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Video Games #3656
Video Games
What games let me kill kids?
So we can all agree that this is the worst handheld Zelda, right?
Why aren't you playing PayDay 2 with your bros?
Your thoughts on this game ?
When's the next vidya controversy...
Wanna do a mosaic, Sup Forums?
Is there a game that beats Terraria when it comes to free and substantial content updates?
ITT: Games you didnt know had been released
What was he doing in here?
Jesus Christ is the only true King
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
What was the best time in history to be a gamer? Is it right now?
ITT: Post a photo of yourself and have Sup Forums guess your favorite videogame
ITT: games that have aged worse than milk
Post your score!
What is the best SMT game and why is it Nocturne?
Is this game worth it? Looks comfy
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
ITT: Best games in their respective genres
Yfw this kid has a better rig than u, whats your excuse?
Help getting a SWAT 4 server up
What are your thoughts on Duelyst?
Listen up, it's my last one. Get ready!
Anyone else looking forward to this?
V-video games were always expensi-
If you want to win so badly why don't you get out of quickplay and go do ranked?
So is this any good? I just finished reading the book, it was quite good. How's the game, and this Redux version...
How important are graphics to you? Will you pass over a game if it's too ugly?
Enclave here, why isn't your video feed working?
What do girl breasts feel like, Sup Forums?
Tfw pc master race
Just because you don't like him doesn't make him unrelated to video games, janitor-kun
ITT: Destroyed careers
What would a Bog video game play like?
After Bloodborne and Nioh, what's the PS4's 3rd game?
How much of a completionist are you in games?
Itt: bad games of 2017
Is he /our guy/?
For Honor
Do you prefer Megaman or Metroid?
Take a regular enemy
What are you playing Sup Forums?
What game is this?
What went wrong?
Torment tides of numenera
So what level are you Sup Forums?
Who is the most honest character in Smash 4?
Grand old mgs discussion thread
If Nintendo never interfered, this would have made it to Evo 2017, maybe even Evo 2016, replacing Melee...
Who is the main demographic for Playstation consoles?
This is the sexiest female in all of vidya. Prove me wrong
Hasn't been nerfed yet
Filename thread
If I never played Yakuza would buying Yakuza 0 be a smart decision? It looks fun, but what does it play like...
What are some games that look like 90's CGI?
What game had the best set of classes to choose from?
Jack Baker
10/10 RTS thread
Most publisher have killed couch split screen in an attempt to make every single player buy a copy of the game
What game has mixed wrestling like this?
Hey user, would you mind watching my glass of Water™? I'll be right back
You didn't forget about them this year, did you?
Choose your character
Did he do anything wrong?
Is NL /our guy/?
That younger kid that liked yoshi a bit to much
Ice world
What the hell happened with this?
What's the Most Expensive game, or game related item you own?
Corrin, did I ever tell you about the dragon Anankos? Anankos was one of the First Dragons...
How are fairly new emulators like Cemu, Citra, and PPSSPP able to make such rapid progress...
I think I'm tired of open world games. There's only so much fetch questing I can do
Will wrestling games ever be good again, or are they doomed to mediocrity?
Games only you have played
What is some "dadvidya"?
This is the best ME girl
Free Steam keys?
Is it possible, within a single lifetime, to play and beat every single commercially released video game ever made?
This fat bastard roller blades up to you and plants a bomb firmly on your gf's ass. What do you do?
Are Atelier games fun? This one is out on Steam in a little over a week so I am curious!
ITT: mosaics, good or bad
Can we talk about how great early FMV was?
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics
Hi there, Sup Forums!
Who's your favorite Disgaea generic and why is it Samurai?
What videogames do mexicans play?
Everyone says Yooka Laylee is going to be as good as Banjo Kazooie games. But nostalgia aside...
Which to play?
Battlestation thread
I'm going to marry Lady Haruka!
AMD is shit
What's the worst Sup Forums board?
Roadhog is balanced and fun
What does Sup Forums think of Legend of Grimrock?
Name a better racing game
Is he, dare I say it, /our guy/?
I feel bad for DS3 , how was From supposed to top this?
1-2 switch should have been bundled with the console. That is all
ITT Things you will never not be mad about
How do we revive the Horror genre, Sup Forums
The Xbone Controller has the best customization
Mandela Effect? Conspiracy?
Operation Touchdown
Predictions + "Leak" Thread
Jon Jafari going insane?
Idk wtf im even doing
I don't play newer games that much or know much about them but is Deadly Promotion any good?
I'm done. I'm moving on
What's a game you used to love but now dislike?
Tales of Berseria
Games that let me play as a masked fighter
Video game characters that would no longer be allowed into the United States
Since /vr/ doesn't accept it like its an LGBTQP+ stepson or something can we have a thread about the original Xbox?
Need steam game
Kingdom Hearts thread
Your first big disappointment
Kill the final boss with 1 HP left
Are gaming laptops still a meme, or are they a viable option now?
Are you going to buy 2B and 9S' game in the coming months?
You play as the main character when he was a kid in the prologue
Defend this
I aint giving you clicks nigger
Is the Dream Devourer the biggest FUCK YOU EVERYTHING YOU DID WAS MEANINGLESS in all of gaming?
What is Cemu hiding?
Is this the last actual RPG released this decade?
Firis is coming out soon. Is anyone excited for this game?
Defend this
So instead of yet another system for playing the same multi-plat games...
Who is the best SNK girl and why is it Leona?
Shitty Games With Good Music
Resident Evil Thread
He values pretty graphics over good performance
This guy walks up to your girlfriend and cuts her fingers off. What do you do?
Why is it still the most unique Mario game ever made? Tightest movement and controls in any 3d platformer...
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Go ahead and try to name a better ME girl
Find Junkrat ulting
What final homage to DS1 in The Ringed City would fuck you up the most?
What are some games that fit into the "so bad it's good" category?
Aight. So I fucked around and didn't preorder a switch, and its sold out everywhere. Am I fucked...
Who's ready for a mainline Pokemon game on switch? Whether it be the sun and moon sequel, a DPP remake...
What the fuck is his problem?
Not a streamer
Post your favorite speed runs
/Steam codes/
What kind of person were you like in high school Sup Forums?
Tell me Sup Forums, which are the best 2 players (co-op) games in the Gamecube?
What have these contributed to the vidya industry?
I hope they fix this before release
Webm thread
OK Sup Forums I'm really starting to like this game; but the airship Leviathan is fucking bullshit...
I want to get into CRPGs, what with the good stories and lots of player choice and all that...
HELLO Sup Forums!
"serious" Topic for once
ITT: Only the most patrician-tier platforms
Explain something to me, how can people bash the Switch for having shit specs...
Why aren't you playing a video game right now?
Have to download a gorillion of patches to make the game playable
This kid has a better rig than you what's your excuse
Open-world survival
Would you be willing to share information about the current status of the entertainment software you are working on?
Such Graphics
Would you fuck Tails?
Bleep bleep bleep bleep BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP
Xenoblade thread
Why is the "Sans is Ness" theory considered so ridiculous ?
One of these threads
Will there ever be a perfect high school simulator?
Why is it so much worse than the first two Primes?
Ask a Gamestop manager anything
What are some games where we can take a selfie
How do we make TF2 more popular than OverWatch bros?
>He listens to videogame music
These are the only two good FromSoftware games
Comfy OoT thread
Matpat Vs. Reggie on the Nintendo Switch
Is it just me or does this stupid shit look like a portable high chair for gamers...
What does Sup Forums think of the molded in RE7?
Will there ever be a Papers, Please 2?
Why did you kill her?
Filename Thread
Which expansion ruined WoW and why was it pic related?
The villain in the last game you played is posting on Sup Forums
Zelda Breath of the Wild mosaic time
Hot Vidya Chicks Thread
It just keeps getting worse for us Canadians
God fucking dammit, why can't Nintendo get their a b x y buttons straight. Keep the fucking layout the same on those...
Reminder that Resident Evil 7 can be beat in less than 24 hours and that you shouldn't pay full price for it
A 2D Mario metroidvania taking place throughout the entire Mushroom Kingdom
Alright niggas, its time for THE OREGON TRAIL
What do you think Sup Forums?
Speccy thread
Battlefied 1 is on sale, worth the money?
I'm about to go out for a drive. Should I pick this up?
Dragon quest
Overwatch players
What is the saddest scene in video games?
So it turns out this game is dogshit. Another one to go on the list of games Sup Forums has meme'd me into buying
I went shopping at quite literally the only computer store in my entire state that isn't best buy today
"he doesn't use texture packs"
What are some games with bears?
I think we can all relate to this episode, right guys?
Resident Evil game
Antagonist regrets everything he's done
Who's your favorite streamer?
OG XBox must-plays?
Why do gamers demand larger and larger open worlds?
Remember when the "Paper" in Paper Mario was just an artstyle choice and not DUDE EVERYTHING'S PAPER LMAO SCISSORS AND...
Hey Sup Forums. What's your favorite:
I just finished pic related and i was blown out the fucking water, what a great game. Im about to start tooie...
The call that killed Nintendo
They only stopped making games for the PS2 in 2013
H-how do you guys play horror games without getting too tense to keep playing?
Top 100 games of all time list
Favorite game you suck at
For Honor
I thought you guys said this place was hard. Not a single death
I'm still furious over this shit
What is 2B telling 9S?
There are children on this board that actually think the Switch wont supplant the 3DS
Game of the year 2017, incoming. What else is Sup Forums hyped for in the year to come?
Does Sup Forums draw video game sprites?
Tfw i purchased a n3ds xl and hacks it to get all the games i want
Hey, Sup Forums
Oh good, instead of a deep and complex team like the Normandy crew, we now have generic summer blockbuster team #4986
Why is his family so horny?
What's your feature list for future illusion games?
Sum up Sup Forums with one image
One game from your past will come back with a large active community that will last forever
Show a game with a better looking lightning
ITT:Post your iddle animation
What are some good games to play while on the shitter?
ITT: Terrible, piece of shit games
Playing FPS with a controller
Who's enjoying Yakuza 0?
Zero Escape Thread
Latest game revives the entire series to its former glory
ITT games that made you cry
Japanese devs on the Switch
This is the playstation vita. say something nice to it!
Is it only for gays?
What kind of games do Europeans enjoy?
Zelda BOTW loading time and title screen
Game lets you play as a snek
Why do controllers have such fucked up screws that you have to special order screw drivers for to even be able to...
What are your thoughts on the video game Wolfenstein, Sup Forums?
Weebs have good games made by weebs for weebs
I finally got a ps3. This is the only game I got. Am I good?
I like this game
ITT: Post a photo of yourself and have others guess your favorite videogame
I feel lonley guys, gaming has never been worse
What is the greatest twist in vidya?
Battlestation Thread
What am I in for?
Reminder that mascot platformers are back. Which one are you looking forward to most?
What's the My Hero Academia of vidya? Overwatch?
Underrail Thread
Filename thread
DmC definitive
Project Diva
Can this really be happening?
You did buy Aqua's game right user ?
Fire Emblem
Give me one good legitimate reason why didn't pre-order a Nintendo Switch...
Nobody knew who I was until I got cancelled
Finally got the beta up and running get your shit together Ubisoft
What are some other good Underlikes that I can play on PC?
New Gravity Rush thread since the moodyrators took down the last one
>1997 was 20 years ago
Everyone comparing the game to Outlast
Dawnguard or Vampires
Invite your friend over to play video games
Is the worst thing about it it's community?
THIS is the actual fucking title screen
In the end, was it better than nothing?
Tell me about pic related Sup Forums, how is it?
Name me a good **gameplay** that surpassed this masterpiece
There are people who wouldn't want to kiss, hug, marry, and make love to lucina
Can we expect a Star Fox on the Switch or did Zero kill the whole series?
Videogame Artists
Just for shit and giggles...
Tales of Berseria
Okay fuck you Sup Forums, I honestly considering to buy one of those. Before I do though I want honest answers...
The last video game you played gets a cutaway gag in Family Guy. What happens?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Good gameplay and creative missions
Tales of Berseria
Why is juri so lewd?
Hello darkness my old friend
What are some good PC Exclusives?
Digital Foundry Resident Evil 7
Female joins guild
What are you looking at?
Why do girls enjoy Zelda?
Why can't Bethesda simply hire the Chivalry devs to do the combat for them?
NieR Automata
Why is there so few jrpg with melancholic atmosphere?
Rate/Reaction Thread
How do we fix horror genre?
Can we agree this is an amazing game?
Watching Genesis 4
The worst thing ever conceived or created
When did you first realize Kojima cannot into writing?
"After you take me back to my place, how about we do some um, overtime?"
What are some games where I play as a law officer, Sup Forums?
There are literally people who chose some swamp dwelling hillbilly over protecting this smile
IIT: post a picture, anons recommend games based on it
So this update is out now. Will you play this game again?
What is the Sup Forumserdict?
I want a mother fucking Spyro thread. Which is your favorite? Favorite boss? Favorite level? Favorite soundtrack
Definitely the prime example that games can age
How's your YouTube Channel going Sup Forums
Which one is better. I want to play an MMO
What will the next Souls game be like?
I'm gonna play my Switch like this and there's nothing you can do to stop me
We all suffer. Then why we still hating on each other, Sup Forums?
Did you click it, Sup Forums?
I want to play as a viking and destroy shit. Recommend some games for me
This is my wife D.Va, she is so cute. Say something nice about her
5 dollars via paypal to whoever can name the game I can't remember
Skyrim Build
ITT: Punchable vidya characters
Yooka-Laylee won't be as good as Banjo-Kazooie. It won't even be as good as Tooie...
About to start this
Was 47's drumming supposed to be good or were they humoring him?
Who is the CookingWithJack of gaming?
Shit, I need more money for my gaming PC
Post in this thread if you like RE7
Are there any games like pic related, but also for PC?
Latin American videogame market is one the fastest growing in the world
John "Taking Goldstein to Castle Wolfenstein" Carmack
Speccy thread
Explain to me how TF2 is better than Overwatch
.IO games
Do you think Miyamoto's going to learn anything from this game being a failure?
Those graphics
Your GOTY 2016
Fire Emblem
Gravity Rush thread?
What made them so big and active
Liking Sonic characters in a sexual manner is a sign that you have a mental illness...
See all these threads about hacking your 3ds
ITT: vidya characters with weird name pronounces. Ex. Quistis, wee-stees. Ixion, ex-e-on
Are you upgrading your PC this year? Tell us about it. Let's discuss gaymen PC upgrades
What are some video games with an expansive backstory?
Now that the dust has settled, was this the most useless console of all time?
I've never played this game, is it worth buying and spending time on?
Lets try making a 3x3 thread again
What vidya did you play today?
Pass me the press turns, bro
So, which ones are gonna be gay?
What is your favorite design style Sup Forums?
In this thread we post the best games on their respective consoles
This shit's too hard
Try to find a better final boss theme. I dare you
What does Sup Forums think about theme park sims
How did you feel when you found that wasn't actually her underwear?
Why is sony shooting themselves in the foot?
What's the proper way to design female armor in video games?
Guys the beta is out and you have probably either played it or watched it
Unpopular Opinions Thread
Low spec games for shitty pc/laptop
I have a HTC Vive coming in the mail. What are the go-to games for it in your opinion?
Yakuza Zero thread
Be honest, Sup Forums. How long do you play a game before you alt-tab out to browse Sup Forums or check out other sites?
Post the 5 top games you absolutely hate
Forget all that bullshit about movies and Fox and X-Men or whatever, what characters do you WANT to see in the game?
Is it good?
Did it really deserve all those awards?
Are there any other turn based RPGs as interactive with the battles as the Mario RPG series...
Which franchise has the better music?
Space Engine
Let's do it
ITT post the objectively best weapon from the last game you played
Smash (sm4sh) Sup Forumseekend
Will a better mario kart ever be released or is this it ?
Mfw smash players call casuals "friendlies"
What did he mean by this?
Why does Sup Forums hate this game so much?
What did they mean by this
Will there ever be a game to replace TF2?
Heroine Rumble
ITT: Bosses you could never beat as a child
Every. Single. Game
So this fucking faggot survives?
So this isn't really a Resident Evil game, it's just a Heavy Rain/Until Dawn kind of garbage, right?
This is a Japanese killbot
Wesker vs. Neo vs. John Preston?
Most retarded kick ever
Will this come to the xbone or pc bros? I don't own a ps4 and i really want to play it
Inferior specs to the non-upgraded base versions of competing hardware
3 days from release
Blizzard are a bunch of fucking jews
If im looking to jump on the ps4 train now, is it even worth it to buy a pro...
1080p, 60fps
What are some games that let me call little kids ugly?
What games have the most satisfying violence?
Join a public game
The call that saved Nintendo
How does it feel to own a console that nobody plays and that has no games?
Grove Street
ITT Unpopular Vidya Opinions
STR vs DEX is fucking stupid, the real question is STR or INT
Why is every single FPS game so shit these days?
Year of our lord 2017
Shitty MS Paint Vidya
Retard destroys a Xbox Original Alpha Tower for the sake of a shitty PCMR Memepost on leddit
What will the next souls be?
How many times has censoring a game affected the gameplay and not just an item that pleases your dick?
How is this game? Thinking of getting this or WE WUZ SOLDIAZ
Game has a soundtrack that you listen to all the time
Why are so many remakes and re-releases worse than the original?
When did you realize PC gaming is dead?
How could you buff him without fucking balance?
Pillars of eternity 2
Can we split Sup Forums into /vj/ and /vw/?
Reminder that the current President of the USA ripped off his campaign from a japanese video game
Vi sitter här i venten
Screenshot thread
Military FPS/Tactical Shooter Thread
Is he right?
Dark Souls 2
I just preordered a game for the first time in my life. It better be worth it. If not then I'll be coming for your ass...
Friendly reminder that these are the types of people who say "Sonic was never good"
Enter username
I never thought dark souls had the same magic, this is the last game I loved, I got slaughtered but still continued...
This game is so much fun
Given how contrarian this board is, is this already considered the best FF here? if not, how long it'll take...
You could totally beat up a horse
Jesus christ Sup Forums, I'm so fucking bored and I don't want this weekend to go to waste...
Why is this game so expensive? Resident Evil 7 is cheaper than this, along with most other big budget titles...
Perfect games just doesn't exi-
FFXIV Thread
Is Sonic a "poochie"?
What's Sup Forums opinion on this game?
So what's your favorite Pokemon from this generation?
Tales of Berseria
Puzzles are harder than the gameplay
And this is our son. He's quite good at computers
How's that gaming channel coming along Sup Forums
The game starts out really strong...
Perfect girls don't exi-
ITT: You're in charge of making a Harry Potter game. Full control over the project. What kind of game is it?
What went wrong
Yfw you don't see your name on the popularity voting ballet
Was it shit?
Is Bloodborne a "Masterpiece"?
Between these two, which is a better entry into the series. Trying to decide
I never owned a ds, but have a 3DS. What gems did I miss? Already bought Chrono Trigger
First time Skyrim stories
Hopefully 2017 is the return of mascot platformers
I appreciate I'm a little late to the party, having only recently got my PS4 back this week...
This is your party in the last RPG you played. How fucked are you?
Yuri in vydia
Character creation
So... does no one know how to play this dumb bitch yet? Or is she just bad?
He actually unironically preordered this
Was the merger of Bandai and Namco the single worst thing that has ever happened to video gaming?
The other day I was bitten by a dog several times and I won't be able to use my left hand for the next weeks
Would Sup Forums play a GTA set in Tokyo?
New Vegas thread
Things that made you cancel your preorder
Why were you so upset when Rogue One retconned one (1) mission of this game?
The Witcher
Anyone know any Games like Valkyria chronicles?
No clothes
Strategy Games
Sup Forums praised this series for years as something with deep and interesting mechanics
Mortal Kombat > Street Fighter. I challenge you to prove me otherwise
Post your top 5 games
Woah... what if... Family-friendly characters were edgy and mean?! LMAO
What's the shittiest accessory/controller you own?
Crypt of the Necrodancer
This board is getting pretty hectic, and clearly some people don't know how it be
Aww shit, this motherfucker is about to enter your mental world
Convince me not to buy this game
Torment is a scam
Post hard moral choices in vidya
Pro's and con's of RE7?
You're all going to romance Cora in Mass Effect Andromeda, right?
Monster Hunter is garbage
What other videogame developers have fell victim to the plague known as internet memes?
Risk of Rain
Character creation allows heterochromia
What is the most stylish video game?
What are your thoughts on Splatoon's expanded character creation options?
I really miss him
Who do I mail at capcom to request a PC/ps4 port of MH...
It's not really that good and it's why it didn't sell well
Can we have a WebM thread?
Zelda is sad. Say something nice to cheer her up
Still no crack
Are you concerned about Breath of the Wilds empty world?
Why do gamers suck majora's dick so much?
Post them
Have you worshipped your Goddess today?
Reminder that if your average steam achievement completion rate is less than 91% you are a literal subhuman
Man, fuck modern gaming, it's nothing but rehashes. What happened to taking some risks? Trying something new?
What is the skelly saying v?
That obscure lets player or e-celeb you follow on Youtube has gotten too many subscribers and is becoming a normie
Which is better?
Link dies
Is the Switch Pro Controller the best in this image?
Shoot red barrel
Is it me or Switch is gonna be a big success in Japan?
Just got one of these, what the fuck do I play on it?
Is there anything more brutal that Brutal Doom?
Does anyone else think that it's a waste of talent for Carmack to be at Oculus?
Times when Sup Forums chose wrong
So for those of you who will buy a Switch, which of the Switch exclusives will you pick up?
How in the fuck did they manage to make an open world, cell shaded game on the original DS?
Game has unskippable credits
Draw yoshi with your eyes closed
Enemies can climb ladders
ITT: we summarize a series' types of fans
Can you justify paid online?
Never played a Ratchet and Clank game before
Why aren't you cunts mad that a honky is the main character in a game about samurai?
It was an INTENTIONAL decision
Va11 hall-a
Vidya Autism Thread
I'm a fan of the Souls series. Would I like this?
Sup, Sup Forums. I want to get into the Ys series. Which games should i get...
I was an anchor, you know?
1. best fighting game for a newbie to start playing?
Go on, right now
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
Polskie gry są najlepsze
No quarians
NieR Automata
Why do gen-Z kids prefer watching others play vidya over playing it themselves?
What will go wrong?
It's okay when Nintendo does it
Wow players
Are they, dare I say it, back?
Nintendo copies Sony with no region-lock, and paid online, and now they're also copying the cases LOL
Just a heads up, a very public and very easy to find Aimbot+ESP hack (wallhack) was just released for Overwatch...
Easy mode is too easy
Why are there so many bonfires in this game?
The Legend of Shit Breath of the Shit
Vidya opinions that legit make you mad
So, which did you vote for?
Looking for gameplay footage in 2017
Was there any other vydia player that gained as much popularity as Zezima?
Not Canon
What are some nice cooking games?
Does gaming still give you joy?
Which Great House should I join?
Gaming PC case mods
I love this game
Fit Impa or Fat Impa?
Post weird shit you have at home
Team Fortress 2 is dying
Ok so I played until the moment where Mia cuts off your hand and you have to shoot her
Killed the Wii U
Hey Sup Forums, I've noticed that most people on Sup Forums have a negative attitude towards Fallout 4...
Using Debit card infomation on G2A
Tails in Games
I've recently beaten HuniePop on 100% again...
So this is the power of PC gaming. Whoa
There's literally no reason for you to not be working on a skit right now
Would you rather:
Why does this suck so much lmao
Be honest, do you want an avatar?
Criminally underused weapons in vidya
Horizon Zero Dawn
Realy makes you think
Lol chill bro it's just quickplay xD
Bullets don't go where you aim
What are some games that allow me to be evil?
What should I expect?
Make it vidya
ITT: Surprisingly Official Art
JonTron lost 114k+ subscribers
PS4 Pro, Xbone or Switch?
Should freedom of expression assure that Japan can continue making games like this?
Admit it Sup Forums, it's better than TF2
Webm thread
ITT the easiest no-brain characters in their respective games
Sup Forums gets hyped for a game for months
What does Sup Forums think of F.E.A.R. ?
Am I the only one that unironically finds Miranda Lawson attractive? I don't know what it is...
G-guys... why does one of my settlers never sleep and keep farming at night?
Zelda BotW downgrade
What's the best type of pistol, and why is it the revolver?
Walk through water
Name a better TR game
I have a question about Dark Souls lore
What a fucking idiot
How did everything go so right?
Le "I hate romances" Sup Forums meme
Gravity Rush 2 Kat
Finish a game
What's your score Sup Forums?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...