So this is the power of PC gaming. Whoa.
So this is the power of PC gaming. Whoa
>PC doesn't have good exclusiv--
>Panty Party is 96% positive
Doesn't that beat every single user review score for every PS4 game?
It's a nice game. It needs multiplayer, though.
Exclusives ONLY benefit the platform holder. Its an anti-consumer practice that consoltards have deluded themselves into believing as a good thing.
That's weird.
Maybe its based on region?
Fuck those softcore shit. WHERE IS MY EROGES GABEN.
This. They honest to god think the console companies are doing them a favor.
They even fight over which console is ruining gaming more as if they're competing for something positive.
These are the people who vote hilary.
These are the people who eat lies and spun stories like its fucking breakfast.
Mine are totally different to yours and OP's
My popular releases page looks completely different from yours OP. It can't be that they are the suggested ones for a weeb like you?