Less than an hour till beta begins. Who are you going to play as?
For Honor
Other urls found in this thread:
the female conqueror is the cutest girl
fight me
it'll be fine
you can still make Sup Forums threads, just gotta direct them over to /vg/ if they want consistent discussion with slightly less shitposting
not like this is an indie game nobody knows about
Besides, mods start banning consistent Sup Forums threads about specific games if it's not overwatch xd
nothing because no beta key for ps4
Can I have a beta key plz
Uplay: Sricule
Closed betas are cancer
Wait really is their hope or are just being autistic
Can you only pick one faction to play as?
no you just choose which faction you support, but you can play whatever you want
Daily reminder that: Deus Vult> Vikings> Weebs
Reminder that Vikings > Weebs > Cringy Deuce Vaulters
inb4 Mordhautist
>mfw i got invited after i bought a beta key
oh well
Whatever fag!
Can't believe I got it in first try.
warden most likely
kinda wanna try out war lord
other classes i wanted to play as are not in this beta
Raider or Orochi?
orochi is for faggots
>register to the beta when it was first announced
>never got any email
>return to the website to try again
>"You are already registered!"
What the fuck am I supposed to do
Orochi is going to be the most played samurai class, if not THE most played class in the game
Shieldmaidens when?
If you can pre-load in uplay you are in
what's a class with the biggest sword?
2 invites left,first to post the best jojo character and your uplay and you get one
Yo Im downloading the 2 gb update.
how do you get a code for PS4?
There is nothing in my games list, juste my old games.
when does the beta open in texas?
obligatory beg for a key person here
account name is TheSuperMuppet1
tried signing up but I think its probably a bit to late for that now, would appreciate it if anyone has a spare key left
sorry for being a shitter i hate doing this.
Casual invite begging. ign Dorllanen.
sign out and in and hope it shows up i guess
nobody postin this JoBoi. SAD!!!
send that sweet code Jojobro
close, same part
top kek nice speed
>ubi intentionally releasing a late update so we don't have to play with third worlders for a few hours
based ubishit
I'm in but I honestly know fuckall about the classes. I'm gonna play Warden because it sounds cool and because they look cool.
If I want a code for PS4. do I give my psn or my uplay?
plz invite
Then the answer is this.
Nope. I guess I'm fucked, too bad. I was really looking forward to it.
don't even need a code but Speedwagon
>Joseph Joestar
>not best Jojo
this is neo Sup Forums
>we don't have to play with third worlders for a few hours
Are you talking about USA?
that what i was thinkin
Where can a beta key be found?
he is best jojo, but not the best character
correct son, and the trips confirm
>over anything
Vikings = Knights >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> weebs
Anything but weebs
How is the balance in this game? Are some of the characters laughably overpowered?
this desu
Can we moved to /vg/ now so we got less beggars and spamshitter?
I have no "Invite your friends" button
Is it because I have no friends?
yes, but its strange that ubi is really focused on balancing
the answer is obvious
I'm in bitches.
I'll be your friend user.
Thought this was going to be one of those closed betas that isn't really closed, since everyone gets a fucking key, with nvidia giveaways, etc. like it was for R6 Siege. Now i don't have a key and can't test the game. Bummer. I just hope someone on this board is critical enough to give insight about whether or not the rock/paper/scissor combat is going to be shit.
i played the alpha,
and i say it is Division with swords and shields.
game mechanics are almost same.
Which ones? If it's a samurai, I'm not even gonna touch the beta as it'll just be me getting BTFO by weebs which is a strange thought.
>Shieldmaidens when?
This whole shit is the reason I won't watch Vikings. Pushing SJW shit in a "historical" viking show.
the other guy didnt post the name, so post yours and cap my (you)
>>correct son, and the trips confirm
Obviously. Now let me play.
So I registered a few days ago, got uplay installed and have not received any codes. Do I just wait and hope I get one or will there be an open beta?
yeah it's like skyrim with guns but without the guns
>post best jojo character and your uplay name
>people only post images but no uplay names
every singe fucking time
but you could get to that screen before as well
Hope fully i will be playing
please send a pc key to WonderBoyXD
So do we have a group of EUcucks to play together?
well to be fair i only did it because i wanted to post joseph joestar. Im already in the beta
>45 minutes until beta start
>75 minutes to download 20gigs of file
God damn it!
>Rock/paper/scissor meme
Good, stay out of the beta
>mfw i got invited to both the alpha and beta
>mfw i enjoyed the combat and thought it was pretty well-thought out and deep
>mfw i won't be getting the game
good thing you were wrong then
should've preloaded, but at least your internet is fast!
>tfw too poorfag to get the game so I'll play all day for the next 3 days
it has 3 stances of which each beats one and is beaten by another one, how is it not rock/paper/scissors?
I know that feel bro
What the fuck? Have you even watched or played the game?
>75 min for 20 gigs
Which 3rd world shithole do you hail from? The States?
>posting worst jojo
>average Sup Forums posters understanding of the game
top kek
you will see it for yourself soon...
but that's not Jonathan
>jonathan is the worst meme
>when josuke exists
>when jotaros daughter exits
>when dios son exists
>tfw from oz and it took me multiple hours
I'm sort of in the same position.
I work full-time right now but I'm saving money to re-educate myself this fall.
If I'd be getting all the games I'm interested in I would burn through over 600€ for games release in jan, feb and march alone.
So I'm being selective and For Honor didn't make the cut.