When is this getting cracked by Sup Forums estimates?

When is this getting cracked by Sup Forums estimates?

2 months from now

my dad works for CPY

mid April
thank god the demo was shit I'll have no desire to pay for this.

Next winter. After 3DM will get back to works.

Dont buy the pc port, its really buggy. Just a heads up to anyone thinking about buying it.

The fuck? It really isn't though.

>bought the game on steam
>refunded it with 105 minutes playtime
>steam offline mode
>beat the game

>It really isn't though.
It has its moments.


Are your specs garbage? I haven't experienced anything buggy in about 3 hours of playtime, been smooth as shit.

I got it for $30 i have money. Stop being a broke ass.

No issues over here. Maybe stop using that 4 year old gpu?

Why would anybody make a crack for a mediocre game?

there's one setting that fucks over frame times most people are too stupid to turn it off.

meh im on a 970 i need a upgrade. you're both right.

The demo was shit, but after you get through the twenty minute cutscene/tutorial this game has more RE feel than 5 and 6 combined. Give it a shot user. I was skeptical but it actually has exceeded expectations.

if that worked EVERYONE would be doing this

>being so poor you can't afford $30
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

you mean a used physical copy for a console?
cause it's 80$ on steam

i bought if for 30 bucks on cdkeys stop being a broke ass.

heh I dunno, obviously isn't legit, it's 50$ now and I'm kinda afraid steam would ban my account, losing ALL my games or just losing re7

you've got a couple games from there? didn't have any problems? heh even if you say everything will be fine you're probably lying

plus it's not a question of not having enough money, it's about wasting money on a game you won't like and don't want to support

its honestly legit never had a problem with them. also you dont know how to read reviews ? come on man.

reviews don't mean shit, someone can love a game I hate or hate a game I love

and I'm pretty confident I won't like the game, I just need to play it cause I'm a fucking tool

>buy it on steam
>play it for a hour
>return it
problem solved

I'm playing on YouTube.

>3hours in

So halfway through the game? I beat it in two sittings.

A few months. Go ahead and wait or you could actually buy the thing like a decent person. By then you'll already be spoilered to hell and back.

ill just play it on my xbox then and wait for it to be patched :)

>xbox then and wait for it to be patched :)

That would be?

You need to turn off shadow cache, dynamic shadows, bloom, and ombient occlusion.

No frame drops. Now to wait for Crapcom to fix it...

>there's one setting that fucks over frame times
I'm not math expert but that seems like 4 to me

It's mostly just shader cache if you have less then 4 gb of vram thats the killer one.

I had all that turned on except bloom, didn't have any problems. You probably just have a shit PC

i seen that posted in another thread. so yeah just trying to help all you.


I have a toaster and had no problems at all.

So GTX 960 4 gig edition should do decent?

Just watch the game

The gameplay is ass, you aren't missing anything.

>Just watch the game

This is the correct answer. Watch based DSP's playthrough and help support his livelihood while fucking over crapcum for making such a shit game

>games have become so bad these days people on Sup Forums are encouraging others to just watch it in YT
how low this fucking hobby of mine has sunk

>TFW 240 FPS at full ultra minus the retarded shiny effects (bloom etc.)

Hell it even have 60 stable on consoles. your toaster is just shit

I couldn't take it seriously anymore after the hillbilly wife told me I was a fucking shitcock. Now it just feels like a comedy.

I'm okay with that.

I don't think it's related to game quality user.

why does it look so blurry on my rig. im running it on a 970 granted it isnt the greatest card but it runs bf1 like butter.

Less than three months

Turn off Shadow Cache, everything will be fine

CPY can crack Denuvo in a month, but they always wait for patches or for the devs to fix all bugs of the game before cracking it. Considering RE7 has memory leaks, they won't crack this initial version.

Does it drop the found footage gimmick? Do we get traditional survival horror type characters?
I need a comfy vidya to play.