People are actually saying this is a bad game and a step in the wrong direction

>People are actually saying this is a bad game and a step in the wrong direction.

How fucking contrarian can you get?

I dunno shill you tell me.

>PT/outlast clone with CoD bits
>fighting rednecks in cars with a knife

So totally RE right?

What did you want, fighting a giant BOW abomination covered in eyes and claws on a burning collapsing pier with a grenade launcher?

same normies probably say that cry of fear aint best survival horror game in 10 years i hope re7 will take its place now.

>PT/outlast clone with CoD bits
So a game that's nothing like PT/Outlast, and nothing like CoD?

There are plenty of RE threads already up. Fuck off, shill.

Fuck off anti-shill. You're even more annoying.

Im just sick of capcom creating decent but new games then slapping the resident evil name on it to sell

If this game was call the texas hills have chainsaws on their eyes none would be the wiser

I watched gameplay vids on youtube and its part walking sim, decent puzzles and on the rails heavily scripted horror set pieces

Its not a resident evil game

You do that in VII except with a pistol.

The only part like Outlast is the 30min intro, and the only part comparable to cod is the last 10 minutes

Drink bleach.


I used a grenade launcher. Made the fight go way faster. Fun fight though. Second best one, after Mama Baker's bee gauntlet

>I watched gameplay vids on youtube
And tell me why people who actually played this fucking game should take your shitty opinion seriously? Goddamn retards

You go first and I'll consider it.

>game takes place in RE mansion like house
>has typical RE puzzles and key/door mechanics
>has safe rooms
>nemesis character hunting you
>ammo scarcity
>is in the same continuity

So totally not RE right?

shotgun will 1 or 2-shot every eye if you get up close

I never believed that people really bothered posting their opinions about games they didn't play past the tutorial or didn't play at all, because what's the point?
But after playing RE7 I realized that some people do actually take time out of their day to do that.

You are fucking conformist pig.

This game is way too much Resident Evil to not deserve the title.

>I have to waste sixty bucks on a shit game to know that its shit

I have this thing called experience and common sense.

but it's not RE because you're not playing as Chris again! how dare a series put a spin on things while still keeping the core aspects intact! Revelations 2 was the best since it had a busted Claire running around with some shitty teenage slut!

This. If I had played the ship level or mine level without any sort of context about what i was playing, i wouldve nailed it for RE almost immediately.

>slapping RE name on it
>has only seen the first hour
>"I watched gameplay guys, I know what the game is like"

Smart as they are they have realised a couple of years ago that selling to their hardcore fans doesn't make them any richer. So they are whoring their IP's out to the idiotic mass market now with questionable success.

haha no, you have this thing called a tiny barely functional brain

I've played this series since it first came out and this is in every way a true RE experience. it's the first good RE since 4. don't try to watch some clips on youtube and think you actually know shit versus the ones who played the game, it makes you look so fucking stupid

I watched most of the game.

Pretty much all of it.

And since i have eyes and im not a retard i can use my brain to observe the gameplay mechanics and draw a conclusion

Get capcoms cock out of your mouth faggot

the weapons work almost exactly like they do in classic RE, there are many parallels with the older games in 7

what the fuck else do you NEED for it to be an RE game

Nah, you're a dumbass. You even called it a walking sim. If you even played the first games then you'd know that there's equally as much or even more walking with nothing happening in those games than in 7. You're a delusional sheep who just picks up memes on Sup Forums and sticks with them, like "muh walking sim" because that's what every first person horror games are according to memes.

Again, you're legit retarded.


Explain this and people might believe you instead of laugh at you

Don't people like you find it intruiging that everyone is telling them they're wrong, not about their opinion, but about the actual fucking mechanics of the game and how it plays? Could you conceive being wrong? Maybe your objectively more removed experience is not as accurate as theirs.

nah he watched it on youtube, of course he's right. the morons who played the game are just capdrones

this 2bh I hates those faggots who watch some literally homosexual on youtube and think the are experts on the game.

My only complaint is that its a numbered title and not a reboot.

It is more resident evil than anything since 2

Deal with it nerds

Capcom couldn't resist tying it into regular Resident Evil games in the most fanfiction-y ways
My only bloody complaint is without the game just going "YOU GOT INFECTED DOOFUS" in the first, say, 15 minutes, I really fucking hate how much damage you take and shake off. That is not how fucking stapleguns work.

>game takes place in RE mansion like house

A mansion is a big building. Pretty common setting for walking sim "horror"games.

>has typical RE puzzles and key/door mechanics

Lots of games have keys. The puzzles looked good though. Atleast theres not 7 crank and battery puzzles.

>has safe rooms

So do alot of horror games.

>nemesis character hunting you

No it doesnt its heavily scripted shit. Was amazing on the ps1 now it just impresses casual cod cinematic babies.

>ammo scarcity



Bows are just monsters. Its not new.

>is in the same continuity


Its a casual by the numbers cash in appeal to everyone trash that will be forgot by time.

Its not memorable in any way and only hyper retard turbo faggots defend it.

Get fucked nerd

Since those things aren't essential to Resident Evil, explain what is.

let me do the same with any two games

>A mansion is a big building. Pretty common setting for walking sim "horror"games.

Open plains and different topographical areas are common settings for fantasy games

>Lots of games have keys. The puzzles looked good though. Atleast theres not 7 crank and battery puzzles.

Lots of games have bosses and dungeons with switches and keys

>So do alot of horror games.

..So do a lot of fantasy games (use this for any point)

>No it doesnt its heavily scripted shit. Was amazing on the ps1 now it just impresses casual cod cinematic babies.

No, the character turns up at certain times, following you and tries to kill you, that is hunting. No amount of goalpost moving will change that fact


damn right

>Bows are just monsters. Its not new.

X is just umbrella term for X, it's not new
(never claimed it was new, just saying it's true to RE)

So, no arguments then.

Get fucked, dude who watches LPs on YT

It's pretty heavily implied Ethan is infected.

He sees the girl, which only the infected do.

>A mansion is a big building. Pretty common setting for walking sim "horror"games.
A mansion you have to find maps of to find hidden rooms and traps with crazed undead and occasionally giant animals infected with the same virus, where for the first section you're in a mansion where amulets and shadow puzzles open secret doors or swapping/repairing broken guns by switching them out indiana-jones style to avoid traps, the game letting you OUT of this mansion within the first hour or so and to explore the outhouses, underground bases and water or lab areas.

>A lot of horror games have safe rooms
Rooms where no enemies can reach inexplicably only indicated by soft piano music, a magic box that only links to other safe rooms and a recording device that (On certain difficulties) uses a limited resource from your very limited inventory to save?

>Heavily scripted nemesis
Please stop spouting shit, this one is retarded. Most walls in the house can be destroyed and patrols are completely random even ignoring the fact that higher difficulties change enemy and item locations. The only scripted events I've seen about 7 hours in have been taking you to a new location, starting a boss fight or warning you that a Baker is now stalking you. Remember how Nemesis would get a cutscene to say "Oh shit nigga you've been here too long"? Like that except not old and shit

>Bows are just monsters.
Humans and animals infected by a virus accidentally or maliciously introduced by the bioweapons company Umbrella, that mutate the body in ways intended to domesticate or weaponize but instead causing undead maniacs and mutated animals?

It's funny how people who watch pewdieshit on youtube think all games are pewdieshit youtube bait. It's the medium you're experiencing things from that is cancerous, and by extension the shit you drivel out in uninformed complaints

I could make same game, with same mechanics, still will not be RE

The remake. Go play it.

Im not writing a novel for some faggot on Sup Forums

Everything that resident evil could do it has done. Let it die.

Re7 is a decent but soulless unnoriginal cash in on a recent shitty horror trend.

>still will not be RE
Then what is?

Yea but not till quite a ways in
I get that maybe swallowing zombie-bits and moldy (In both senses) water probably infected you especially considering the demo shows a single hit turning you fairly quickly, but it wasn't even implied for so long that I was long past going "Oh fucking hell you stopped bleeding that quickly?"

>If I remake the same game with the same mechanics (And in RE7s case theme, story and atmosphere) it won't be the same game
What the fuck do you consider a sequel? Shit like Resi 6?

This is all totally organic discussion from this site's regular users.

Do you think they will sell a complete edition with all the dlcs in about a year?

What are you even implying?
That shills are also putting up hate threads to cover themselves up or that Sup Forums never fucking talks about games?

Point is its a pretty generic game that shouldve been 19.99 and the fact you weenies are so fucking in denial is pathetic.

Im going to sleep get fucked

I'm not that guy you're talking to right now but oh my god if you're not just being an edgelord. Play the game already and stop talking about shit you know nothing of.

The game has pretty much the exact same flow as the remake, the storyline makes sense with everything else in the series; yeah sure it's all patches and bits but in the end everything is neat and clear between all games.

It's not a cash-in, it is what people have been asking for for years. You should be thankful and then actually PLAY the games in the series. :^)

>spend $60 of my own hard earned money on it
>don't like it
>I'm somehow a contrarian
why would I pay full price for something if I didn't intend to like it?

>Im not writing a novel for some faggot on Sup Forums

It's ok, you don't need to, I know its just gonna be retarded hairsplitting arguments anyway.

Many of the things that made RE1 what it is are present here. Most of them in fact. Because in the end literally everything boils down to 2 things for you-
A. It's first person
B. Disconnected plot and "no returning" characters.

Stop being poor maybe? Hahaha lol ;).

>So angry he forgot to reply to anyone and stomped off to bed
Pocket money only 20 bucks? I'm still enjoying my 10+ hour return to form, but then I was old enough to play Resident Evil 1 and go "Holy shit imagine if this didn't look like shit and was more claustrophobic"

>game uses the concepts and ideas that made the classic resident evils what they are

It's not a resident evil game, guys

To make a sequel, you usually continue where you left off or use established characters as side characters if you eant new protagonist.

The fact that RE 7 biohazard barely mentions established lore or characters makes it look an entirely different game set in different universe.

I might be wrong as I'm still playing (looking for 2 cards tight now) but so far the game feels unlike RE, more of generic horror game with guns

The only thing that makes it Resident Evil is them shoehorning Umbrella in at the end. They knew this game wouldn't sell because people would dismiss it as an Outlast clone, so they slapped the RE name on.

this user nailed it, any and all "arguments" that people will try to make against RE7 will be those two things

That's because you're barely half way through the game.

>safe rooms
>claustrophobic house with maps, traps, door puzzles and symbolic keys
>ammo scarcity
>restricted inventory

It does have established characters as side characters and multiple ties and references, to the extent the subtitle in japan is literally Resident Evil because now that makes sense again.

fuck off mack

>At the end
The first mention of the psychopaths/molded being a BOW is less than 2 hours in.

just Sup Forums everyone else loves it.

There was also this in the Demo

The only key difference between RE 7 and an RE 1 that would have been made in the modern day is that RE 1 had the idea that you were a trained combatant, badass survivalist and in RE 7 you're just a dude. The only mechanical difference is the variety of weapons is lower/less of a gun-fetish focus ( I love gun fetish stuff, this isn't an insult) and you move slower relative to your enemies and the basic enemies are a bit tougher (though they only appear 25% of the way into the game, rather than in the fourth room). RE1 also had more enemies and was actually way MORE scripted than RE7. These are all just action differences. RE7's spirit is in the right place.