>The Church are the bad guys
FFX in a nutshell
spell pucci backwards nigga
>The church holds mostly in the background as the quiet good guys, aside from the mandatory fighting priest
hey there gay black priest.
I wish there was a game where it was church are bad guys but it turns out they were the good guys all along and you destroyed most of them under the influence of evil, by which the other half of the game turns into redemption after the church and religion you've crippled forgive you
>The President is the bad guy
>Hes actually the hero and you're a borderline terrorist
I C C U P...
>clerics are assholes
Is that a Stone Ocean reference?
No it's from jojo, newfag
Why must your figurine cost so much gay priest
>hitting his same critter with the same way again and again somehow makes you stronger
>lifting his same weights with the same way again and again somehow makes you stronger
>The Church are the bad guys
>main villain is saved by the MC crashing a car into an NPC
Reminder Pucci took out Gary Stu JoJo in a single hit.
I dont remember him ever fighting giorno
>main villian is thicc
Jonathan had been dead for like a century
>Real life
>organized religion is the final boss
>main villain is a manchild scared shitless of the incredibly alpha MC who stole his car
Reminder there's no way JJL can end happily
>taking out senile old man Joseph in a single hit
you made my day
I love you user
have fun in「Heaven」
I'm expecting Stone Ocean tier tragedy honestly, JoJolion gives me really similar vibes and atmosphere, not to mention they both share the main theme of memories and identity though it looks like JoJolion's main theme is evolving into happiness. Now that Josuke knows who he is superficially he needs to know who he is in substance and what the road to happiness is for himself. Jobin thinks just climbing higher and higher will make him happy but Josuke just wants his 'mother' to survive for the time being, but these two objectives are in opposition to one another and Jobin seems like a cunt who'll prioritise his happiness over everyone else's.
Is that Over Heaven novel canon?
Nope, none of them are. Only canon material is stuff written by Araki, so the manga itself and maybe Dead Man's Questions if you want to include that.
>kill the president
>abscond to japan
>come back to america a decade later to jack a national treasure
that johnny guy really hates america
Kira's Bizarre Adventure for Doom is more canon than DMQ
he killed the entire cast save emporio in one hit
I wish Kira vs. Hell WAS canon honestly. He was canonically the only villain confirmed going to hell because of the hands dragging him there, though DIO was also pretty likely. Kara is alive forever frozen in space, Diavolo is stuck in a 10 second time loop dying in different cruel ways every 10 seconds for the rest of eternity, Pucci was erased from existence and ironically the world was a better place without him even though his entire motivation was to make the world a better place in his own grief-warped manner and Valentine let himself be spun into oblivion after sending alt Diego after Johnny as a final act of spite.
As we know them they're dead, the souls might be the same but as we learned from FF and Weather it's the memories that make the person, the soul is just a power source, like a battery for powering the body in it's quest to collect memories.
I want to get to SBR and JJL, but I don't feel compelled to read through SO, nor do I want to simply skip over it.
Is Part 6 any good? I've heard it gets good once Pucci's introduced but I can't even get past Googoo Dolls without losing interest.
just like in real life
6 is way better than 5 imo
I blazed through it and enjoyed it a lot, the only issue was the ending being quite rushed.
Googoo Dolls is a bit boring, but I really enjoyed everything else.
I'd say Stone Ocean's my favorite part. Tied with Steel Ball Run.
It's a bit rough early on but it gets crazy as it goes along
Part 6, in my opinion, isn't too good when they're in the prison but once they're out it's balls to wall fantastic. I still like Part 5 a little bit more though
6 is great. Easily one of the most "bizarre" Parts of the series. Once it gets going things just go balls to the walls insane.
Plus it has best girl in it.
>the satanists are the bad guys
>the church are the good guys
>make a part about dios wifes son
>add several other children in the next part
>not just skipping to part 7
>it's another stupid fucking jojo thread
fuck off an die you autistic memelord redditards
Where did Father Pucci touch you?
thats not jolyne
>best girl
>not yasuho
sick meme
>skipping parts
It's slower paced than 5 but just as good. None of the parts are bad, though 6's introduction is pretty slow. Just power through Goo Goo Dolls since it + the introduction are only 9 chapters, then Jotaro shows up and the plot starts to kick into gear. It's a lot more intricate than the other parts in that you need to take it slow and pay attention to every character arc and their motivations to get the big picture at the end, because Araki decided on zero handholding in regards to explaining the themes and expects you to keep up. The fights are all interesting if a little slow and the main cast are all great even though they don't get enough interaction amongst each other outside Jolyne, who is also probably the best JoJo tied with Johnny in terms of development. Her development is more subtle than previous JoJo's but by the end she's basically Jonathan but with a mix of Jotaro and Joseph on the outside. Pucci is also an excellent villain, though to figure out what his actual deal is you need to connect the dots with the pieces of his past we get and the true nature of his plan isn't fully revealed until the second last chapter. It's pretty good but go in knowing that it ends bittersweetly.
is it weird if I prefer the prison part?
I mean, by the time they leave the prison there isn't much left.
>Bohemian Rhapsody
>Sky High
fucking great
>Heavy Weather
what the fuck am I reading
and then it's Pucci's World, which is great with the already mentioned issue of rushing the end.
I like how the characters had to deal with the whole prison environment while fighting stands and discovering Pucci's identity. I also much prefer Pucci than Diavolo. His whole "faith and fate" schtick is really neat, in my opinion.
also, My Little Plankton Can't be This Cute
>the president is your girlfriend
>get killed because of your wife's son
Johnny is in an entirely different dimension user.
My fucking man
Pucci is gay but not for kids. He's gay for centenarian vampires who don't reciprocate the feeling because he sees you as a friend and equal and won't fuck you like he does his servants and slaves which only aggravates your guilt issues about being gay with your guilt issues over getting your sister killed because she unknowingly tried to fuck her long lost brother.
Why are the new comics filled with skinny faglords. Where are my muscle bound freaks.
Where the fuck is hamon?
i thought valentine died after johnny shot him a bunch with regular Act 2 bullets
Ripple was dropped 28 years ago and he started drawing more realistic proportions 25 years ago.
Steel Ball Run kind of has Hamon. It's called Spin and it stacks with Stands.
7 > 8 > 2 > 4 > 6 > 5 > 1 > 3
>4 > 6
>not a single person asking if this is a JoJo reference.
Is this a JoJo reference. Also Pucci is best villain.
the only different between johnny and kira is that johnny didn't want to fuck hands
i think when he hit dio's fangirl shield he killed more women in one go than kira did over his entire run as a serial killer
Jo2uke is literally the straightest and most alpha character in the series, has 4 balls and a harem and everything. Also Giirno is hard gay but also incredibly alpha in spite of it, and Jolyne is a woman. Johnny is the closest to a faglord and that's because he's a cripple and can't get swole.
Realistic proportions isn't any fun
Stone Ocean's ending fucked me up for an entire day
I'm not far enough into JoJolion to evaluate it yet
Johnny didn't even know he was killing them, when the same happened against Valentine sending his attacks at random people across the world and it killed kids Johnny was appalled at what he'd done while Valentine thought it was hilarious.
It can be if you know what you're doing and have all sorts of different body types.
I still not entirely sure what the fuck was going on with Stone Ocean's ending.
>JRPG or vidya in general
>The character who wears white and talks about "fixing/saving the world" is evil.
It's ok. I enjoyed it but it's definitely not one of my favourite parts, also isn't one of the weaker parts.
Very mid-pack.
But definitely read it, SBR and JJL are two of the best parts
Am I the only who felt that the Rock Men subplot was a wasted potential? They almost didn't add anything to the plot and they became Monster-of-the-4weeks
Pucci accelerated time to the end of the universe and the creation of a new one
but who knows if time was accelerated for him too? He might have been trapped there alone for billions of years watching the death of the universe pass by him
I'm pretty sure there's still more to them. There's no way they aren't in some way related to that curse.
I miss them too, but Jo2uke at least has some muscle mass, but he's more otter than BB
If it was dropped completely I'd agree, but it's not over yet, the most recent villain is another rock dude.
Yasuho got potential but she hasn't really done anything yet.
Looks like someone never went to school.
>5 that high
>8 that low
Otherwise this is pretty correct
Why? 7 is the best one, you can switch 5 and 6, 2 and 4 are improvements over their predecesors, 3 and 1 introduced something and that never showed its true potential, and 8 hasnt finished yet to rank it
7 > 4 > 2 > 6 > 5 > 3 > 1
8 is between 7 and 4 if ranked as of now.
Considering Jo2uke already killed the boss that has the highest link to the overall plot, and the fact that the latest rockman doesn't care about the plot aside from being another one of the villain's lackey, this is where I started losing hope with the plot. That doesn't mean I'll stop reading, though, but it still looks like P8 is on par with P4 and P7 is still the best part
I think he's making a math joke
Part 6 is pretty skippable. 5 + PHFB is a solid enough conclusion.
Yeah, I was. It's dumb, I know.
Yeah Part 8 would be a lot better if the plot knew wanted what it to do
>Your the President
>The Vice President starts a coup
>Can't beat him without your giant robot
Switch 5 and 6 and you're golden.
>skipping the actual conclusion so you can head canon the irrelevant side story as the happy ending.
What was Johnny gonna do with the corpse anyway? Fuck Jesus?
Basically Pucci wanted the world to know their fates before it happens because he's wracked by guilt over getting his sister killed and feels like if he knew it was fated beforehand he wouldn't have to feel guilty about it and could somehow apologise before it happens. Meeting DIO twisted and warped him and although DIO trusted Pucci implicitly to carry out his Heaven plan and resurrect him, Pucci hijacked it and instead of changing fate he decided to enforce it on everyone else because if he COULD change fate by bringing DIO back then it means that he COULD change his sister's fate meaning he was responsible for her death in the first place. So he kills the Kujo's and speeds up time to the end of the universe and everyone else is carried over to the next cycle with their memories intact, but because they already experienced the death of the universe once they innately know their own futures down to the date they die and are powerless to change it, because Pucci is so twisted he thinks this is genuine happiness. The Kujos are replaced by soulless copies on account of dying before the cycle completes. Before Pucci can complete a full loop and make it permanent however, Emporio bodies him and Made in Heaven is undone, reverting everything back to the old cycle where the Kujo's souls are except this time it's Pucci who is erased. Because Pucci was erased, it changed the fates of everyone he met. Because Pucci is what brought the Stone Ocean gang together, fate dictates that they still have to meet even without Pucci's involvement so it finds a way to do so with none of them going to prison. The names are different to show they're different people, the souls are the same but the memories are different because of no Pucci. Jolyne and Jotaro got better lives as a result. Parts 1-5 happen exactly the same only Jotaro is a lot more chill. Although the Stone Icean gang as we knew them are dead, their memories live on in Emporio.
The actual conclusion is fucking garbage and p6 in general leaves a lot to be desired. At least PHFB is good.
>the president is your little sister
>you can't believe how cute he is
I dunno, I agree it's a bit weird but I think we've still got a chance of a reveal with Jobin that hopefully will make it interesting again.
We'll see.
P7 is definitely still the best part.