>Game has 2 wiki's
>Conflicting information between them
Game has 2 wiki's
Other urls found in this thread:
>one is fextra
This makes it easy to tell which one is wrong
>worse one updates the fastest
>good one updates infrequently and erratically
>both use wikia and run like shit
Name three (3) games.
>the official wiki doesnt get updated
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
Fuck Fextralife for ruining everything. Also sadly Fextralife is the go-to for Bloodborne.
>Game wiki thinks the franchise is about male circumsicion
>go to the Trivia section of an article expecting some nifty behind the scenes stuff or cool obscure factoids about the subject of the article
>it's obvious shit anyone who played the game would know
has weapon scaling and modifiers
>[official] wiki
>it's the worst one
>game has 2 wikis
>one of them is the updated one with lots of effort put into it
>the other is the one that used to be the main wiki until all the contributors left years ago because the admin was being retarded and is only kept alive because said admin still gets ad revenue
>the old deprecated shit wiki is the first google search result
>the new one is a couple results down
>go to game wiki
>it was raided/vandalized
>google dark souls wiki
>fextra or wikia is the first result instead of wikidot
>trying to see what I can carve off a daimyo in mhfu
>one wiki doesn't have carves/hides them away
>one wiki doesn't group carves for mhfu, just dumps them at the top of article
This shit is gonna happen so hard to Breath of the Wild
Cant wait for that shitshow
>wikidot literally on the second page of google
what the fuck. It's largely the best one and runs the best.
fextra runs like garbage and slows my computer right the fuck down
>go to wiki to find the weaknesses of a superboss
>the page just says stop looking for clues you fucking casual
>game comes with a strategy guide with weapon stats
>out of date thanks to a day 1 patch
whats the point?
>LoZ game
For what purpose?
just a fuck you for being dumb enough to buy a strategy guide for anything modern
Fucking this
what kind of stupid fucking company releases a strategy guide for a game which they know for almost certain they will need to change shit around for almost everything mere weeks after release?
>what are free digital guides
>what are pre order bonuses
Just give us a fucking concept art book or something ffs
>wiki for BotW when Zelda Universe exists
>wiki has link to vid showing where a unique weapon can be found
>the link is to a timestamp in a 3hr unedited let's play full of ads
digital guides are digital, they can be changed even if they often aren't
why would you do that, although I do remember getting the wind waker mini-guide that came from pre-ordering which was pretty nifty
it's tailored to your search history. wikidot is the third result for me
>wiki has weapon/item table with all the stats listed
>weapons/items have special effects
>can't read them until you go to the designated item page
why the fuck is this so hard to avoid?
Why is it usually the MediaWiki ones that hold up a higher standard of quality?
>Wikia copy and pastes shit from its MediaWiki equivalent and then edits in some unnecessary and autistic statements
>Wiki's all copy the same source...
>The same WRONG source
Saw some shit like that on the Silent Hill wiki. Did it happen anywhere else?
>Game fansite gets some errenous pre-release information
>Wiki takes this info directly
>Fansite quickly corrects it
>Wiki doesn't update this until weeks later
>It's also a popular wiki
>two wikis
>they're both shit for various reasons and you have to cross reference them to get any actual information
What game?
silent hills
the admin had a circumcision agenda and banned anyone who edited his rants out of unrelated articles
is it even a choice?
>Game doesn't really need a wiki at all
>Has one anyway
oops, meant to reply to
>having to rely one wikis
What the fuck
>fucking morons literally argue INSIDE the articles
Fucking Fextralife
Oh sure, let me just go ahead and spend fucking dozens of hours farming slabs just so I can waste them all on a weapon that ends up being complete shit with awful scaling
good luck playing DF without one
Wat kek
Maybe it's been a long time since I played it but I don't see the connection
The admin was genuinely delusional.
He must have been circumcised as a kid. Some times they makes the dick look weird. I don't know why non-jew Americans practice that
this is a whole new level of tinhat. almost as bad as those "alien" youtube videos.
>not using adblock
Really though, pool your efforts together you dumb assholes.
>no I dont like that site ill make my own wiki over here
>no those 2 sites are shit ill make a wiki here and just copy everything from the others
>those sites all suck let me host my own wiki on my winXP Intel 2. And steal all my information from the other wikis. 2 weeks late.
Got your back
You can see the ad lines on video progress bar. It was littered
Anti aging cream.
No seriously.
>game has 2 wikis
>one of them is utter shit but still has more traffic than the accurate one because it's the first result on google
how can you even be angry about that