is mediocre
Nice Mitsuru clone you have there retard, hope they patch in a personality eventually
She's literally nothing like Mitsuru though - did you play they game? Of course you didn't.
Anne is basically flawless, my only fear is that she might not like vidya or by extension, any of my hobbies.
>Junko rip-off minus the dispair
The artbook literally mentions she plays vidya as a hobby. It even specifies that she doesn't like mobile games.
>I completely forgot!
...Holy shit, what is this hole in my heart? Is... Is this loneliness? Knowing that flawless beauty only exists inside of my PS4?
Futaba's answer is cuter.
Just kill yourself, my man. If a girl like Anne exists, she's mine.
>identical file name style
this is sad to watch
>Implying I'm not doing this to bump the thread
I'll admit to it; I got no fucking shame. I mostly just use these threads to farm for rare Annes anyways.
How rare we talking
delay 7/13/17
This is a very rare Anne, potentially the only Anne I haven't laid eyes on.
If they fixed the font or added more shit I'd gladly wait for July.
Aw damn all these annes
i've played the game and really want April to come
not being able to discuss it with Sup Forums en masse is killing me. so many memes and potential memes out there waiting.
It's Ann, she isn't some kind of gaijin.
Her name is 杏 that absolutely doesn't translate as Anne
Clearly you don't speak Japanese or have any clue what you're talking about.
Her name is officially "Anne". All of Atlus JP's promo material, and the official artbook refers to her as "Anne". In Japan, if your name is Anne, you'll be called "アン" because of romanization, and if you decide to write アン in Kanji, you can use "杏" to do so. It's still an English name, just because the pronunciation is different when it's spoken by the Japanese doesn't change her name. A number of Japanese celebrities go by "Anne" in English speaking areas, and have their name written as "杏" in Japanese.
If Atlus USA want to use that logic of calling everyone the way the Japanese version does, why is Morgana not called "Morugana"? Or Arsene "Aruseinu"? Both of those are English names pronounced differently in Japanese. It's inconsistent localization that they didn't put much thought into and likely just changed her name 'for the hell of it'.
If you want to praise Atlus USA for their faithful translation of the character names, kindly explain why they're being so inconsistent with elongated vowel sounds; Keeping Yuuki and Niijima rather than making it Yuki or Nijima, but changing Yuusuke or Ryuuji to Yusuke and Ryuji.
The handling of character names feels like a total rush job for everyone, Anne included.