Games every adult has played except you

Games every adult has played except you

but i haven't played that either

why not play it? it's pretty fun and emulates just fine on the latest dolphin build

not a single one

I will definitely play it soon. I just need to find the right time to play it.

Honestly, I am not that familiar with the Metroid series, even though I have heard about it for many years.

Underage: the thread


This game has a big fanbase, but I never got around to playing it

This is a game that only I haven't played.

Every adult has played this game, but me

I'll get to it eventually, my backlog is huge

Never been interested in this series



one of my favorite games of all fucking time. I have merchandise of this game in my room

Great but short, get in it if you're not an idiot. Bender's VA and the humor make it unforgettable

My lowly 570 won't run it respectfully, but once i upgrade that's a high priority game

played it for the first time a few months ago, a standup game if you can tolerate a few aged aspects of basic combat

the first one is a masterpiece
3 is really good too

never had a chance to do it

dropped it halfway because lost my save

Good enough but both N64 games destroy it in terms of quality

Got stuck on the final boss, one of the few games I stopped at the very end on.

Well, that one is an action game where a bunch of axe weilding cultists constantly try to kill you. The rest of the series os either exploration and item management, or simply suck. And i'm saying that as a fan.

Honestly, RE4 has the best pure gameplay of the entire series. So if you start somewhere, start there.


I will definitely try it out in the future

Any given Call of Duty game.

I only played Modern Warfare 1 and it wasn't really clicking with me, so I didn't play any of the other games.

Shocking, I know

I actually just started on the Wii port in Dolphin
I used to have trilogy but never got around to playing it


24 and never played a metroid prime

really want to desu but I want the Wii version and fuck emulating a Wii-mote with a mouse

these, but came here to post

most jrpg garbage
elder scrolls
dark souls
silent hill
dx hr

started the witcher trilogy recently, so that's a start

also Majora's Mask, Chrono Trigger and SotN

I loved Chrono Trigger.

Surprised you haven't played what's considered by everyone to be the greatest RPG ever made.

Are we talking about games that haven't been played even a little bit, or games that haven't been finished?
I've never touched a Banjo game.

they're not really my genre in all honesty.
When I played FFVI I got to World of Ruin and then didn't touch it for a year.
I'll probably pick it up one of these days when I've got more time to kill.

This one

My first Tales of game will be Berseria because my dick demanded it.

My first Tales game was Symphonia when I played it about a year ago. That's the only one I have played though.

i'v always heard good things about them, it was just a series I never picked up. I have been turning back into a weeb recently so i'm pretty hopeful for this one.

>World Of Warcraft
>League of Legends
>Team Fortress 2
>Half Life (any)
>Counter Strike (any)

I loved the Spongebob games on the Gamecube, but I never played this one