How does Sup Forums feel about Mei's new "Bugged" skin?

How does Sup Forums feel about Mei's new "Bugged" skin?

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Her face is still fat. Can't fap to that.


people can lose fucking weight.
maybe if mei did it would inspire the fucking tumblrinas too

I will never understand why people care so much.

It is bugged. Her ass is rigged to the drone's ice tank on her back, not her hips.

Blizz essentially get huge backlash from tumblr and is passing it off like a design oversight so they can "correct" it and make her an inch chubbier so xhurs with stupid coloured hair can whack off to the idea that they're being pandered to.

To answer People are insecure

Because Blizzard are pussies
"Oh it's bugged, we'll fix it"
Why not just come out and say Mei isn't fat, she's just wearing a thick coat because she was stationed in Antarctica

It is bugged you stupid cuck, how does this look normal? Notice where her hands are.

It's not a bug, it's a feature.

Why is it bugged? Missing textures?

it's just hoverhands she is nervous


It does look fucked up though from the back. Its one thing to have shelf ass. But its another thing if its a literal flat table.

Still funny seeing the tumblr people getting triggered by it though.

i feel really glad that i share this board with a bunch of underage reddit idiots who eat up any piece of shit game thrown at them because of waifus and casual audience appeal. No man, i really care that your waifu is THICC and not PLUMP, please keep posting your braindead skinnerbox garbage

Western developers.
They ain't even defending their own decision, they just pussied out and "confirmed" it's a bug.


She's afraid to accidentally rape herself

>turns out that mei ain't fat, as obviously hinted over and over and over again
>blizzard is too stupid and lazy to fix animations that don't include a bigass coat

tumblrinas and thicc fags, everyone

Not a bug but an oversight from giving her a dress rather than the thick coat her hands would normally be resting against.

i love how after the bug was confirmed all the "mei's not fat" posters vanished

Looks like shit. As if it was bugged or something.

>tumblrinas and thicc fags

You say that like they're seperate entities

Mei falls in fat fetish not thicc fetish

>not wanting to slide your dick over her plump, soft cheeks before she gently sucks on it with her fat lips, her huge, thick tongue emerging to slowly lick it, her voluptuous lips curling in a sultry smile before sucking you into her unbearably plush mouth, fitting your entire cock inside, her powerful muscles massaging your every inch with her thick, fat, slimy, meaty, cheeks, tongue, and throatpussy until every drop of cum in your balls is pulled from you by the relentless suction of her fat greedy mouth.

they are, for example.

Lena Dunham

>thicc fags
Bryce Dallas Howard

Break the internet Mei-Ling Zhou

>a few thosand polygons form an hourglass figure instead of a tube or ball
>"it's a bug"
Is there a community more autistic than Overwatch?

>mfw when the only thing they change is the position of the arms and not her overall figure.

Mei is fucking fat, get over it.


Mei is a disgusting, soulless, dog eating, fat chink

yeah.. i'm quite sure i don't

The "bug" Blizzard is talking about fixing is what is talking about. Her actual waist is supposed to be that thin, its just her ass that's messed up.

I'm hoping Blizzard isn't so spineless that they actually make her fat in this skin, but it frankly wouldn't surprise me.

>before sucking you into her unbearably plush mouth, fitting your entire cock inside
>fitting your entire cock inside

>You are the perfect size user, any larger would hurt me

>yfw you realise that blizzard keep pulling shit like this to drum up controversy and publicity about their shit game, and that you faggots keep falling for it every single fucking time

See It looks like the rooster skin doesnt follow the same thickness as her default skin.

That's been obvious ever since the Tracer Ass controversy.

Notice how these events are spaced out just enough to keep people talking about the game? Tracer being announced as gay during Christmas obviously didn't stir people up enough so we had to jump to this one a bit quicker this time though.

Are you retarded?

no, her waist needs to be wider, look at her hands, or maybe read the fucking thread next time.


No, that's because Blizzard are lazy hacks and didn't bother to change her animations to take into account that she's not wearing a fuckhuge coat.

You just described fucking a baby user.

>still in denial
that didn't stop the cuffs of the coat from clipping into her biceps, did it?

accept the truth, waifufag

This shitty game will die and go free to play in 3 months.

Mark my words.

>implying this isn't a hotfix
>the only reason its going to take a patch is so people will forget about it.

>Will die in 3 months
>Launched 7 months ago
wow that bad huh

I can set a cup on dat got damn

If you look at her from a profile view you can clearly see something is wrong with the skin

This is what the skin looks like pulled from the game files. Notice her ass is no longer huge, and she's still thin.


Oh please, Winston's Yeti skin has his teeth blatantly clip through his face. Blizzard doesn't give a shit about clipping.


Please jump to conclusions somewhere else.


>Not liking shelf ass

Which fix would you prefer Sup Forums?


I'm gay.

original mo'fukka

Deleting this fat fucking cow from the game.

Shrink dress, obviously

I don't even notice the difference between the middle and right

I would prefer it to be fixed to be correct with what its supposed to look like here.

Look at the gap between the canister on her back and the belt around her waist. In the original, her spine is snapped in half

>tfw no Mei wife
Why did Blizzard have to create such a perfect girl and have to hurt me by making her not real

Mei is a terrible person loved by terrible people.

Jesus fucking christ the people bitching about this are pathetic.

Hey, guess what happens when you run around and exercise a lot? You lose weight. Hell, Mei shouldn't even be as thick as she was. I don't really care that Blizzard chose to make a heavy character, but GOD DAMN do I hate these 400LB whiny losers crying about "representation" and "diversity". Just because they choose to live their lives like rats eating everything in sight and not taking care of themselves doesn't mean the rest of us should put up with their never-ending whining.

>And Mei’s thing, apart from being a monster, is that she has what by video game standards you’d call a sturdy build, and which in the real world you would call a “healthy woman’s body”.

>“healthy woman’s body”.
>“healthy woman’s body”.
>“healthy woman’s body”.

Just take me now, I'm ready.

>Mei isn't chubby, she just has extra junk in the trunk.

You can even see in this fucking picture that her dress is bugged, the bottom part juts out awkwardly

i hate this meme

Absolute bullshit that shows Bliz are the most pandering to SJWs company in gaming.

She was never fat. This whole fat thing came from the SJWs. The skin isn't trying to sexy her up or whatever the fuck. She's just not fucking fat.

She wears layers. Because she does things in fucking freezing temperatures. So she LOOKS fat but she isn't.

Cant believe Bliz didn't just outright day she wasn't designed as fat

She normally wears a huge coat and a gigantic belt that makes her look even fatter.

Take those away and woah, she looks thin. Too bad they'll "fix" it but maybe they'll "fix it" the way they did with Trace (read: make it even sexier).

If she isn't fat, I want her to get fat. Mmm.

But then they wouldn't have gotten all that free psoitive buzz for having a "body positive" character! Can't leave squares blank on the sjw bingo card!

Look at these fat fucks.

Why did Ivan let himself go?

She's perfect.

>can see her ass crack
>hurr just layers
She's a fat fucking cow get over it.

you got a point son

>did my arcade boxes before the patch
>they won't reset for 6 fucking days

Why did Blizz do this to me?

Can you move her legs more toward her back? It looks like she's sticking her butt out too much.

Welcome to Overwatch.

capture the flag suuuuucks


Dude, same.
Gutted to say the least.

No one cares, Tracer.

Third one looks the best. It wouldn't be fat but a strong frame like Zarya.

Mei is a mountain climber. The whole idea of her being fat or skinny is plain stupid.

I think the message to take home here is that Blizzard just doesn't know how to model a fucking character.
Her waist is freakishly thin in that skin when you account for the clothing. It's like about her thigh's thickness, and possibly even thinner.

Friendly reminder to thank Arnold Tsang!

I hope that they fix it by keep her waist thin and instead just make her ass less fat and fix her hand placement.

these guys are fucking mass murderers holy shit

27 girls all over the world have already commited suicide over this skin
blizzard's got blood on their hands

have you guys ever heard of a big coat, like one that makes you look bigger? like the one mei wears?



Soo... Do you guys have some prints of tumblrinas getting triggered because of it? 'Cus i couldn't find any, even though people are saying they have been throwing a fit (as always).

you got the ham slam one?

>Tracer's Rose skin

Except Inuittuna has nothing to do with it, it's 100% based off Kacey.

This controversy is even worst than the tracer ass, its getting more stupid and stupid


Mei is perfect.

So, with your logic, after the Tracer thing didnt kick off. They made a whole new update in literally 2-3 weeks.


I feel like the people who thought she was really fat before had never been in places with harsh winters.

Everyone looks huge under winter gear. Everyone.

So glad I dropped this shit game right before Ana came out. Literally the only redeeming qualities are SFM porn and lewd fanart, both of which I didn't need to waste my money to enjoy.

Looks like they tried to put an old animation over a new skin, the old animation being from when she was wearing arctic survival gear.