I rate most media using two criteria with equal importance: composition and form...

I rate most media using two criteria with equal importance: composition and form. I'll now tell you the objective rating of each Souls game as well as Bloodborne.

>Demon's Souls

Composition: 3/5
Form: 2.5/5
Total: 5.5/10

>Dark Souls

Composition: 3/5
Form: 4/5
Total: 7/10

>Dark Souls II

Composition: 3.5/5
Form: 2/5
Total: 5.5/10

>Dark Souls III

Composition: 3/5
Form: 1/5
Total: 4/10 (pending)


Composition: 3/5
Form: 2.5/5
Total 5.5/10

If you disagree you have bad taste.

Other urls found in this thread:


kill yourself

Allow me you rate you

Composition: Faggot/5
Form: Cocksucker/ 5
Total : Cocksucking Faggot/19

Why are you so mad? Don't tell me you're such plebs as to disagree with these entirely fair and objective ratings.

So basically you're saying

Unfortunately, user, you are incorrect.
The CORRECT rating is


I agree with these.
Haven't beaten BB or played Demon's Souls though, but so far DS1 is my favorite

I'm not saying that, actually, as exemplified by my split ratings. Each game does certain things better or worse, it's not a matter of side-by-side comparisons.

well at least you didn't put any of them above an 8

You're on a board with children who play video games, they only understand how to endlessly shitpost about whats the "best"

Dark Souls is my favorite and probably always will be. But the entire last half of the game is unfinished.

Even I had bothered to repsond seriously the criteria you use have no context and make no sense.

This is genuine autism. I mean it.

Then you'll have to do a better job of defining what you mean when you apply the words
To videogames

Also, I used your total ratings in my assumed ranking order. A value you yourself thought to include. Surely there is a purpose to combining the two values.

Could you not infer what each criteria entails and conclude it's a reasonable way of rating things?

Composition refers to the core mechanics of the game, including level design and balance (among other things, that's just two examples) and form refers to the presentation of the composition, so basically everything that isn't the "video game" aspect (aesthetics, plot, etc).

>Could you not infer what each criteria entails and conclude it's a reasonable way of rating things?
No. If you weren't autistic, you'd be able to understand that. On top of that, even if one knows what you mean by composition and form, without any explanation as to why each game merits those scores in each category, the scoring is useless.

Genuine autism.

Critical analysis of media is autism? No wonder you have such shit taste.

lmao holy shit you have bad taste. was embarrassing yourself apart of your plan?

>objective rating
I rate games on a yes or no basis.
>Demon's Souls'
>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls II
>Dark Souls III

If you disagree you have bad taste.


what did he mean by this?

everyone knock this rating shit off. it was gay a million years ago and it's gay now. it means nothing.

These weren't critical ratings you dumb shit, you just threw out arbitrary numbers from two things that have no basis or further explanation. You're fucking retarded.

At least you got dark souls 2 right. That game did have the best gameplay in terms of weapon viability, builds and selection. But the form was horrible, world design was fucked beyond comprehension.

Took the words out of my mouth.
OP you provided no reasoning behind your ratings and instead claimed them to be objective.

But that's unimportant. I couldn't give less of a damn about your opinions and you're still a cocksucking faggot.

Is this some spicy new bait? You don't even bother justifying your scores, you just slap them onto an OP post and make a thread out of it.

Got me to reply, so here's your (You).

Here's your reply, OP. Good job

>My opinions are fact and anyone who disagrees is just wrong that's all there is to it

Fuck why did I even come back to this board?

So what you're saying is, Das is the best. I agree.

This is actually a great list.
Would you ever consider adding a
Rating? If so, how would you rank the series then?

I agree with the general order but
Is wrong.
I have my issues with DeS being that high too but

This the thumbs up or down system is the GOAT

I disagree.

>Demon's Souls
Configuration 4/5
Distribution 7/10

>Dark Souls
Constitution 1/3
Formation 7/8

>Dark Souls 2
Proportion 2/6
Articulation 5/9

>Dark Souls 3
Layout 1/1
Scheme 2/5

Seriously though you might actually have some social disabilities if you think anyone could figure out what the fuck you meant by composition and form. And why the fuck would you alternate between 5 and 10 point scales depending on the game?

>all these assblasted fanboys

Seriously, guys, I get that this series was your first exposure to a video game with more depth than Candy Crush, but try to engage in discussion about why you disagree instead of just shitflinging. Sure, I didn't justify my ratings but the point is to stimulate a discussion.

Ummm excuse me you shitlords, I watched pewdiepie play them and I will give you the objective ratings, thanks very much.

Demon's souls was so boring, the music sucked and the atmosphere was so bad. Tower of latrine was empty and dull.

Dark souls was literally a difficulty simulator ughhh, you had to read guides on how to beat the asylum demon. So stupid, only men's rights activists would enjoy it.

Dark souls 2 was good, I really like the intro cutscene. It set the scene so well as to a more polished, greater experience than dark souls 1. The levels were really nice too.

Dark souls 3 was bad, it's basically just a bunch of no life nerds pretending to be other nerds and invading each other. I watched pewdiepie play it until aloe rondo then got bored.

Haven't watched blood born

This is a pity (you)

You need substance to simulate discussion. A full review justifying scores, not vague scores with vague categorical classification.

You should seriously get yourself checked.

>A creative work
1 - Tetris, not art
5 - TLOU, work of art

>particular configuration, formula

1 - Too many elements don't work together or Oversimplified
5 - perfected formula

BB = DaS > DeS > DaS 3 > DaS2

>He continually went out of his way to play a game series he believes to be 5.5/10

OP you have autism

I try not to have Maybes because then it just imply's a whole lot of different variables that could justify a playthrough or not. If I absolutely had to, it's because the game is a spin-off, or is extremely polarizing.

In the case of this list, it would remain unchanged except for Bloodborne being turned into a Maybe, because even though it is my favorite, it is very different from the rest.

DaS2 is a horrible lazy game with horrible lazy art design, level design, enemy placement, and bosses. I don't understand how anyone who isn't a pvpfag can hold it in high regard.

>I have my issues with DeS being that high too
DeS is a masterpiece famalam. Literally a perfect game.


Why are people here so obsessed with the Souls series? It's like the only fucking games majority of people care about, like if something isn't Souls it's automatically garbage.

Also fucking hell OP, you're rating the series incredibly low. There obviously going to be personal preferences at play but I think it's safe to assume that both Dark Souls and Bloodborne are the the peak of the series and not some 5.5 "barely above mediocre" games.

lemme guess you only play 10/10 games because they exists right?

you're objectively wrong on basically everything you said

composition and form
what is that supposed to mean?
the rating of a game should consist as follows:
80% gameplay
7.5% graphics
7.5% soundtrack
5% coherent functional story

Literally, figuratively, metaphorically, scientifically, metaphysically, objectively correct if and only if you switch 2 and 3

It's a pretty well made series for the most part, and because since most modern games are so casual, the slightest bit of a game with no hand-holding is very refreshing.

There are a lot of problems with the Soul's series, but it is one of the few franchises that plays similar to old retro games like Ghost's and Goblins

Oh, that's nonsense. A game can be so ugly and sound so terrible that one doesn't even care if it plays well.

this is so wrong on so many levels its actually kinda funny
>plot/aesthetics can't be functional for gameplay/level-design

>Why are people here so obsessed with the Souls series?

Because they are the only good RPGs to ever come out of Japan.

I only play games I like instead of continually playing games in a series I don't like

10/10s do exist btw

and the one that thinks this way obviously misses the point of vidya

Because Sup Forums wants to have the image of hardcore gamers

They're worth playing over and over and over again.

Playing SOFTS for the first time, going through Iron Keep.

What THE FUCK were they thinking with the enemy placements and phantom invasions?!!!
As if the obnoxious manikins in Earthen Peak weren't enough. I'm starting to understand why people prefer the normal version (with Aldia patch) over this "improved" garbage.

>tfw got to Old Iron King once (skipping Smelter) and fell in the fucking lava

I'm really considering just grinding the place out to never have to deal with these fucking enemies again. FUCK. This shitty sequel is so anti-fun compared to the rest of the series, I can only believe faggots who claim it's not the absolute worst are just PVPfags.

From what I've played (demons + dark1) It's a really good series. No wonder everyone likes it

I can respect that. Keep up the good work, user.

I enjoyed PvP but am far from a pvpfag. That being said, the actual gameplay, namely, weapon and build variety, powerstancing, and non-infinite/instant estus flask, I think, make a stromg case to have DaS2 beat out 3.
I can honestly say, with some notable exceptions, that I had more fun playing and replaying 2 than I did 3. And lets not even bring km the DLC here because you know 2>3 so far.

No. 3 might be bad, but it's still far superior to the level of absolute garbage that 2 is.
>B-But SotFS...
Doesn't make the main game not complete shit.

Just the way you write makes me want you dead. Fuck off.
>objective rating
Objectively kill yourself.

No, you're ridiculous. It's like saying that a film with good cinematography but terrible acting, writing and editing is still good because since films are distinguished by their being filmed, that must be the only thing that matters. A completely childish belief. If a game is ugly as sin and its sound design gives me a headache than it is a shit game regardless of the level design.

It's only that area. And lmao @ you for still playing a game you hate. Could it be...?

It is fucking retarded

your opinion is shit and you should kill yourself

DaS2 has better gameplay than DaS3. Not only in terms of actual handling and builds, but the covenants were at least more fun and interesting than the shitshow that was DaS3 covenants
Lore is not terribly good in both, but DaS3 panders almost to the point of insult
The one thing DaS3 did significantly better was bosses. Not that thats saying much, but still.

>in terms of actual handling
There are few games that handle worse than Dark Souls 2 in existence.

I don't hate it but many things about DS2 make it the one I like least in the series.
Mostly I'm going through it again to prepare for the DS3 DLC, since I never played DS2's.

>Good covenants
Fuck no.
>No downside to leaving any covenant because you can rejoin it at any time when it's convenient
>Better gameplay
Sure do like having to waste points on Agility just to have good i-frames and fast estus drink.

Yes, you're rigjt, my mistake. I was a bit hasty writing that out.
What I meant was general combat gameplay. Mostly refering to backstep i-frames, estus flask delay, and more varied movesets. Not sure why I used the word handling.

What makes Dark Souls 2 bad?

That bonfire isn't for Iron Keep. Ironhearth Hall is the intended second bonfire for IK.

>Good covenants
>Fuck no.
>Not having a blast setting traps for the rat king
>Not making use of the covenant of champions
>Liking the broken as fuck blue covenants that never summon you and that are literally identical
>Two territorial covenants that are functionally the same and have no interesting or unique mechanics
Even DaS1 had the Nito covenant which was unique

Disjointed world design, both geograhically and thematically
Deadzones in movement system
The changes to the stamina system made the game feel immensely sluggish and slow
The animations have much less weight to them, and most of all look awkward
Nonsensical, bland story
Massive graphical downgrade
Oversaturation of garbage weapons, armor, items, spells and even larger things like NPCs, bosses, even levels.
Level design is ultimately boring in its linearity.
Enemy placement is retarded and completely forgets that Dark Souls 1-2 don't work well when fighting multiple enemies, especially 2.
Retarded mechanics such as ADP and soul memory
PVP is shit like always
Music is a downgrade from previous entries

Hopefully you enjoy the experience.

Allow me to rate the God of War first three games using your method.

God of War

God of War 2

God of War 3

So we got

God of War: 5/10
God of War 2: 6/10
God of War 3:8/10

>Excusing awful level design

>>Not having a blast setting traps for the rat king
You mean that room that's completely not fair for the other player and is only for the amusement of the Rat?
And where in my post did I say I liked DaS3's covenants?

It's not an excuse.

Why would you play 4 hundred-hour games if you don't even think they're good enough to give a D grade?

You stupid or something? Or is time meaningless to you?

I just started Demons Souls for the first time, and I have to say it is hard as fuck. It is very different from dark souls, somehow.

It's becoming a solid game. I'm at Tower Knight. He rekts my shit everytime, but I'll do it.

Fucking Demons putting fog on my kingdom. I'm gonna destroy them all.

DLC huh.

Yeah man, Frigid Outskirts was so good.

But guys, frigid outskirts. The pinnacle of game design.

The Belfry Sol bonfire is pretty stupid because there's no indication that it'll lead to a completely different area. All the player knows is that they won't immediately be able to come back to the same spot, but even taking a detour would be worth it for a bonfire.
Instead, it connects to nothing and you have to restart the level. It's the typical "epic troll, super hard japanese game" meme that DS2 is so fucking fond of.

>Muh 2 hour DLC "experience"
I really hope the next one is at least as long as even ONE of the DaS2 DLC!



Not even excusing the length of first DaS3 dlc.

But seriously people need to get their heads out of their ass and realize that the DaS2 dlc had a lot of the same problems that the base game had.

The only thing I can say that was a definite improvement was the bosses, and shit some of the 9 that were in all three dlcs were still just "guys same one as before but two of em" or "hey guys its the same guy but blue and slightly different combos!"

DeS is the easiest game in the series, my dude. Tower Knight is super slow. Just kill the archers, run back down, get behind him, and lock-on to his legs.

Game doesn't even get remotely difficult until NG+. The secret is just taking your time and staying calm.

Look, user, I think we both generally agree that both DaS3 and DaS2 pale in comparison to every other game in the series
So lets stop measuring which pile of shit is taller

Yeah I see people saying that, but somehow my Dark Souls... skills... don't matter much here. I breezed thru bloodbourne, killed gascoigne first try and all, but this game is just different.

I don't know how to put it.

Sucks for them. It's behind a Pharros Lockstone hidden wall for christ's sake.

Bosses in DaS 3 are fun.

But yeah as far as those two games are concerned they're definitely more shallow than the others.

Still haven't played DeS yet so can't comment on that one.

What's that supposed to mean? Pharos secrets usually lead to advantages for the players who had the lockstone handy. Not a dead end that forces them to restart the area.
It's not even consistent.

>Demon's Souls
Replayability: 4/5
PVP: 4/5

Being able to choose world order as well as things like world and player tendency meant every playthrough didn't have to be played the same. PVP was fast and almost everything was viable.

>Dark Souls
Replayability: 5/5
PVP: 3/5

The interconnected world and branching paths were great. The first half is much stronger than the second which is a good thing because it makes NG+ something to look forward to. Another incentive to go NG+ is to grief on shitters. PVP was the weakest of all the souls games because of how easy it was to backstab. Dark magic was so imbalanced when it was introduced. Despite all these faults it was the easiest game to set up pvp matches.

>Dark Souls 2
Replayability: 2/5
PVP: 4/5

All those paths arbitrarily blocked by statues and the nonsensical world layout made NG+ unappealing. The combat had the most options for builds but Soul Memory and the lack of an uncracked red orb meant organized PVP was next to impossible to set up.

Replayability 2/5
PVP: 3.5/5

Too gray for my tastes but the setting is cool. Combat is fast but there are only a few builds because of the limited weapon selection even with the DLC. You really only have to play the game twice as Dex/bloodtinge and Strength/Arcane to get a taste of everything.

>Dark Souls 3
Replayability: 3/5
PVP: 2/5

The single player experience is great, as well as the lore but PVP is gutted because there's no way not to connect to gank squads.

>i rate media using two vague non-criterion, here are the terrible ratings I pull out of my ass

>Demon's Souls
>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls 2
>Dark Souls 3

Obviously these are just the max prices I would pay, not what they should always be

It's a trap.

Like I said.
>It's the typical "epic troll, super hard japanese game" meme that DS2 is so fucking fond of.

It's a shame you fell for it. Literally.

Bruh I haven't even replayed that game in years. Just calling out the shitty attitude the devs had when designing DS2's levels, which is why they turned out so bad.

>more "this series that everyone likes is mediocre guys lol" autism
are you the same guy who did that best games of 2016 chart where the only 8/10+ games were jap indies

Still an optional area.

The Iron Keep sure as hell isn't, I wish.

Farm 1m SM.

>difficulty simulator
I quite like this bit.
Mind if I use it?