why do people try so hard to pretend they like outdated games with bad controls?
it doesn't make you better than anyone else.
why do people try so hard to pretend they like outdated games with bad controls?
it doesn't make you better than anyone else.
What's wrong with the controls?
oh here we fucking go. like clockwork. you know exactly what's wrong with the fucking controls. the game in general feels clunky as hell and the default bindings sucking dick doesn't help. who the fuck assigns [ and ] to scope?
because you can rebind the controls to be the same as a modern shooter and then it works fine?
doesn't stop it from being clunky
Try playing with the Default keybindings in Ultima 9. That is some serious shit, not to mention you can only change them in a text file outside the game.
>le clunky meme
Clunky is code word for doesn't play like generic AAA tripe with auto aim and other bullshit and its too hard for my casual ass. Even more clearly since you actually bitch about having to bind controls.
>Clunky is code word for doesn't play like generic AAA tripe with auto aim and other bullshit
>and its too hard for my casual ass.
what a completely baseless claim...what's really weird about this is that deus ex is definitely not difficult so far
Maybe you should try getting a job
idk man i think it's hard to imagine anyone pretending to like an old game for cred and/or nostalgia being employed
Who cares what the default controls are, you just change it lol
the quality of one aspect of a game generally reflects the quality of other aspects
why do people try so hard to pretend they hate outdated games with bad controls?
it doesn't make you better than anyone else.
nobody said anything about hate.
It's not Cawadooty.
>tfw just getting used to controls like a normal person would instead of sperging out like an autist
how long does it take to get used to them? i just got to hong kong. i'm "used" to them in the sense they're easy to deal with.
but of course it still feels like shit. i don't see how a few more hours is going to magically change that.
What's that lassie? There's a retard stuck in the thread!?
>with bad controls
I love it when people say this. Just change them you retard. The settings menu is there for a reason. The reason the default bindings are weird is because the default bindings for most games back then we're weird, and there was no real rule about it (see: thief or system shock).
what? What the fuck else do you do besides move aim and shoot while occasionally jumping and crouching?
fucking autism.
you move aim and shoot in quake 3 but quake 3 doesn't feel clunky
hey do you know this game was released BEFORE the governement blew up the trade towers? It was probably before your time, but you should know
but you can literally just change them yourself....you lazy fuck.
Firstly that's wrong secondly even if it wasn't why the fuck would you dismiss a game because of a general trend instead of just evaluating it yourself and seeing if it follows the trend or not? Are you retarded?
>the game in general feels clunky as hell
Some people don't really consider bad controls that much of a problem.
>I am too retarded to rebind keys
just stick to consoles m8
>call of duty meme
You realize Call of Duty shares a control scheme with billions of other shooter games?
>too retarded to press a button to change it to what you like
thank god, I don't have to go through life being this stupid.
Lacks polish compared to other titles of its time. The shooting mechanics are unresponsive. The walking happens at a static set speed and lacks any form of build up or climax points.
It was a good game not for its mechanical gameplay, but for its roleplay elements and many ways to do things.
after liberty island.
Nah they just don't consider perfectly fine controls that take a little bit of getting used to bad. A lot of people confuse bad controls with controls which aren't immediately comfortable but that's not the case. Not every game needs the same type of controls you're used to, many benefit from more limited, slower types of controls.
It's an RPG you cook. Train your skills faggot. I once was a loser like you and thought the game was shit but I decided to give Deus Ex another try and fell in love. It's now on of my favorite games of all time
yes, which is why when retards play a game that has a different control scheme their brain melts and they quit playing to go shitpost on Sup Forums about how bad a game it is.
who said anything about the game being difficult?
I know, that's why it's such an epic game series, no game should do new things or change anything, just gimme Cawadooty.
ps. Douche Sex sucks because it's clunky because it's not Cawadooty.
Who the fuck actually uses a scope in this game? Once you equip a laser sight to your 10mm pistol you can just run and gun.
Max Payne is still good tho so whatever.
Has much better controls than MP3 too, realism is the worst meme
old games with "outdated" controls have mechanics that are built around those controls, so it makes sense to play with those controls
don't get me wrong, if they had better controllers/ ideas for controls at the time the devs definitely would have implemented them, but then the game would be built with those controls in mind
castlevania is a good example of a game built around "outdated" mechanics (uncontrollable jump arcs), goldeneye is a good example of a game built around "outdated" controls (n64 controller)
>castlevania is a good example of a game built around "outdated" mechanics (uncontrollable jump arcs)
That's absolute bullshit. There is nothing outdated about it, it was deliberate design decision. It's actually harder to program an uncontrollable jump since you have the additional step of locking the player's movement when they're jumping instead of allowing them to move the same way they did before
Goldeneye had shit controls even at the time. It's a fucking meme game I swear. Babbys first shooter.
I don't even use the term outdated when talking about video games. I honestly think it's disrespectful. just wanted OP to understand so I used his words
I mean I find it to be a lot of fun but you don't have to like it user
I'm not sure why it qualifies for "babbys first shooter" though
You just have autism, OP.
>Game allows you to rebind every keybinding to tailor the controls to yourself
Hmmmmm I wonder what the problem is here.
>I'm not sure why it qualifies for "babbys first shooter" though
It's the FFVII of FPS games. Tons of people say it's one of the best shooters ever made when a shit ton of other, better games exist. I.E Medal of Honor is wayyyy better and it only came out 2 years later and PC blew anything out of the water but it was pretty niche back then.
Isn't this game supposed to be really bad? I really hope it's not because this looks dope.
Every single time I see a complaint about the camera, in a game where you control the camera, all I can read looks like this
"This game sucks because I'm a retard"
Yeah it's shit. It was forced to be rushed by EA, so the game feels unfinished, lots of bugs, retarded plot if you played the other Ultima games.
Quite a shame too, Ultima could have been bigger than Elder Scrolls.
Very interesting, is it quite possible that there is a trend? What kind of conclusion can one deduce from such a train of thought.
Here's your conclusion.
>people who aren't retarded play this game and enjoy it without complaint
>talk about it on Sup Forums with other people who play it, memes are made and fun is had
>newfags who got here in 2015 see people happily talking about the game and think they'll give it a try
>autistic screeching commences when they realize that they were born in 1997 and will never be able to enjoy Deus Ex due to their shit taste
I'm not gonna sit here and claim that Deus Ex's controls are perfect, but saying they're "outdated" is just wrong.
Human Revolution has far worse controls, with a horrendous cover system instead of a proper leaning system.
No one is pretending to like it, they just have better taste than you.
>bad controls
KYS controllerfag
>The shooting mechanics are unresponsive
If you played crap like WoW, EQ2, or korean mmos, you are accustomed to this shit.
Don't touch later Ultimas if you played good MMOs like Galaxies, DaoC or EVE, it'll give you a fucking stroke.
>wahhh wahhhh I can't be arsed to learn to play the game for more than 5 minutes!
There, found the real reason modern games suck ass.
Too much RPG in a FPS is its real problem.
The game got good when I got Advanced/Master in rifle.
Weeell, he's right about shooting mechanics. Desusex isn't a really good shooter, it's way too slow for that, and the gunfights themselves feel rather bland.
Compared to Unreal, UT, Quake, Medal of Honor, etc. Desusex' FPS part feels lacking.
cease this
>using guns
A non-lethal takedown is the most silent takedown
stick with the prod
good luck taking down those mechs towards the end of the game with non-lethals
Why are you locked in the bathroom?
Fucking this.
I bet you're one of those fags who can't play System Shock hurr durr it's too outdated for my retarded self.
Deus Ex was always shit. Prove me wrong. you can't
>shit controls
Solitaire 1.2
Its okay.
But its marred by alot of dated/awful gameplay mechanics.
I will never ever like real time attacks being calculated by RNG. I also didn't like how the game had finite lockpicks and multitools. All that shit does is make you save before you unlock/hack an object to make sure opening that object was worth it.
All console FPS have shit controls.
Forgive my interruption,
Point me towards some prod charges and i'll fucking use them. You think i'm going to expend my gold dust on a measly goon?
>I will never ever like real time attacks being calculated by RNG
Deus Ex is the greatest action-RPG of all time precisely because of how well it blends the two concepts. It's not like Morrowind that ham-fists the RNG. Character skill and player skill work perfectly in sync with each other.
>People think Deus Ex is hard to control
Try Dwarf Fortress or fucking gothic.
Dated doesn't even fucking mean any thing any more. I keep hearing people say Deus Ex and Morrowind are dated. How are they dated? They're more advanced than the fucking games that came after them
They're "dated" because people want to say "too hard for me" without sounding stupid.
>whats a paladin?
t. guy who has never played Goldeneye
Date is just a new hipster word some teenagers learned and they think it makes them cool.
>tfw born in 1996 and DX is my favourite game
was I just barely born in time or something
>Deus ex
>outdated with bad controls
Are you aware that you're using the best game ever made for that to trigger Sup Forums? this is beyond trolling
I've always fucked my friends in G007.
Solitaire 1.2 is the only way to play it man.
>hard to control
RE games are shit to control.
This and "aged". Really pushes my buttons. Games that were good back then are still good now. If a game seems worse than it was back in the day, it's you that's aged. Not the game.
Oh my God Sup Forumsc a bait!
oh hohohoho look at me mummah i said dooty on da internet dooty dooty
caw a dooty
le meme
kys loser
t. someone who never had an rc car
t. someone who never actually had an RC car
RC car controls differently than the classic RE