This is your party in the last RPG you played. How fucked are you?

This is your party in the last RPG you played. How fucked are you?

Other urls found in this thread:

>diablo 3
>crusader, two wizards, and me as barb

Not a great party.


Everything sort of stays the same

> KH 3D

Atleast they're not Donald.

I'm fine with just Aqua

With these useless idiots as your team you couldn't even beat the simplest of games.

>Tokyo Mirage Sessions

I guess they kinda fit.

I'm not fucked, but they will be

This dumb sluts cant compare to the Chocobros

>Dark Souls 3

Aqua is too dumb to not get herself killed. Darkness is good for agro I guess, but she's going to try to get herself violated in a world with zero sex drive. Megumin is utterly defenseless, but she could probably take out entire locations/boss areas from afar.