Pillars of Eternity 2 is gonna get a fig campaign tomorrow, anyone here gonna back it?

Pillars of Eternity 2 is gonna get a fig campaign tomorrow, anyone here gonna back it?

Edér is coming back, as is Eothas.

Plus Aloth.

And Pallegina.

No munz to back it. Will definitely pirate it when it comes out barring I dont win the lottery.

Josh Sawyer hinted that the game is gonna start in Revua, in the Vailian Republics, and then we'll travel South East. All the teasers have hidden symbols in them, which together spell "Deadfire". Deadfire Archipelago is south east of Revua and most likely where the game will take place. In keeping with the concept art shown and the quotes, it's gonna be a campaign with some nautical adventure in it. It's hard to tell if these next tease quotes are just for factions that show up in the game or that plus actual companions that will be joining you and representing them. (It'd make sense, since it would mean 8 companions total, same as the first game)

Up first: A naval force of sharkmen.

Next, asshole Vailian resource gatherers.

Some kind of semi-relevant official nobility.

is it still going to be real time with pause garbage combat with boring quests and boring characters?

Remnants of an old and grand civilization. (Old Vailians? Elves from Aedyr?)

And finally, either priests of Eothas and/or Eothas himself.

All they have to do is show a cool trailer with gameplay and have some good talent advertised on the campaign to make up for the lack of Avellone. If they do that, I'll back it for 70 bucks or so. The first game was great, as was the expansion.

It's definitely gonna be RTwP.

Pirates, maybe?

>Eothas as a companion
Yes, please

Back like you have never backed before.
Obsidians existence depends on it.

How would that even work? Don't you think he'd be a little bit overleveled?

Josh Sawyer is a cuckposter where?

He is returning from getting hammer-nuked
Good excuse to have him be on the same level as the pc character but still be a god


Have him be weak because he got blown up

Probably, I liked the first game.

Please don't feature vancian casting this time.


dumb frogposter

But PoE's characters are awful, why would they bring them back in the sequel?

What's a fun class for the first one?
Will the MC be the same?

>He wants cooldown bullshit
Yeah, it's real fascinating to just go around clicking every ability the second you can
They should just have some kind of system that punishes going all the way to an Inn and back to rest. Make the casuals burn.

>He didn't like Durance, Zahua or Edér
Shit taste

>But PoE's characters are awful

Meant for

>What's a fun class for the first one?

>Will the MC be the same?
Yeah, the image talking about a "Watcher" all but confirms it, and I remember reading that they wanted to implement a save file importer to keep your decisions from the first game.

I was thinking the exact same thing. Not to mention how none of them give a shit about anything you do. Even BG1 had your party members leave you and/or attack you based on your actions. Even fucking Dragon Age Origins.

I played the shit out of it, but just kind of fell off and couldn't get back into it. I might back the new one but I'm not sure.

All generic as fuck.

I thought Grieving Mother turned hostile on you if you killed the baby.

>anyone here gonna back it?

Nope, not again. I have no faith left in Obsidian. I will still probably give it a go when it comes out though, mostly because I have a total hard on for psyker classes, and Ciphers are close enough. Whether I'll play it for more than an hour though I have no idea. But paying money is definitely out of question. Not after last time. I paid enough for 5 fucking sequels.

>or Eothas himself

Now this would be pretty bitchin'. I always thought this game desperately needed a Sarevok tier companion, and this could work.

>priest that gets cucked by his goddess and turns on her


>Durance and Zahua

I like the idea of the constant banter between Edér and Eothas.

>I have no faith left in Obsidian

Are you telling me you somehow didn't appreciate Tranny after we had multiple daily shill threads weeks before release? I hope you're looking forward to endless PoE2 threads that conveniently get New And Interested Posters every time the thread reaches page 9 or 10.

I just want every class to have a unique start, let me start at a wizard school


>caring about the characters
I just made custom party members. All the the characters were shit, besides Eder.

I made plenty of threads for Tyranny before it released. Shame the actual game ended up being way worse than we were speculating. Hope PoE 2 delivers or I'm done with Obsidian.

>he thinks there's a conspiracy to market a game to the 100 people on Sup Forums who actually pay for games

It's gonna be the same main character as the first game, ala Baldur's Gate 2, so that wouldn't make any sense.


wanted a darker story and more choices

How many times do you think she got cucked before she finally got home?

Not him, but while I don't think that, I absolutely do believe all of those threads were done by 3 anons at most, and they samefagged like holy fucking shit to keep them bumped.

Why do they keep doing crowdfunding what the fuck happened to the money the last game made?

There's no reason not to do it basically.

I guess not being thought of as a welfare company isn't worth anything

0. She's too perfect to get cucked.

I made my fair share of Tyranny threads, but I'm not sure I'd consider myself a samefagger. Discussing shit in threads isn't samefagging.

They're putting a percentage of the money upfront and asking the community to fund the other half.

After the disasters that were Legend of Grimlock 2 and Banner Saga 2, I think it has become common sense to rely on kickstarters to make sure you aren't risking a huge loss. It also helps that these kinds of kickstarters are not just a nice way to fund part of the game, but also an excellent way to market them.

First game was disappointing and Fig is sketchy as fuck
I'll pass

They aren't paid shills.
They do it out of nostalgia.

Things they did in the first game's campaign that they must absolutely not do in this one
>Create your own NPC with a backstory
>Mega-Mega-Mega-Dungeon for X number of backers and facebook likes

Yep, that's it exactly. It's not shadowy marketers working at the behest of Obsidian, it's Obsidian white knights making and bumping threads constantly because they want to sell copies of the game. They do it for free, you see.

It's not like they'll just give up on the game if the kickstarter doesn't get enough money though.

There is nothing wrong with discussing, but I remember those threads. There was very little of that. Info on the game was scarce until streams started coming, and even then most of it was people jerking off to The Black Company. So those threads had basically no reason to exist, or at least not 24/7 with new threads being created minutes after one bit the dust, regardless of whether it hit bump limit, 404'd with 15 posts, or got deleted by a janitor for spam. It always came back.

>Mega-Mega-Mega-Dungeon for X number of backers and facebook likes
Shit nigga, this was like the best part of the game. Removing the backers OC Donut Steel characters would a more sensible thing.

Agreed. I love dumbed down garbage for babies.

Wow. I can't believe I have the audacity to make and reply to video game threads that interest me. The nerve!

>please kickstart our sequel
no, find a fucking publisher or stop. Charity only goes so far, natural selection has its purpose.


You're most likely right. They've been working on this game for over a year now, it's doubtful they'll throw it all out. Again, though, it serves as a nice bonus and as a way to market the game.

But they found a publisher for the first game after it made nearly 400% of the goal. You want your pre-pre-pre-preorder bux, your publisher bux, your preorder bux, and your regular copies of a product that exists bux.

Slam dunk, baby.

The dungeon had some cool levels, but it could have been shortened to 10 or even 7 levels. A lot of it was repeated filler stuff that was clearly stretched out because of how it was designed.

And I agree that those annoying gold backer characters should go, that's what I was referring to.

They have a publisher who gives them much more freedom than they would get otherwise.

Paradox is not exactly a publisher, in the case of Pillars of Eternity, they're only there to distribute. It's not like in Tyranny where Paradox actually owns everything Tyranny-related. Obsidian want to keep the rights for the Eternity stuff.

Are you kidding? I'm the best shot in the village!

Why the fuck are they crowdfunding again

Fuck this scam and fuck nu-Obsidian.

>Legend of Grimrock 2
u wot, m8?

I'm talking financially. Both Banner Saga 2 and Legend of Grimrock 2 were great games that expanded on the first one, but they sold atrociously.

Banner saga 1 was shit so that might have had something to do with it.

Woha, that seems trustworthy.

Say it with me lads

Well, what's Grimrock's excuse? Plus, I liked BS

Fig is Tim Schafer's personal money laundering scheme.

Sup Forums loves him now.

Fuck you guys, every isometric RPG released nowadays is turn based. Let us keep ONE. You already have Torment.

Vancian casting lets magic be stupidly OP, do you not like fun? I guess Pillars of Eternity is the exception though since Sawyer is allergic to fun.

I might back it if there's like a $25-30 tier.

I backed with way too much on PoE and Torment Numanuma (which is probably going to be shit anyway). Done with that crap and pre-order shit and exclusives.

But RTWP is bad you little shit. It's just fucking BAD.
>hurrblurr look at my super """"""""""""tactical"""""""""" combat system where I have to press space every second
>what's that, the command you issued isn't actually being registered for whatever reason?
>better pause again!
>but don't worry, most fights are so fucking simple you just need to assign targets at the start, unpause, and let everything get auto attacked to death!


What happened to that Tranny game?

Did it bomb?

It was pretty shit. I guess it probably sold well enough, since it was rushed and using Pillar's engine.

I don't even care, but when your real time with pause is this fucking slow you might as well make it turn based. RtwP should be faster paced with improvisation and constant movement, but PoE is slow as hell, rooted in place, and very pause-heavy, without the clarity and clean feedback of a TB's battlefield.

And it takes exceptional design and finesse to not make turn-based a horrible chore.

I'd rather have shit.

Magic in Pillars of Eternity got ridiculously overpowered at the later levels. Wall of Multi-Colored Light or whatever it's called was insane. It may not be BG 2 levels of overpowered magic, but it was up there.

I have no idea why anyone would be hyped for this garbage, especially when there are better games like Divinity OS 2 coming out.

It's only slow in big battles. When you're fighting lower level guys, you can just kind of half ass it as long as you're fast enough and still win, which is the whole advantage of Real Time. Going on slaughters in big cities doesn't take you five million years.

It didn't completely bomb, but it was so fucking awful that I wish it did.

That being said 130k people buying it is not exactly a success.

I like a game that takes itself at least a bit seriously. Divinity's "le quirky" bullshit makes me hate those games.

That's what I was thinking. I could name a million other games I think would be more deserving of getting a sequel.

Oh no, there are still RPGs out there that aren't as slow as molasses! Deal w/ it, weebshit.

Have 400 hours PoE over three playthroughs. 10 hours in D:OS and I made it past one area. Different folks, etc.

Good thing they hired Avellone to help write OS2 then.

I pirated the early access and noted no marked improvements. I imagine it's just gonna make it clash that much more when you have the actual decent writing beneath the piles of quirky bullshit.

But that doesn't really happen, or at least shouldn't. There is no respawning in PoE, so enemies you meet in theory should always be around the level where they pose challenge to you, which means although technically you could kill low level mobs fast, in reality you don't, because there are no low level mobs.

Durgan's Battery is a pretty good example of the kind of slog RtwP turns into when you do it like PoE. Enemies are not weak enough to curbstomp and turn on the auto-pilot, nor are they hard enough to be interesting, they are in the middle. Long, demanding your attention, but not particularly rewarding. Because for whatever reason PoE, despite the slow pace, is playing the attrition game. Which could work with interestingly designed gauntlets, alas...

one of these days i might do another playthrough of this, I heard that patch 2.0 and patch 3.0 and patch 4.0 apparently improved a lot of shit. Like adding in a basic scripting for your party so they can at least automate some of the more tedious shit you have to do and reducing the amount of filler combat.