving in to the pressure.


>Ana is still bar none the best Support who actually has no weaknesses
>Biotic Grenade still does 4 different things at one time
>Biotic Grenade still completely blocks enemy healing when it should just reduce it
>Sleep Dart is still the best CC skill in the game and allows Ana, a Support hero with untold utility, to solo all non Tanks 1v1
>They unironically buffed Roadhog, letting him one shot 99% of the cast, only higher Tanks like Rein, D.Va, and Hog himself can survive not being one shot
>Zarya is still unbelievably broken, literally shitting on every Attack hero not named Soldier 76
>Reinhardt is still a mandatory character for every single competitive team because Blizzard thought it was a good idea to give a giant 2k HP shield that protects allies to one hero only, completely destroying unique team comps
>Tanks are still utterly shit on every other class in the game
>Introduces new bugs
>Scatter Arrow is still a thing

I am sincerely hard pressed to find a developer as fucking stupid as Blizzard. Everyone involved in Overwatch needs to be taken out Old Yeller style and replaced with people who have actually played a fucking FPS game in their life.

Widowmaker literally made herself a widow

Really makes you etc

It still stuns you during the fall down and get up animation and any team not filled with shitters is not going to pop the sleep early unless it is a guaranteed kill. Get out of silver

Ana does more damage per shot than McCree with no headshots. She has no dropoff too


>3 second loss of control no matter what
>"it is fine you nigger"
Kill yourself tonight and livestream it please.

You literally cannot name a worse mode than Mystery 6v6. I don't know or why people wanted this fucking putrid dogshit game mode back in rotation.

I think the concept of taking control away from other players entirely (Ana, Reinhardt, Mei) is handled to loosely. It's a big deal to take away someone else' freedom in a video game.

god i wish

Rein and Mei aren't nearly as bad for it because of their limitations. The dart has none of those limitations, including shooting it from a mile out

>turns out she was just curvasious, and not thicc


Mei is THE example of this other than Roadhog. Once Mei starts freezing you, you have literally one second to kill her or you're dead. And all the while within this one second your sensitivity is being lowered on all fronts, making it harder to aim.

Blizzard was so fucking worried about making a "unique" game with "unique" characters they forget to make the fucking thing fun.

>It's a big deal to take away someone else' freedom in a video game.

Not just videogames, any type of game. Tabletop players hate it too. To use D&D as an example: have an enemy party that consists of three types of enemies, a guy that does big damage, a guy that summons more enemies, and a guy that can paralyze the PCs in some fashion, 10 out of 10 times, the players will go after paralyzer guy first. The other two can do their things, and the players can still deal with it, but if paralyzer guy does his thing, that's however long the effect lasts, that the players are just sitting there with their thumbs up their asses.

She still has to be on top of you to do it, and she has no movement abilities. Hog's hook range is far longer than it needs to be considering it one shots every non tank. Hog and Ana are also nearly instant.

the thing about mei is she is a shitter if you dont fight her one on one
try sticking with your fucking team

on all boards
Can't a simple porn thread anymore with futafags spamming it

No, Pharah is married to me

>tfw mei will never sit on your cock

Chinese culture aint even real niggah fuck off and go back to korea

Not really. None have any bearing on gameplay so I don't care.


>obese fags get hopelessly BTFO by blizz
>everything in the world is just


It's a big country. It is kinda stupid to assume there is a single culture every chinese on the planet subscribes to.

How and why has Zarya not been gutted yet. This fucking brainless bitch is worse than Roadhog.

But Blizzard are damage controlling by calling it a bug and now falling to the pressure again and "fixing" it. It's not just.

But she's been nerfed already and isn't as useful as she used to be.

>red envelope is a monetary gift
>mei holding like 5 red envelopes excitedly

Are... Are you saying Mei is a prostitute?

Jesus fuck, Sup Forums whines about games being too hard even more than DSP does nowadays.

It's shitty rigging though, someone pulled the model and put it in a T-pose and it looks completely different from all these "thin" shots that people are pretending are ok just because they want to be the other side of the coin from the fatfags so badly

I wish fatties would stop trying to ruin vidya QT's

>roadhog literally one-shot ejects D.VA out of her mech


>nerfed already
>had charge acquisition reduced slightly
>then got her M1 fixed so now she does even more damage with less charge

Yeah, real fucking nerf alright.

>ctf control tower
>go mei
>ice wall the hallway as attackers come in
>have to go around
>manually drop the wall
>ice wall already off cooldown by the time they try again

It doesn't seem like it's the waist that's the issue though. Her ass looks fucked.


even if they fix the bug she still won't be fat

This. As someone pointed out yesterday, all the Olympic sprayfags here who seemed convinced Mei had the body of Tracer and all the bulk was down to her jacket were just as retarded as those Tumblr morons who desperately wanted Mei to be a BBW-tier whale.