Is it really that good?

Is it really that good?

I'm still probably going to wait for the GoTY edition with all the DLC bundled


The jokes write themselves. Find more sources of reliable information.


Will the cucking never end.

It's midnight in the US, and the video is only an hour old

average views range from 10k-20k at a glance

Holy shit DSP get the fuck out, nobody cares about your retarded videos jesus

go meme somewhere else, this is a thread asking if the review score is correct

Sup Forums BTFO

RE7 is fucking 2hrs long go look at the resident evil leaderboards

>DSP advertising thread

Wasn't the whole point of him making this channel to not link it directly with DSP

and Resident Evil 4 is like 30 minutes long, 2 hours for a speed run is nothing

Its not 9/10, more like 8. But its by far the best in the series since 4. Its basically RE1 but slightly more linear

Ya but people still stalk him and instantly dislike any video he puts up

>works a day job
>still makes time to stream
>still makes time to make soap for her soap business
>still makes time to prepare dinner for DSP
>still makes time to clean the house

Meanwhile, DSP sits in his "office" all day playing video games and being pissed off.

fuck off shill

They did that on day one but he's literally showing video of himself

My first playthrough took 10 hours on normal and i never really got stuck. Some people are completing it in 8. 2 hours is a speed run. So the length is very comparable to classic RE. It also replayability on account of unlocking new items, madhouse mode, and mulpitle endings

That's just part of the gameplay captured, I think he added the facecam daily since he switched to twitch

You're one of the most boring shitters on youtube, and your stupidity became a meme. People don't care about your content they just want laugh at you. Now fuck off. MOOOOODS

Who is this man, and how long his cock is?

And the first Castlevania games were like, 15-30 minutes long.

It's like you underage fucktards don't know that most games have been, and always been, 5-9 hours long at most unless it's an RPG or adventure game and even then I'm being generous, first and second generation games generally were shorter than that.

>most games have content removed and resold as dlc

looks like you are the underage here

Assuming for a second that a youtuber was "advertising" here

Why would they show the end of the video in the thumbnail negating the entire reason for watching the video?

Except the topic was about game length here, nigger; DLC is another discussion entirely. Don't try to shift the goalpost here.

Resident Evil 7 is missing the ending so it can be sold as DLC

Actually the dlc is free, but nice try

Why would you want a horror game to be any longer, really

How is this still up?

Because you're fucking stupid, that's why.

I would fuck the living shit out of Liana. Also, DSP has her nudes on his PC somewhere.

>limited memory
>thinks that is even comparable to modern games that has been in development for 3 years

you are still the child here

resident evil games were also always short and built for repeat replays with scoring, unlocks, etc. not that your average player today used to 30+ hours long open world games with filler content everywhere would know, though.


RE1 doesn't even reach a hour
Super Metroid doesn't even reach 40 minutes
Also everyone in Bayonetta is a scoring god and has a bajillion points

Leaderboards means fuckall

>What is Zelda
Stop blaming it on "Limited memory" like a fucktard.

The simple fact is that games were shorter back then, partly because the medium was fairly new but also because it was both easier and quicker to make it short but hard.

SNES had plenty of short games as well, along with longer RPGs and other games that were longer in comparison.

You could not run from the beginning of the first level to the to the end of the last in 30 minutes in RE4. If you talking glitches, what point are you even trying to make