>lel what a bunch of losers. cant wait to beat my highscore in candy crush.
why did she need to include herself in this photo
>tfw I never had a nintendo handheld as child/teenager and dodged the nintendo autism bullet
Thanks mom and dad.
>another dumb slut looking for a reason to share a photo of herself
the all look like theyre having fun.
can we all say the same
Because she wants to act pretentious and make fun of the losers sitting behind her.
So she uses filters and makeup to hide her own ugly face, probably spends 20 minutes doing her hair and such in the morning to look presentable.
In this case, she is alone in the picture, while they, are with friends.
Sup Forumsirgins BTFO.
This. When I finally bought a ds for soul silver I was already savvy enough to play it exclusively in the darkness of my room.
>Generation Z
I used to do this in highschool.
I had fun even though I never got laid.
Post the /fit/ screencap, you know the one.
Have you ever had normies call you out for playing video games in public Sup Forums?
Back in my senior year of high school, some jocks called my Vita a Gameboy and laughed.
>the switch will kill ps4 because people can play games in public now!
Why are women such piece of shits
>only playing a handheld in one room
Way to miss the point.
At least use it in the living room when your parents are out and can't judge you
I know most of Sup Forums did this, but I feel embarrassed for you if you spent most of your lunch time at a table with a DS. You sad fucks
>attention whore mad that boys pay more attention to vidya than her
Ha ha, seek your validation elsewhere slut
This one, right?
>probably spends 20 minutes doing her hair and such in the morning to look presentable
yeah most people that don't want to look like a homeless person/disgusting creep does that
She might be to self conscious or shy to straight up take a photo of the guys so instead acts like she's taking a selfie because that's socially more accepted I guess.
Confirmed Beta female.
Because women who take selfies are perennial narcissists.
What better way to make yourself look good than trashing others.
Yeah. I don't know if agreeing with it wholeheartedly makes me a virgin neckbeard but goddamn did he nail it.
Because men and society allow them to be without punishment and when they do get punished it's never as severe a punishment that a man would receive.
Oh she will seek Daquan's BIG black cock alright
>In highschool
>Some girls randomly come up to me
>They ask if I had a 3DS
>I said a did
>They laughed at me and didn't talk to me for the rest of the year
Jokes on them I never got herpes
>they are having fun while I live with my fake friends and live only to swallow cock
She's a woman.
Goddamn that is accurate
>Implying HS girls weren't obsessed with the DS
I'm not kidding when I say more girls had DSes than boys.
>walking to bus stop yesterday
>18 year old girl keeps stopping to check the angle of her phone
>realize she's taking selfies
>she keeps taking more and more
>keeps drifting farther away from the sidewalk
>at this point she's in ankle deep snow making kissy faces
>reach bus stop
>it smells like bad breath
>go wait for the bus inside
>Being upset and shitposting that others are able to find people on campus/school who share the same interest
Sonyggers are pathetic
>This triggers the Nintendrones
pruning/deletion imminent
Let's just take a moment to laugh at the fact that they will never ever have sex with an attractive female.
>ugly slut behind 100 filters in an ugly jacket making fun of anyone
>everyone getting triggered in this thread
The girl seems like an absolute bitch but there's no need to whiteknight a bunch of people playing video games.
>Not having a Nintendo D
>women does this
>wow what loser nerds lol XD
>guy does this
>fuck off you stalker sexist
WW3 when?
civil war would be better
women are a meme, don't take them seriously
>spending more than 5 minutes combing your hair
Are you using a tiny comb with 3 teeth?
pretty cowardly to take pictures of people having fun to insult them in your safe space
Source? I need to see the replies to this.
>I am insecure and I care too much of what people think of me
>when parents are out
I think it's you who's missing something here user
I don't think all women are like this but the vast majority are.
wow, such impecable insight you guys... really...It's not as if it's been super obvious we've been spiraling down towards narcissistic ideals and behaviors for this whole decade, crusaded by social media and TV, encouraging hedonism and overbloating of the ego.
>dude console wars lmao
Are you sure she's making fun of them?
honestly? only positive/neutral ones. usually just someone seeing what I was playing.even got to borrow a game once too
looks like redit
6/10 5'4 30 year old with a 9/10 21 year old gf and I still totally agree with this
Is it though?
I'm an idiort and I love laughing at fanboys of all varieties. Nintendrones are just my most favorite victim atm cause man... they've hit a new level of autism.
was this picture taken in mexico?
>said literally no one
Literally never been an issue for me. Most of the time the reactions were either nothing or "Oh shit dude is that Pokemon? I remember that!"
Maybe others just had the courtesy to judge me without saying anything to me.
Where have you been all year?
That's pretty obvious. What isn't obvious is the title of topic.
>heh... ur just my victims of the moment... nothing personnel, kids
Plot twist faggot, just because your tardwrangler told you that other opinions dont matter, doesnt make it true.
What a bitch. Now that I think about it, it's kinda dumb that it's not """"socially acceptable"""" to use a hand held game in public.
>men are ignoring me
>Better shame them!
women are such simple minded creatures
Nice. I'm glad I intimidate you.
>20 minutes
never saw a real girl? most wake up way too early just for make-up ´n stuff
Somebody post the /fit/ screencap of the woman making fun of the guy "posing" at the gym. I thought that I had saved it, but apparently not.
Took me about a minute of internet sleuthing: reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/1ypfrx/i_f24_asked_my_boyfriend_m25_of_4_years_to_open/cfmnr02/
Some wannabe punk kids who were younger than me at that point when I was 15. They scoffed and asked if I was enjoying my mcdonalds toy. I laughed because 2 of them were smoking, they probably have a lifelong addiction by now lmao
>They all have Nintendo Ds
>Nintendo Ds
what makes a Nintendo D any different from other Ds?
What did she mean by this?
No, seriously, what did she mean by this?
>These people aren't partaking in my preferred methods of recreation, better shame them!
This happens to like 90% of the population, let's not kid ourselves here.
>posting quentin comics as a valid form of argument
>crusaded by social media and TV, encouraging hedonism and overbloating of the ego.
Explain. I'm interested.
The emoticon doesn't make it obvious? It's the same emoticon that some people use on this site when they mock people.
You must be new around here. Nobody cares you retard
>nintendrone thread turns into bitter virgin thread
Really makes you...
Girl kind of looks like my little sister
More wagglan
Working, why, have you been sitting shoulder deep in your computer monitor all year?
I don't see how playing videogames in public is more pathetic than using your phone. It serves the same purpose for people who don't want to look like they're doing nothing.
>muh life goals
she gonna be a real coalburner.
America is not the only fucked up place. ww3 would """"help"""" the world more.
>Discussing philosophy
Nigga please, society is retarded. Most people aren't even intelligent enough to discuss that.
video games were more fun than sex in HS, you're not missing anything
Manchildren wasting their time with children's games will never amount to anything in life.
SURPRISE, women are attracted to men based on status and drive. Just like MLP idiots, women are totally turned off by guys who refuse to grow up and become MEN, and instead indulge in their childhood fantasies well into adulthood.
Have you ever even talked to the opposite sex outside of your mom?
>Thinking the girl is a narcissistic bitch for taking this photo makes you a bitter virgin
Kek. White knight spotted
She thinks it's funny that friends have a shared hobby together
And uses goals ironically because she thinks people having a hobby together is funny
I'm not that user but I'd recieve the same treatment even without a DS because I look autistic. Normies get out.
I don't understand, did anyone not think she was trying to be cute?
I think she's being sarcastic and implying that playing games isn't a life goal worth pursuing. I think, it's actually really confusing.
If you owned your own place, you wouldn't have to play it exclusively in your bedroom
You know this girl has a blog where she documents her transformation into a literal bimbo right? Like it's her actual fetish.
Wow user nice reply #goals
banner worthy
Sex in high school is as serious as relationships in middle school.
A lot.
They'd track me down at lunch and say random video game titles, and mumble. If I ever turned my head they would laugh at me and say how no one wanted to talk to me.
as long you use earbuds or turn the volume off it won´t be a problem, fucking grills in front of me disturbing my sleep in a plane by complaining loud as possible that there is a 25 year old in front of them is playing with a ds
She's right though, unless it's Smash and you play competitively, letting videogames control your life so much to the point where you're carrying around a potable console to play Kirby and Pokemon shows you have your priorities in life backwards.
Videogames are socially acceptable as a hobby, and the are fun as social experiences you can play with others. But in this day and age, only manchildren and actual kids still care about Nintendo.
Get with the times.