Tfw waited patiently for 3 months for Blizzard to kill the tank meta

>Tfw waited patiently for 3 months for Blizzard to kill the tank meta.
>All they do is make Zarya > Dva
>Ana is still bullshit and does too much
>Reinhardt is still mandatory to win because of Nanoboost vs Nanoboost and the way Blizzard fucked their game with shit level design.
>Hog can now instagib anyone who is 400hp or less for a 6 second cooldown with bullshit range.
>noskill76 still stupidly powerful compared to the other dps
>Mercy is still a useless hero for those who like self torture
>Community is getting to CSGO levels of toxic
>Tank meta is still meta

I miss Pre-Ana Overwatch. Blizzard hasn't done anything right with the game since they implemented her.

Other urls found in this thread:

>he expected balance in a blizzard's game
The biggest joke is that they sell it as "competitive".

>play with a tank main
>will only play dva
>won't play zarya because it makes him uncomfortable
>lose every game with him

>Blizzard hasn't done anything right

All you needed to say, m8


Meanwhile half of the cast is downright unusable retarded useless

Zarya's pretty fun but she still feels weak at 100% power. I'm probably playing her wrong. Any tips?

They just need to remove Symmetra from the game at this point.

>Zarya's pretty fun but she still feels weak at 100% power. I'm probably playing her wrong. Any tips?

Use your mouse1 and learn to aim. You can kill pretty much every 200hp character in 2sec or less if you have 100%.


Overmeme surpassed CSGO cyka blyats a long time ago buddy.

Blizzard has never known how to balance. For more than 20 years they've failed at it.

>mfw nu-Hog
literally perfect.
eat shit Ana players, your broken character model doesn't save you anymore!

I uninsalled this game exactly when they added sombra
I will not play an FPS where the enemy is invisible
this is the most bullshit design choice ever made

what the fuck am I looking at?

>just drives through them

Truck man is the hero we need.


except no one plays Sombra because she's shit, her invisibility is short lived and makes her unable to attack and when she drops invisibility you hear
before she gets killed by a tank or dps because it's fucking Sombra

BLMs getting blammed if I had to guess.


Sombra pickrate is almost below 3%
And that 3% is from organized comp who uses healthpack to ult farm.

>tfw forced to play healer because no one else would
>tfw our tanks and dps are too incompetent to deal with a fucking lone sombra camping our spawn

Looks like innocent poor immigrants fleeing from war by trying to hitchhike in the middle of the night! How brave!

fuck that's scary

>Mercy is literally the worst hero in the game
>Picked in 80% of games because she's the only character grrrrl gamrs queueing with their boyfriends will play
Stop ruining my fucking ranked games and let me play Ana you cunts

I've just met Cree main which has below 20% accuracy on mid diamond.
I wonder how the hell he manages to go that far.

then kill her yourself.
she's fucking sombra.

kind of looks like something out of a zombie movie

exactly what i was thinking.

>Community is getting to CSGO levels of toxic
those retards at dust2 matchmaking doesn't want to kill themselves when i told them to do

I was lucio. I came close actually, but schee you layter was able to outshoot me.

>Sombra takes our flag
>she goes invisible
>doesn't realize we can see her
>hook her from half way across the map


there's your problem

reminds me of the youtube video "with open gates: the forced collective suicide of Europe" that youtube keeps taking down due to copyright claims

Imagine being patrol on that day, do you think they even have enough ammo between towers to blam that many people?

reminds me of this

Play the brawl and hope to find a party on Total Mayhem.
The majority of your problem related to tank will be solved and maybe you will have some fun now.


Is this from some found footage horror movie?

Should I still get overwatch?

Unless you have friend to play with, it's not worth atm.

Fucking what?

Invisibility makes you run faster user

she was by herself with all of us ready to intercept her in the mid-field, I'm 100% sure they thought they were invisible.

>This is literally all true

good post, OP

you should give it a wide berth, this is a post-Activision takeover Blizzard product we're talking about here.

I have played it at a friend's and I wouldn't even download it if it were F2P. It's clunky trash.

>Shit level design

The part I hate the most yet almost NOBODY talks about. It's fucking abhorrent.

Because suppression is important


the question is when will they buff winston. he's worse off compared to dva

he does everything reinhardt can do but 1000x worse

they will buff winston. then he will be overpowered and people will bitch. then they will nerf winston and it'll be back to square one. are you new to Blizzard games?

Why do you subject yourself to this cycle?

He got his revenge in the shitty capture the flag map

10/10 best unit

but the question is, when

>noskill76 still stupidly powerful compared to the other dps

All I want is for Pharah to actually get some splash damage range to work with. Its stupid how small the splash damage range is. As a bonus it would be nice if each rocket had knock back so I could push people around. A direct hit should send them way back.

Sadly I know it will never come to pass because people cant shoot up for whatever reason. So many games are lost due to unchecked Pharahs and even though half the team is bitching on mic no one will switch to deal with her. I've literally heard "Pharah is not my problem." and then the player completely ignores her then whines when she kills him.

The speed is in kmh so I'm guessing it's Europe.

yeah if she got a buff to her splash damage i'd probably just main her to relive my days of playing soldier in tf2

I like playing her because it reminds me of my Global Agenda days.

On the next episode of Pakistani Ninja!

>As a bonus it would be nice if each rocket had knock back so I could push people around. A direct hit should send them way back.
Yeah just like Rein's hammer

For Rein it makes sense because how the fuck would he kill anyone if he kept slinging them out of his own range?

>people thought the hook fix was a roadhog nerf

he can 1 shot ana now lmao

>playing CTF
>play junkrat every game
>place 1 trap on the flag
>easy wins


Why all the soldier hate? If you're shit at aiming you'll be mediocre as fuck, unlike roadhog and hanzo etc where you can literally fucking miss with your hook/arrow and still secure a kill every few seconds

>blizzard buffing everything but Sombra's gun

True with Roadhog but Hanzo actually requires some aim. Those random headshots with spamming just isn't going to win you games.

>Blizzard tries to copy TF2's spy, who can silently decloak and insta-kill an entire team in a few seconds
>Makes this

I honestly don't know what they were thinking.

>Not hacking him out of his turret mode

Fucking idiot.

One of my friends did that just because of the run speed. Although he did teleport at first

She's literally nothing like the spy, if you're trying to play her like that you're a retard.

I bet you play torb like the engineer too.

>silently decloak and insta-kill an entire team in a few seconds

Sounds dumb to me.

Besides they always balance things with the casual players in mind. Someone like that running around would make most mad.

>has a turret and shotgun
>not playing him like engineer


>hack Bastion
>he stands up, turns around and kills you with his superior health pool and DPS

Fucking idiot.

They only just about got them down to about 20 HP emptying a full mag into his critbox, the fuck is making him harder to hit his critbox going to do?

Headshots do not fucking belong in a game like OW anyway, you can tweak the values of skillshots instead to get a similar but more reliable yet fair result.

In that situation the bastion would have killed sombra in the time it took her to hack

Migrants trying to force hitchhike on to trucks in Calais (or some other customs location in Europe)

Best video is probably the Hungarian trucker who does a commentary on his pass through there.

That video is made of random mishmashed footage of violence in all sorts of unrelated countries and conflicts. You drank the koolaid. I'm not saying there aren't refugee problems in Europe, but if they were truly so awful, surely you would be able to simply show actual footage of refugees instead of fabricating it.

who the fuck makes these kinds of post

are you literally jewish or do you really believe that importing a bunch of 3rd world shitskins is a good idea

Neither. I'm just aware that "with open gates: the forced collective suicide of europe" is a load of fabricated shit. Why do you have to make things up and deceive people just to suit the narrative? If the situation is truly dire, events should speak for themselves.

how the fuck is it "fabricated"

the footage in the video was legitimate

>"yes, I am retarded."

lol sick self-own.

Yes, it is real footage taken with real video cameras. Some of it is even genuine footage from the refugee crisis, but the rest is just out of context videos of brown people doing violent things, often predating the refugee crisis or occurring in non-european countries. Lots of unrelated footage convincingly edited together. And you fell for it.

you cant actually give me a good argument for not playing torb like engineer can you :^)

prove it

Literally the first google result upon searching for the title
Do your own homework

>its fabricated guys
>i dont have any proof tho lol

don't argue with him, he probably believes in the kalergi plan or some shit


The level design is god awful but I highly doubt Blizzard will ever change the current ones. The best we can hope for is better maps in the future.
what's the point in even linking this you actually don't care about facts at all do you?

If you can't even copypaste the title into google then you're really not worth wasting time on
Don't procreate and stop wasting precious bandwidth

Pharra is already a brain-dead version of the soldier, she doesn't need any buffs. Learn how to fucking aim.


I dont want her to be a damage dealer. I want her to be area denial. Through a combination of being pushed around and steady damage from splays damage. A good Pharah should be able to keep a point clear of squishys until dealt with.

OW already has too much area denial in the form of Mei and nearly every single ult, the game hardly needs more.

>expecting Blizzard to balance their games well

And that was full of outright fabrications, but don't let "facts" get in the way.

Yes, good goy, believe the "alternative facts".

Thats not fun though. I like to just pepper an area. Landing direct hit is not as satisfying as playing pinball with the other team.

>NOBODY talks about.

it's mentioned like every thread

Ok how would you fix it?