Also yugioh thread
Who else is mad?
Stop playing children's card games.
It's not that bad, just weird it's a SPYGAL card.
I'm an adult with an income, I can play what I want
That's what I'm mad about to be honest
Wonder why they did that? Maybe it was too consistent and they wanted to knock it down a notch.
What I'm mad about is all the wind witch cards being ultra rare or above.
I was also going to pick them up until I found this out. I just hope they don't rarity bump Lyrical Luscinias as well
>this at ultra rare
>Rat is at common
Why am I supposed to be mad?
Only Yugibaboons get this
I'll only stop if you can beat me at a children's card game
Anybody else playing Duel Links? Surprisingly fun despite it's smaller field and hand size. Just wish they would add trading. The matchmaking is quick though, which is nice.
>being this new
>support for SPYRAL
>whole archetype can search for SPYRAL
>called SPYGAL
Rarity bullshit just for the sake of selling tins is the reason why I can't get back into Yu Gi Oh, or any TCG for that matter. It's especially heinous because a lot of the rare cards don't have cheap common versions.
If you want to buy anything that's Super/Ultra rare without gambling on cards and tins you have to go to sellers, and those fuckers will charge you 50 bucks or more per copy. Need 3 copies of that card? Tough shit.
Yugioh cards pretty much revolve around the name they have. Powerful card effects let you search your deck for a card, and to limit the cards you can choose from, they use the names to create archetypes of cards. This card would have been a powerful tool for the SPYRAL archetype, but because Konami named it SPYGAL instead of SPYRAL, it cannot be searched by the previous SPYRAL cards that allow you to search.
just started playing
which packs should I buy?
>Buying packs
Just get the best starter deck and then buy S I N G L E S
Don't buy packs, buy single cards or structure decks
Never waste your money on packs if you actually want to play the game. Just wait until another cheap tournament ready structure deck like Emperor of Darkness (RIP) comes out in 2017.
wow is that it? get a life nerds.
If I just wanted to play yugioh with people online what is the most used game/service? do people actually play legacy of the duelist or is something like yugiohpro my best bet?
>get a life nerds
>posting on Sup Forums
I knew about archtypes, but I didn't catch spygal and spyral. Kind of reminds me of the nobel night support.
I didn't even know you could buy single cards, just assumed it was only gacha
I started with yugi because people told me it was the better deck. Haven't done anything else yet
I'm mad about zodiacs.
Its fucking bullshit.
>use any card you want at any time
>since you can use any card people usually play the meta
>full of Brazilians
>AI mode is still in beta testing
>gamble on card packs with in-game money
>functioning AI as well as a campaign mode, can even use your favorite character's deck
>DLC out the ass if you want a bigger card pool
Legacy of the Duelist
Haven't tried the multiplayer on Steam yet so no comment there.
You can buy single cards from resellers. Go online or find your local game shop.
Konami officially only deals in gacha style card packs/tins.
They don't realize you're talking about duel links. The blue pack is mostly water cards, but has good shit. The bottom one has a lot of spellcasters, which is good for yugi. The top one has a lot of great shit too, including sphere kuriboh which is big in the meta rn.
thanks for the info
>Using cards not included in either Duel Monsters or GX anime
Kill yourself jewish degenerate fagboi scumbags
oh shit I didn't pay attention and thought it was just another duel links thread like every day, my bad
anyway, thanks user
Spoonfeed me on why zodiacs, namely rat, are busted.
Sadly the nobel knight cards would still be uncompetitive even with proper support. They have the best card art though.
>best starter
>not d/d/d or MONARCHS
absurdly searchable one card combo into strong boards with the initial support, and VERY strong boards with the later support. I've also heard that someone found an FTK combo, but it requires building the deck for it as per norm.
It also can go into virtually any deck. OCG metagame has been using rat in absurd numbers, something like over 75% of tournament entries were using it or something like that.
And after you do the crazy combo, you still have cards in your hand to do shit with. You could set a bunch of traps, summon more shit, or just have stuff to respond to what your opponent does.
completely fucking castrated user.
There is no reason to play Monarchs anymore.
>sexy milf with black glove
I'm still a little mad because they looked kind of unique to play but then like half the deck was printed in secret rares. I know they got that deck whatever, but by that point their ship had sailed.
Not sure on the specific combo but you can xyz summon zodiacs with 1 materia. The problem card is molmorat. When it's detatched as material you can special summon 1 beast warrior from the deck, including itself. That effect isn't once per turn. This combined with the fact that people run terror tops to get into invoker to help summon rat as well as the deck being r4nk and splashable is why its meta
>started playing yugioh again after years
>mfw all this BEWD support
>there might be more coming
Blue Eyes was a tier 1 deck very recently
Fuck you, I wanted more support for Madolches and Ghost lolis. Not more dragon dicks
What's wrong with monarchs? A friend of mine told me to get into them a while back but I never did. I was just about to. What changed?
Same here man. I eventually got the deck when they released that box set, but only for collection purposes. Arthurian legend is my jam.
>implying dragons in general won't always walk the line of shit tier and absolutely busted.
Banlist hit them and now they are useless.
I mean they wouldn't be able to keep up with the powercreep anyway but still.
I guess konami didn't like that this cheap deck was doing so well
They were hit hard by the banlist. I honestly think they were hit too hard. Stormforth, Ehther, and Pantheism got limited. Limiting Pantheism was all that was needed to have it stop being meta relevant as the OCG has shown.
Their best cards got hit on the list
this will be your haoh tonight
I wish they would release all the tcg archetypes in platinum rare
I just got sonic bird for my ritual deck, so im pretty happy with it. Is it true they get rid of cards from old packs when new packs become available?
>tfw Sawatari would've beaten him if all the other idiots wouldn't have filled the graveyard
What broken stuff that Rats can pull out other than Drancia, R4NK variant which isn't that threatening and Synchros like Nat Beast? As far as I know it's just that.
who hype for the return of BES here?
Oh lawd not Stormforth. That was my favorite on the list. Pantheism deserved it I guess ;_;
I would have been sort of okay with only Pantheism being hit. Limited Stormforth completely kills the whole thing.
Well, thats the thing. R4 + loaded Drancia + extra cards in hand for free is just that good and consistent that is works out.
Though there is a meme R8 play.
Are there draft tournaments for yugioh?
Thoughts on this?
Started playing it myself recently, and it's surprisingly not shit
But then, this hits all the right nostalgia buttons for me, so maybe I'm biased.
I do think pairing this shit ALLLLLLLLLLL the way down to the point where viable decks can and often do use normal monsters (can you fucking imagine?!) feels incredibly refreshing
First set
>Spyral looked promising because they had potential to easily spam their monsters and a god-teir recruiter
>Subterror also looked promising because they have removal that banishes, a draw engine with a massive body, a quick-play recruiter and a searchable tenki that also works as an engine
Second set
>Support is lackluster, but Subterrors still get a recruiter, have ok protection in form of trap and a BOOK OF FUCKING ECLIPSE ON LEGS
>Spyrals got a recruiter that isn't even searchable that only searches 1 monster, a nearly impossible to summon monster,
>"b-but Spyrals are going to be a good deck"
>"y-you're just a subterror fanboy"
If you honestly thought that Spyrals still had potential after the second set, you're fucking delusional. Especially how it's obviously from day 1 that Konami is planning to do something with Subterrors because a ,ot of cards in that archtype is in a high rarity for some reason.
I wouldn't be surprised Subterrors either become the next Noble Knights or Prophecy 2013 levels of horseshit
Boring as hell.
I think everyone knew Pantheism was coming.
The rest was just overkill.
add me
I'll own u
Stormforth is the most cancer from Monarch.dek until Kaiju came
Shining finger?!
I am. Deck is pretty fun. My shitty GX era petdeck has now finally become a modern decent petdeck.
Just Kaiju Drancia or Ghost Ogre Tigress
ABC does the same shit
I do hope konami makes more support for gradius cards, I always loved them.
I wait for more Destiny Hero support
I already knew that spyrals won't be a tier 1 deck, it just feels like a slap in the face it isn't treated as a spyral monster
wait, is this an archetype now?
fuck, I want a deck with nothing but jet fighters
And there's more cards going to be revealed so this might not even be an issue
it's sorta been a series of cards but they don't have a whole lot of synergy together.
mecha phantom beast is probably more up your alley.
Wow, this game has changed quite a bit. Back when I played it, archetypes weren't even a thing.
yes back then archetypes didn't exist, it was mostly cookie cutter decks with all the best cards available. archetypes mostly came around the GX era when cybernetic revolution came.
i bet you played during chess archfiends
isn't the fact that you can't search for it using SPYRAL the entire point? Otherwise, the card would have to have its effect nerfed in some way
Except even if it was a Spyral monster it wouldn't even need to be nerfed at all because it still requires you to have a specific single card on the field just to bounce to something.
Kirin, this ain't.
I wish this starter wasn't expensive.
Is the Reiji starter deck any good?
Are HERO decks still a thing?
I don't care how outdated it is in terms of the current meta, this is a pretty fucking solid card all around; decent stats, and an effect that can shut down the effects of both flip effect monsters, and monsters with effects that activate from the graveyard.
It even fucks over Marshmelon users. I can't not love this guy.
Yes, because of the heroes strike structure deck
Best card and archtype
can anyone else even compete
>flip effect
It's a cool card but if it's not even useful it'll only makes you sad
left this game a long time ago, post the craziest card of the current meta
Loved that deck because it allowed you to pull off this motherfucker on turn 1 consistently.
meant for
*eek eek*
Call me when Infernity gets unfucked.
My favorite deck becomes tippity top dog for a short time and it was smacked down fast as fuck.
Had tons of fun while it lasted at least
This fucking Zarc shit has been the most boring final duel I have ever seen in Yu-Gi-Oh, It follows the same formula, isn't exciting and it's all completely pointless.
>Sora and Edo vs Zarc
>Shun and Kaito enter INTRUDER PENALTY
>Sora and Edo instantly get BTFO 2 seconds after
>Gon and Jack enter INTRUDER PENALTY
>Shun and Kaito instantly get BTFO 2 seconds later
>Sawatari and Crow enter INTRUDER PENALTY
>Gon and Jack instantly get BTFO 2 seconds later
>Leo shows up and enters INTRUDER PENALTY
>Sawatari and Crow instantly get BTFO 2 seconds later
I know Arc-V doesn't care anymore but holy shit
Perfect then for a terrible show.
I made the mistake of assuming it wouldn't get worse than that BB nonsense. I was wrong and I regret it.
They make yugioh monsters that are literally just normal real world humans now?
They're hardly "monsters" at that point now.
She is super agent, dude.
anyone here play legacy of the duelist on ps4? is it worth it without the dlc? its on sale but im not sure if its worth buying it.
Started playing duel links tho and its fun af. Cant wait to try the Pegasus event later today
yugioh always had humans as monsters
Like you know, Dark Magician.