Why is this game so underrated?

Why is this game so underrated?

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It's overrated by default


Because touhou hit its peak at 6-11.

>2hu thread gets deleted almost immediately
>e-celeb, Sup Forums and sissy bait threads stay up with 300 replies each

C'mon user, that "redpill me on X" was bound to be deleted

But you didn't post TD or LoLK

TD was boring as fuck and LoLK was too gimmicky

True, but DDC is not close to underrated as those 2, in fact, it's considered good as 6-8

I wouldn't mind that it got deleted if jannies and mods didn't enable the other cancer on Sup Forums

You faggots won't shut up about DDC, actually.
I mean fuck, it was great, but it has flaws.

LoLK isn't really gimmicky outside of an optional mode.
I basically consider PD a mode for learning the game, anyway.

if you have to "learn" the game then it's obviously gimmicky

To be fair, like 90% of Touhou threads are garbage.

Speaking of 6-8, 6 is the most overrated Touhou by far. I like 6, but really 5 was better in most ways.

>all games are gimmicky
t. turbo casual

>he has to learn the games
LMAO git gud

You have to learn all Touhou games dumbass, that's what routing and strategy is all about.
Nobody masters a Touhou game through sheer reflexes. Nobody masters anything through sheer reflexes, that's a dumb standard to hold someone to.

there he is!

We are talking about playing the game here
If you need to learn and route the entire game because it was designed around a meme difficulty then it's gimmicky by definition

>i'm so gud i can beat any gaem in my first try lmao
t. maximum casual

It's the uptenth touhou game

Is no one tired by now? It's wore than CoD

UFO and EoSD are my favorites

>He needs to learn games like IN in order to beat them
And then you complain about people calling 2hu fans casuals

All Touhou games have that to some degree.
Most games in general have that to some degree.
Also saying "meme difficulty" makes you sound upset. Not trying to personally attack you here but it's hard to take you seriously when you sound like a child.

Poor tastes.

Why are you such a casual, shotty?

Watch out guys, we have a master videogame player here. I bet he can beat any game just by looking at it.

>Defends LoLK IWBTG design
>Calls anyone's taste poor

Those are good but I like IN the best.

>a meme difficulty

shotty IS a child.

At least he's not a casual like you, shotty.

Quoting things I didn't say and calling names like that makes you look really childish you know

Answer my question, casual meme-man.

Post your WRs Mr. Notcasual

Why must you do this every time?

I'm not a casual just because I dislike the IWBTG design philosophy of LoLK
Stop being so immature user

I don't have any. Do you have any, mister I-can't-use-Cheat-Engine-to-beat-the-game-better-call-it-shit?

IWBTG is actually very well designed for what it is. It's built around being unfair, and succeeds at making that fact not completely unbearable.

Why would anyone use CE when the game already comes with built-in save states? :^)

>I'm not a casual

Was LoLK really that bad?
I didn't play yet

>I have no argument

Did you like IWBTG?
Do you like lolsorandumb designs?
If yes then you'd love it

>Sup Forums is still too immature to discuss LoLK without finger pointing and crying.
What a shame.
Don't bother responding to this post, doing so just cements it. The fact, I mean.

>game comes with built-in save states
>he still can't beat it and calls it shit
>he thinks he's not a casual
Holy shotty, Batman.

Yeah. It's just one guy who made it his life mission to make it seem people don't like it.


Beating the game was ezpz because you can just keep retrying the same shit forever

I can't wait for th16 to come out so you faggots stop defending that piece of shit name LoLK

I bet none of you will even remember the game after the new comes out, just like TDfags back in the day

And you haven't beaten it. Isn't it awesome?

That's how you can tell it's him. His sole argument against the game is "it's too hard, therefore it sucks".

Post them 1cc if you're so great.

LoLK is an easy game
Why do you keep forcing this meme?
Also clownpiece wasn't even that hard, nice meme image

とうほう 6 is the only good touhou

He can't, he doesn't have one. There was this one day where he spent a whole thread arguing with another namefag over how he totally had a 1cc guise but didn't need to prove it. It was cute.

>LoLK is an easy game
Why haven't you beaten it, then?

That's not how you spell that.

Who would you like to be added in 15.5?

>another namefag
And you keep spitting out bullshit as usual

I've literally NEVER used a name before

fuck you

Pic related and a LoLK character. Could be anyone, but I can see Junko and Ringo having the best chances.

An actually good fighting game.

Ringo is an irrelevant who bunny

Hi, Mr. Chilean. I see you're shitposting because you miss Soku, as is the usual.


I wrote something up but my laptop shit itself trying to post it, probably because its life mission seems to be making me regret purchasing it.
Play it, or don't, whatever. I think it's very enjoyable, and as a Touhoufag you should play all the games. Just keep in mind that it's hard and don't be a baby because of that.

And you're an irrelevant who shitposter. You'd go well together.

And you are?

Ringo or Clownpiece
Wriggle because muh patterns
Maybe Sakuya or Sanae, I dunno.


I like the soundtrack.

>Wriggle because muh patterns
What? What pattern?

Good taste.


A worse shitposter

Oh boy, the pot's calling again.

Touhou music is pretty average. I hate seeing much better artist lowering themselves by doing touhou arranges.

IaMP was the only good touhou fighter.

While Soku was in development, a few characters were planned but were scrapped early on.
They were Nitori, Mokou, Wriggle, and Kaguya. With Nitori making it into HM, and Mokou getting into ULiL, it would only make sense for Wriggle or Kaguya to get added to AoCF's roster. But, of course, that's just speculation.

>Posting secondary works
As expected from you

>Pure Furies by U2
Oh yes.

>Trusting Tasofro


That's a boy

Actually a girl (male).

How can you tell?


It's a girl (dork).

UFO is best game

Said no one ever

Would you marry a Touhou girl?

Yeah but not Marisa, she sux



What? LoLK is only being shat on because of it's difficulty and because it is the most recent one.

You're talking to the guy who is doing precisely that.

Pro-tip: You cannot reason with him.

Now it'll be shat on for being a mediocre failed experiment and be forgotten harder than TD

I'm the most reasonable person on this thread

pls come back

>Love parsee
>Everyone seems to hate her
>Still get cute doujinshi and a lot of fan arts
I love japanese autism

She was 29th in the last poll

Fix this character

Who is this?
Are normal humans getting the spotlight now?

No, but I would hang out with them.
Especially Marisa.

>bumping a shit, dead thread
Good job, Marisafag. I would have expect no more from you.

Kill yourself shitposter
Go and make your bait thread

Why thank you, besides this thread needed more Marisa anyway.

DDC is broken as shit

This video is pathetic and so is the uploader