Nioh is saved

Triggered wiggers need not reply. The REAL nigga samurai is here

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Im black and I was already getting this game but now I'm preordering it
Is he a good guy?

that's unbearable


looks sick as hell

There is one historic black samurai and I am certain this game does not take place in Nobunaga's lifetime.

Oh my lucky stars, a negro!


inb4 nioh apes "time is convoluted" from the Souls series too

Assuming it's Yasuke, he's likely serving demon lord supreme Nobunaga at least until we beat him and become friends.

>Yasuke was a samurai of black African origin who served under the Japanese hegemon and warlord Oda Nobunaga in 1581 and 1582.



he's actually a real person named Yasuke like Adam Williams is a real person just a fiction setting.

Wow definitely not getting this now I was already on edge because the game looks like artificial difficulty and the combat seems clunky and intentionally obtuse only reason I was gonna get it was cuz I like dark souls and heard this was hardcore. I like challenges but I doubt this game will be as good a challenge, dark souls is after all the most hardcore game.

But now I know there are niggers in it? Top kek no way in getting some dumb SJW garbo

>Mfw we wuz actually samurai and shiet
Well shit nigga

black samurai are best samurai

Thought the game took place 100years earlier. Guess not.

A nigger as black as an ox is in this game 6 f 2 big black dick, taking the virginity of jap women. Now all the white boy fantasies are ruined.

That bear is extremely cute

You should read this out loud you sound retarded lmao


Spoilers, he dies defending his master. No Jap women for him I'm afraid.

He's alive in the game

it IS Yasuke

the katakana is right there


His name is literally written on the OP picture. Yes, it is Yasuke.

suitably badass

Dare I say it?

I loved this episode. Almost wish that they broke the episodic nature of the show and had him study under Jack for a while or something, since the end of the episode implies he's willing to learn what being a true samurai is like.

>Motherfucking Yasuke

I'm suprised Samurai Warriors never did anything with him.

Not as retarded as the devs pandering to SJWs they must think the game will flop

He's been in Nobunaga's Ambition, and as a generic random name for a bodyguard in one of the SW games. But he doesn't really do anything of note, and the historical records are sketchy. The japanese hadn't ever seen an african before, so he was kind of a novelty.

Besides, SW is kind of the fujoshi pandering musou game now, so I don't know if he'd fit in with the new direction.

The first couple games weren't so fujo. It really wasn't until 3 and onward that the characters got pretty gay. Still think they should have done something with Yasuke, he had a pretty interesting life.

Well thank god I didn't preorder yet.

>black bear

did they fug?

No, Nobunaga only fucked Ranmaru.

>neckbeards SEETHING


Nobunaga literally kept this guy around as a pet

we're not all weebs that learned katakana to play japanese VNs like you guys, calm down


It's true that he kept him around as an oddity, but he seemed to be treated a lot better than you'd expect. Much better than you'd expect even your average japanese peasant to be treated at the time. Nobunaga had this thing about making the most of talented people despite their humble origins, with Hideyoshi being the most prominent example.

>be Portuguese merchant traveling to Nipnong Chinchong
>take African servant with you
>trade deal goes well but you realize that niggers are actually worthless cause he didn't do nothing during your stay
>decide to leave him with slant eyed gooks and play it off like he's a gift
>they teach him swordsmanship and parade him around like a special pet

>people complaining about this character's ethnicity being pandering are just as bad as people complaining about lack of diversity.

Just remember that cuties!

So, you were completely fine with a white samurai running around fighting demons, but when they introduce a historical black retainer, suddenly this is what breaks your patience?

I wonder what it's like to be this Sup Forums.

>getting baited

Actual neo-fascist here. This is a fantasy game based on real people that went to Japan. I have no problem with a black character being in it and doing stuff. Historically he didn't do anything, but this game is very loosely based on history, so it's fine.


>People are saying this isn't Nobunagas time
Wait, isn't Ieyasu and Hideyoshi around Nobunaga's time?

Yes. In fact Hideyoshi was literally under his rule for a while and Tokugawa fought alongside him.

>game by japs, about japan
>faxcimiles of gajin samurai are the mc and major enough side char to be in famitsu previews

Then why are people ITT saying that it makes no sense for Yasuke to be in it

Nioh's set in 1600, when Nobunaga and Hideyoshi have been dead for several years.

However they both factor into the story in their own way :)

Meh, I don't see the problem.

> have hands of steel
WE just need a cowboy now.

Because Sup Forums is full of manchildren who have learned from Sup Forums and Sup Forums that aimless raceism is rebellious and cool and they're cool kids for posting it and lmao did I butt bother you sir I was only pretending to be retarded

Same reason BF1 got drowned in woogie boogie cat calls, completly ignoring all the other problems for it for the low hanging fruit of WE WUZ KANGS

Shitposters have gotten lazy.

But I'm Sup Forums too. But Yasuke is literally a historical figure around the time, so why wouldn't he be there.

Shut the fuck up, you don't fit my generalisation of Sup Forums.


Just ignore them. No one's bringing up the main villain of the game being Edward Kelley, despite the fact he had nothing to do with Asia, let alone Japan, during his entire life.

>doesn't even carry a samurai sword


i hate this meme

I think most people in these threads don't care. There's always one faggot or two who finds this unreasonable for no actual reason, but it's generally accepted on Sup Forums.

Nobunaga died after being betrayed by his ratainer in 1582. Hideyoshi and Ieyasu were both poised to take over, but Hideyoshi had the advantage and took control after a peace deal. Hideyoshi died in 1598 or so, and Ieyasu ended up fighting against the Toyotomi again. He decisively beat them at Sekigahara in 1600, and finished them off after the siege of Osaka in 1615. After this, the Tokugawa ruled the country for nearly 300 years.

you might as well think that samurai had a "honor code"

Literally on his waist.

I need to proofread my posts better.

This game is before the battle of Sekigahara, right? Considering Mitsunari and Muneshige are in it?

Also I think I heard Yukimura's shit is in the game too


he's confirmed to be gay
japan loves their big gay black man jokes
>i sense my butt is in danger

The Comics ( if they're canon or not anymore ) show Jack preparing his forces to fight Aku in the final and Da Samurai is there in Traditional Samurai clothes as one of his generals.

>he doesn't know about the noble code of Bushido
What meme?
But how do you know there's a sword in there? It could just be a bokken, which is Japanese for my fist

>no afro
One job.

Yeah, Mitsunari was captured and executed shortly after Sekigahara, so if he's in it it'd be before.

First level's set in May 1600, with the game progressing through the year right through to the battle itself in October.

And yeah, Sanada Yukimura's armour is in the game as a pre-order bonus. Like as something of a tiein to that Samurai Warriors spinoff that came out recently.

>yfw Jack is back

>1600 AD
>samurai not using guns

>tfw you learned Japanese and Chinese history through Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors
>tfw you find out it's actually not that far off

Actually, he did fight as he was given the rank of Samurai, just like the MC in Nioh, the issue is however they changed the MC's nationality from English to Portugese.

This is actually a pretty hefty issue because British Relations with Japan were on a much friendlier term than portugal and existed that way all the way up to WW2.

I want to be friends with and then betrayed by Fukushima!

>Belfast William Adams journeys to Japan to save his spirit guardian girlfriend from Queen Elizabeth's Satanic court alchemist, who's planning on resurrecting Oda Nobunaga as a way to keep the flames of war fanned in Japan

Nioh's much more interesting than real life.

>Sup Forums convinces me japan hates blacks
>they're quite common in their vidya
>Japan isn't SJW's so it's not pandering

DS2 also had that based wizard

>British are the bad guys.
>Irishman is a good guy

So basically the opposite?

>Sup Forums
You mean Stormfront

blacks are joke characters 99% of the time

The funny thing is, the games are more interesting when they follow either the real history or the novelizations. The original scenerios end up being stupid a lot of the time. I guess there's a reason why those stories have survived for so long.

>noble code of Bushido
been debunked numerous times
only dumb westerner weebs believe that samurai actually had it

actual japanese people and those who know history laugh at the very mention of it

Christ dude, way to ruin a joke.
Did you really think I meant it seriously?

It isn't just the nigger but the fact that the decs don't know how difficulty works

The system seems needlessly complicates why mess with e perfect souls formula? Why can't I just attack with a normal r1 combo? I'm not interested in being a turbo autist learning how to play this ridiculously complicated game just so I can try and beat artificial difficulty lol

The SJW shit just pushed it to the edge

Just like Chivalry it's up to interpretation and a set of ethnics, not a set of laws.

Some Knights were quite literally Gallants, like William Marshal, others were Effective soldiers and good leaders, but absolute monsters to their enemies, like the Black Prince.

>based wizard
What based wizard? You'd best not be talking about that faggot Maughlin who turns into a piece of shit the second he gets fed too much.

Japan doesn't hate blacks, they just don't really think of them as anything other than westerners with a different set of stereotypes


What? William is irish in the game. He even speaks fucking gaelic

I like his design.
Armor looks neat.
Bear spirit looks cool.

>Not only is he a retarded Sup Forumslack, but he's an R1-spamming faggot
>artificial difficulty
I know what I'm replying to, but it tastes so good.

Sorry I got confused, that's even more retarded because the Irish people who were in the British Navy wouldn't speak Gaelic.

It's like having an ISIS member represent America.

William in Nioh is Irish.

The main character, Oni, was half Japanese/half Portuguese back in Kurosawa's original script, which was scrapped about a decade ago.